Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well! This is another fine mess you've gotten us into!

View attachment 3163205
Doobie I LOVE IT ! When my girl gets home I'm going to see if she can extract it in full form. That will be a wall hanging for sure when she see's it. I have kids she doesn't and them 2 are spoiled worse than any kid by here.

That was before I seen silent bob and jay, extremely funny shiet right there. I'm with doc on the +++++++++REP. The funny part is the dog in my avatar lets my kids dress her up. She even has a tiger print leather winter coat.
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Well-Known Member
Damn jimmer, that's a fat ass boxer! Time for a diet.
We have tried everything with that dog. We have even mixed pumpkin in with her food on request of the vet to satisfy her. It got to the point of, when we force I diet on her, she's miserable and whining the whole time. So we figure she only haves a couple more years to go so why not let her be happy. I still keep her in check with what she eats just a very strict regimen.


Well-Known Member
I started getting my room ready by hanging the cooltube and running the ducting. I'm not really happy with having the filter there because it's so tall. It might stay where it is though because it frees up floor space. It puts the center of the bulb at 44" from the floor and that seems too high to me. I'd like it to be lower than that. IMAG0950.jpg