Before the gun control nuts come out of the woodwork

As much as I hate to say this, UncleBuck is correct. The automatic gun has made mass murder possible in numbers that aren't possible without repeating firearms with high ammunition capacity.

The next on the list, cross bow? A sword?

I mean, if you got on a crowded elevator in a big city with a dozen or so people you could rack up a body count with a sword.

A cross bow isn't as lethal as a Glock 19.

He and I disagree on what to do about it though. That ship has sailed, we can't uncork guns. They are with us forever.

If 1 in 10 citizens nation wide carried mass shootings would be limited to 2 or 3 victims before the guy was put down.
As much as I hate to say this, UncleBuck is correct. The automatic gun has made mass murder possible in numbers that aren't possible without repeating firearms with high ammunition capacity.

The next on the list, cross bow? A sword?

I mean, if you got on a crowded elevator in a big city with a dozen or so people you could rack up a body count with a sword.

A cross bow isn't as lethal as a Glock 19.

He and I disagree on what to do about it though. That ship has sailed, we can't uncork guns. They are with us forever.

If 1 in 10 citizens nation wide carried mass shootings would be limited to 2 or 3 victims before the guy was put down.

Bombs are a good one.
He and I disagree on what to do about it though. That ship has sailed, we can't uncork guns. They are with us forever.

they sure are with us forever, nothing wrong with that. but so is anthrax, and we don't see many people mass murdering with anthrax.

we could look to nations like australia and take a hint, but who wants to do that? we can just ignore the mass murders pretty well if they happen often enough, no biggie.
they sure are with us forever, nothing wrong with that. but so is anthrax, and we don't see many people mass murdering with anthrax.

we could look to nations like australia and take a hint, but who wants to do that? we can just ignore the mass murders pretty well if they happen often enough, no biggie.
I truly think our culture is just as guilty as the prevalence of guns.

We could look to Australia, but they don't have the numbers of guns we do, nor borders.
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the scoops are on there way........
Soylent Green?CLASSIC
i know what that word means. i also know what "abridging" means, but i also understand that not all speech is protected.

you should look at what the SCOTUS ha had to say before opening your mouth to remove all doubt.
and just what did the SCOTUS have to say? tell me and then piss off. why is everyone so fucking mean?
we talkin' bout guns (and proper punctuation/capitalization) yo.
aint no love in 'dis bitch.
we gotta get these mothafuckers to leave our guns alone, no matter how many people get whacked by psychos. i guess deese negros dont know what the word 'infringe' means

Careful, Buck the anti-racist might call you an Uncle Tom.
As much as I hate to say this, UncleBuck is correct. The automatic gun has made mass murder possible in numbers that aren't possible without repeating firearms with high ammunition capacity.

The next on the list, cross bow? A sword?

I mean, if you got on a crowded elevator in a big city with a dozen or so people you could rack up a body count with a sword.

A cross bow isn't as lethal as a Glock 19.

He and I disagree on what to do about it though. That ship has sailed, we can't uncork guns. They are with us forever.

If 1 in 10 citizens nation wide carried mass shootings would be limited to 2 or 3 victims before the guy was put down.
A crossbow is actually far more lethal than a Glock 19, it just has a much lower rate of fire.

Stringed weapons have come along way since "The Lord of the Rings", Id rather take a bullet than a bolt.
and the more sophisticated weapons we have, the higher the number of casualties will come from these violent psychopaths. i swear the media broadcasts shit like this more than anything else to get people to become sympathetic to their agenda so that they can further and further 'abridge' our rights until there is nothing left:
machine guns will be too dangerous--> they will be restricted
high caliber ammo will be too dangerous-> that'll go too
then the next time some psycho offs 20 people with a pistol, they will push to ban handguns
the solution to our problem is NOT the infringement--excuse me, abridgment of our rights. its in fixing the social conditions that create these monsters: better medicine, better education, harsher penalties ie. death for first time, deliberate, violent offenses (barring special circumstances).

if we have to turn in or register our 'assault' rifles then why not require all homosexuals to register? id feel safer if i knew who all the gays were because we all know that you have to watch your parts around gays because anyone who is gay and the same gender as you... 'wants' you. and why not have all proponents of abortion registered? i certainly dont want my neighbor to run around 'aborting' other people's fetuses
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and the more sophisticated weapons we have, the higher the number of casualties will come from these violent psychopaths. i swear the media broadcasts shit like this more than anything else to get people to become sympathetic to their agenda so that they can further and further 'abridge' our rights until there is nothing left:
machine guns will be too dangerous--> they will be restricted
high caliber ammo will be too dangerous-> that'll go too
then the next time some psycho offs 20 people with a pistol, they will push to ban handguns
the solution to our problem is NOT the infringement--excuse me, abridgment of our rights. its in fixing the social conditions that create these monsters: better medicine, better education, harsher penalties ie. death for first time, deliberate, violent offenses (barring special circumstances).

if we have to turn in or register our 'assault' rifles then why not require all homosexuals to register? id feel safer if i knew who all the gays were because we all know that you have to watch your parts around gays because anyone who is gay and the same gender as you... 'wants' you. and why not have all proponents of abortion registered? i certainly dont want my neighbor to run around 'aborting' fetuses
Typical American Solution to every problem:

"Kill it..."

Kind of ironic that youre Pro-life and Pro-Death Penalty at the same time, how do you rationalise such cognitive dissonance?
Typical American Solution to every problem:

"Kill it..."

Kind of ironic that youre Pro-life and Pro-Death Penalty at the same time, how do you rationalise such cognitive dissonance?

nice to meet you. im not pro life, im pro choice; i dont believe in forcing anyone to do anything. besides, pro life and pro death penalty is NOT cognitive dissonance. one is a fetus, the other is a fucking criminal. nice strawman though.

besides, what is the alternative?
nurture the plauge in a 'correctional facility' using money that was stolen from 'citizens' in the form of taxation? provide them with a criminal record, making it that much harder for them to get employment and thus ensuring that they leave the facility more desperate (and likely having learned a thing or two from other criminals they have spent time with) than when they went in, practically guaranteeing that they will end up repeat offenders? if im not making sense here, let me know ( i can do snarky, dont be mean though)
nice to meet you. im not pro life, im pro choice; i dont believe in forcing anyone to do anything. besides, pro life and pro death penalty is NOT cognitive dissonance. one is a fetus, the other is a fucking criminal. nice strawman though.
You said you didnt want your neighbour running around aborting fetuses...sounds pro-life to me.
You said you didnt want your neighbour running around aborting fetuses...sounds pro-life to me.
i should have specified; OTHER people's fetuses. the point was that just because you own a machine gun, you arent necessarily going to commit mass murder. people with mental issues do that. so dont take away the gun, its just a tool. i could get gay raped, but i dont want homosexuals to have to register with the gub-mint
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i should have specified; OTHER people's fetuses. the point was that just because you own a machine gun, you arent necessarily going to commit mass murder. people with mental issues do that. so dont take away the gun, its just a tool. i could gay raped, but i dont want homosexuals to have to register with the gub-mint
Doer doesnt need a gun for mass murder, all he needs is a quarry...retort?
so anything that has the potential for death-dealing ballistics should be banned?
lets ban chuck norris' fists!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We should just ban black people, they statistically cause over 70% of the crime whilst only having twenty-something percent of the population.

That would probably be a better result than banning the guns they use.