Scentless Indoor Grow?


Well-Known Member
So I got my documents signed and will be getting a hard copy of my card soon so I'll be legal to throw 12 plants up. Surprisingly the hardest part was talking my Fiance into letting me grow in the house. Because of her upbringing, unfortunately, it's been quite a battle to open her eyes to cannabis, and took over 5 years just be able to smoke it without a fight each time - but we made it, she's given me the green light and I'm going to get started growing real soon.

My issue lies with the smell...So I won the battle with being able to grow - even got her to watch documentaries about the real benefits of marijuana, both medically and economically, and everything is on the right track. The only problem is she absolutely hates the smell (pretty sure this is a mental thing, like thinking something will taste bad before you even put it in your mouth kinda thing) - So I was curious if you could grow in a tent - indoors - and use a carbon filtration system or something to remove the scent completely while the tent was closed...ofc when you open it a nice cloud of danky odor will roll out, but that's not going to be a huge issue as long as for the most part you don't smell weed 24/7. Any thoughts?

PS: The reason I'm really concerned is because back in my teens I had a couple plants and the entire house reeked from the moment you walked in the door, and those weren't even close to as potent as the stuff I'll be growing now.

All suggestions are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Shit is this one of those things every noob asks and people just don't reply cuz they want you to use the search button? Lmao. I'm not a good searcherer...give me a hand ;)


Well-Known Member
The right size carbon filtration system for the room takes care of the problem. No whole house smell, can't have company over. They do diminish over time so you'll have to replace the carbon or buy a new filter(the nose will tell you when its time). Mine last a couple years with constant use.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Carbon filter for sure

If you find you still have a problem you can use an Ona bucket, it works great to remove the smell and it smell like fresh linen


Well-Known Member
The right size carbon filtration system for the room takes care of the problem. No whole house smell, can't have company over. They do diminish over time so you'll have to replace the carbon or buy a new filter(the nose will tell you when its time). Mine last a couple years with constant use.
Carbon filter for sure

If you find you still have a problem you can use an Ona bucket, it works great to remove the smell and it smell like fresh linen
Thanks for the replies. As long as the smell stays in the basement I'll be good - just can't have the house smell like we're hotboxing it 24/7


Well-Known Member
Thanks man - Ona bucket looks simple enough to make. So basically send all the air out of the tent through a carbon filter, and set one of these buckets outside the tent near the ventilation hole? Is there any adverse / negative effects on plants caused by Ona, or is it relatively safe to have near the plants? Thx for the tip


Well-Known Member
Shit is this one of those things every noob asks and people just don't reply cuz they want you to use the search button? Lmao. I'm not a good searcherer...give me a hand ;)
How can you be a well known member and just now starting to grow?


Well-Known Member
How can you be a well known member and just now starting to grow?
Just that guy... ;)

No I joined up in 2008 when I was more interested in just getting baked and not the art of growing. Actually most of my early threads / discussions were quite immature boasts about taking RC's and shit, and not even marijuana related. I've tried to grow twice previously, got in a fight w/ my girl and she murdered them during preflower - 2nd time got in trouble w/ the law (not for growing), etc ,etc...I wasn't there to finish them. Long story short I've matured a little and am now legal to grow, so I want to get my hands dirty...literally.


Well-Known Member
Don't waste your time or money just get a nice fan and filter and be done with it. It's all that really works. Spend good money once!


Well-Known Member
Just that guy... ;)

No I joined up in 2008 when I was more interested in just getting baked and not the art of growing. Actually most of my early threads / discussions were quite immature boasts about taking RC's and shit, and not even marijuana related. I've tried to grow twice previously, got in a fight w/ my girl and she murdered them during preflower - 2nd time got in trouble w/ the law (not for growing), etc ,etc...I wasn't there to finish them. Long story short I've matured a little and am now legal to grow, so I want to get my hands dirty...literally.
Our women can throw road blocks at us at every turn. A bunch of growers tend to go through this at one time or another. Treat her like she is your only reason for taking your next breath. Dont talk about your grow with her unless she shows positive intrest. Usually the less u show intrest in the females in the closet and the more u show the one in the bed next to you helps quite a bit.
If your excited about whats going on inside your garden get on here and tell us all about it. And dont skimp on the pics lol. Good luck dude.


Well-Known Member

Our women can throw road blocks at us at every turn. A bunch of growers tend to go through this at one time or another. Treat her like she is your only reason for taking your next breath. Dont talk about your grow with her unless she shows positive intrest. Usually the less u show intrest in the females in the closet and the more u show the one in the bed next to you helps quite a bit.
If your excited about whats going on inside your garden get on here and tell us all about it. And dont skimp on the pics lol. Good luck dude.
Hey I appreciate it man. Unfortunately she still won't show much interest or even positivity about the subject - it's become more of a tolerance than an acceptance from her, but I'll take it over the alternative of no MJ or no GF. It's pretty difficult to share your whole life w/ someone and at the same time not be able to even discuss something you're as passionate about as I am with MJ. Spot on advice - at least I can share my excitement w/ the RIU homies!

Annnnnyways I'll def be dropping pictures when the project starts rolling out. Keep an eye out ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey I appreciate it man. Unfortunately she still won't show much interest or even positivity about the subject - it's become more of a tolerance than an acceptance from her, but I'll take it over the alternative. Spot on advice - at least I can share my excitement w/ the RIU homies! It's pretty difficult to share your whole life w/ someone and at the same time not be able to even discuss something you're as passionate about as I am with MJ.

Annnnnyways I'll def be dropping pictures when the project starts rolling out. Keep an eye out ;)
Yeah man you are gonna be way better off staying quiet at home. You can talk shop with us. You should check out my "quiet" grow journal in the meantime lol.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Ona is for altering scent further away (buffer areas) from plants, like near doorways or porches. maybe for an occasion, ie mother in law.. see, nobody wants that fresh linen scent that ona will impart. normally I won't recc this product. carbon.. scrubbing and exhaust. helps toonly run one light w/ a few plants for medicinal


Well-Known Member
Alright things are coming together. Ordered seeds, lights, vent / fan combo, humidity monitor, timers, and a grow tent. Just need to grab some pots, figure out my mix and nutes situation, set it all up n start a journal :)