Whats a fair split between partners?


Active Member
Lets say a partner gives you some seeds. You grow them from start on your own with all your own resources until they are ready to put outside.

You do the majority of the heavy lifting and dragging of supplies/soil to your spot, with your partner only helping. Your partner drives you out to check on them, but isn't really needed with any work being done on the plants due to inexperience.

You do the drying, curing, and sell the final product.

The partner has basically only supplied the seeds, rides, oversight (that wasn't entirely needed), and money for pots and soil outdoors. While you have grown them start to finish and done basically all of the work. They still see this as a 50/50 partnership.

What is a fair agreement?
With out his seeds, his money for dirt, most of all his ride to them, you would have a 50-50 split of nothing. That's why it is a partnership, you each had something to bring to the table the other didn't. If you didn't need him for this, you would have done it all yourself, and kept all the money since thats what you want,.
Hopefully you weren't friends before being partners because you will most likely be neither before its all said and done.

The best partnership is one that has the split spelled out explicitly before any work is done.

In this case, I would say a 40/60 split is as high as you should go .i.e. anything more to your partner isn't fair to you, based on what you've said.
With out his seeds, his money for dirt, most of all his ride to them, you would have a 50-50 split of nothing. That's why it is a partnership, you each had something to bring to the table the other didn't. If you didn't need him for this, you would have done it all yourself, and kept all the money since thats what you want,.
Well thing is we are still early on this... only first stage or so but now I've realised how much work im actually doing. I honestly don't need him for rides, or
With out his seeds, his money for dirt, most of all his ride to them, you would have a 50-50 split of nothing. That's why it is a partnership, you each had something to bring to the table the other didn't. If you didn't need him for this, you would have done it all yourself, and kept all the money since thats what you want,.

Its still extremely early on this, but that will be the division of labour in the end. I honestly don't need him for rides, soil, or anything. Only reason a partner ship was kind of formed was when i asked him for seeds.

We never discussed the pay, but it was kind of assumed it was 50/50.

I am just now realising i will be doing everything, when id much rather pay him off for the seeds and do it solo, but i know he'd be pissed. Hes a good friend and i trust him but it just doesn't seem fair to me honestly.

I have to call this guy for days just to arrange a ride, it's not like he's there to help anyways. Im already behind schedule due to this.
Give him his split & go your own way.........why did you have a partner to start with?

I just needed seeds and an extra bit of help if need be. Only now i realise i really don't need help and i will be doing everything. I literally could do this all by myself no problem and basically am anyways. But when all is said and done i will have to give half of everything to him.
....I think your name says it all!

Whatever you agreed on is what the split should be.
But we agreed that he would have to actually put in the work. Things like lugging supplies, spending time at the site guarding, and stuff like that. Only now i realise he can't physically lug anything. Nor will he be going out to check on stuff. Takes me a day or two just to arrange a ride with him.

Was supposed to be an equal amount of work, and its annoying me how much ive had to do but just because they were his seeds he is entitled to half the benefits?
I just needed seeds and an extra bit of help if need be. Only now i realise i really don't need help and i will be doing everything. I literally could do this all by myself no problem and basically am anyways. But when all is said and done i will have to give half of everything to him.
Lesson learned.....good man
I'm an old man, I sometimes take on young partners, just because I can't do the heavy lifting. That may be why he chose you to partner with. He may feel he earned his in other ways. Did you pay for gas? Car insurans? Tires?.....you see
I'm an old man, I sometimes take on young partners, just because I can't do the heavy lifting. That may be why he chose you to partner with. He may feel he earned his in other ways. Did you pay for gas? Car insurans? Tires?.....you see
They dont pay anything for their vehicle. Its free because its not theirs. They also said they were going to bust their butt and now its difficult to even get ahold of them when i need to discuss things. Let alone them bust their butt doing anything.

Theres no chance im going to screw them over, but after over a month of daily work, its just annoying that they reap the same benefits. I know i feel greedy saying it but damn, its hard work and it sucks lol
I just needed seeds and an extra bit of help if need be. Only now i realise i really don't need help and i will be doing everything. I literally could do this all by myself no problem and basically am anyways. But when all is said and done i will have to give half of everything to him.

Time to have a 'come to Jesus' conversation. Tell him his you feel, lay out the work involved and be clear that you're not moving forward on an assumption of 50/50 under current circumstances.

Then, listen to him. Moving forward will be accomplished best by listening to one another and being friends first and 'partners' second. It will not be an easy conversation at any time, but the sooner you have it the easier it will be.

The worst possible outcome is that you find out that he thinks he gets half the benefits without doing anything- and refuses to budge. Then, you have the gift of knowing your 'friend' isn't worth your time.
Dude. If this person is a trusted and close friend, you should have no problem settling with the sacrifice of doing more work. Yeah, it should be different in the future, but at least the 50% is going to a close friend, not someone who's strictly a partner. PLUS, you'll probably smoke a shit ton together.

Idk how your friends are, but I do shit for my friends and they get me back. We don't keep score, we just remain kind and generous.