de nada mi amigo!muchas gracias
mexican ramen! fucken eh!Buxie pengyou...
SAPPORO ICHIBAN YOOooooooo ...ichiban yoooo...ichiban yooo...ichiban yooo
I've been mentally scarred by that commercial since I was a child.mexican ramen! fucken eh!
fucking brilliant! it's in my head like a bad viral jingle...I've been mentally scarred by that commercial since I was a child.
It will haunt me to my grave (or reasonable facsimile). That voice of her's just echoes throughout my brain, spontaneously. It's a piece of marketing genius!
You see? This shit is dangerous...I almost regret posting it.fucking brilliant! it's in my head like a bad viral jingle...
GOJIRA! please save us from MUTO!You see? This shit is dangerous...I almost regret posting it.
How many people will suffer by my naive cracking of the lid to Pandora's (Bento) Box?
Only a thorough sterilization and quarantine by a mod can save us now!
Or maybe Godzilla...
I will start by saying first and foremost I was not raised to dislike anyone. I was raised by my mother after my father died and she was a saint. She worked at an Episcopal church and never had a bad thing to say about anyone.
I grew up in the beach cities of Los Angeles and although I was exposed to people of various ethnic backgrounds I grew up in a predominately white neighborhood. I can not think of any instance where race was really an issue, except one time a car load of Hispanic folks yelled something at me and I flipped them the bird. They turned around and were hassling me and one of them punched me in the face. A car stopped and a couple guys came to my rescue and the Mexican folks ran off.
So I know that it was not an environmental cause so I must have been born this way.
I can remember as a little kid watching Batman and the episode where cat woman is played by Ertha Kitt and he kisses her. I may have been 6 or 7 at the time and can remember thinking to myself why is he kissing her Shes Black!
I also thought that Archie Bunker was the smart one and that Meat Head was the dumb one.
I understand that it is not a good way to look at the world and when I have negative thoughts I try to tell myself that it is not right to think that way.
Like when I went to the urgent care and the Doctor walks in and he is from India, in the back of my head I am like "Oh great here we go"
Well there you are, when a person starts a sentence saying "I am not a racist but..." they are
I will start by saying first and foremost I was not raised to dislike anyone. I was raised by my mother after my father died and she was a saint. She worked at an Episcopal church and never had a bad thing to say about anyone.
I grew up in the beach cities of Los Angeles and although I was exposed to people of various ethnic backgrounds I grew up in a predominately white neighborhood. I can not think of any instance where race was really an issue, except one time a car load of Hispanic folks yelled something at me and I flipped them the bird. They turned around and were hassling me and one of them punched me in the face. A car stopped and a couple guys came to my rescue and the Mexican folks ran off.
So I know that it was not an environmental cause so I must have been born this way.
I can remember as a little kid watching Batman and the episode where cat woman is played by Ertha Kitt and he kisses her. I may have been 6 or 7 at the time and can remember thinking to myself why is he kissing her Shes Black!
I also thought that Archie Bunker was the smart one and that Meat Head was the dumb one.
I understand that it is not a good way to look at the world and when I have negative thoughts I try to tell myself that it is not right to think that way.
Like when I went to the urgent care and the Doctor walks in and he is from India, in the back of my head I am like "Oh great here we go"
Well there you are, when a person starts a sentence saying "I am not a racist but..." they are
copping a plea..........smartmaybe a little prejudiced, if that. long way from racist.
copping a
I'll have my mulatto belly-warmer to do it..............shouldn't you be cleaning the meth residue from your trailer by now?