Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

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I guess reading comprehension isn't your forte either. Hog teaches about the easiest method of growing there is. He uses a 1 part veg nute start to finish, he uses quality lighting, he finishes by fermenting the sugars. Pretty simple, Dumbass. Just sayin!!!
Simple for who not for ppl like me I can understand half the shit hes talking about boilin roots fermentation wtt is all that it fcking advanced not for beginners
Simple for who not for ppl like me I can understand half the shit hes talking about boilin roots fermentation wtt is all that it fcking advanced not for beginners
it is not advanced, just to advanced for you, so ignore this thread and go read something else. You can lead the donkey to water, well, I think you know the rest.
I'll admit the original subject with the amber trics is a bit advanced, but none of the other stuff is and I have had a lot of folks tell me I was pretty good at making some of these things easier to understand. I know a lot but don't claim to know it all, I am constantly learning, researching, experimenting, it never stops as I am looking for something I have yet to find, and it nags me because I am so close.

For me it is about better herb and I honestly don't see me ever stopping. I share this stuff because I believe that folks looking for medical deserve better than mid grown black market weed. If your not looking to improve your medicine then your in the wrong thread
I look at it this way. I know what I know. I do what I do. I love sharing knowledge because that is how I learn. I am always learning something from people I have taught something to. I may not agree with everything but I do respect people. I am thankful for all the people that have shared knowledge with me. I would not be where I am today without that shared knowledge. Having said that ... what is the next topic?
I come in and tell you how to get more potent herb
How to get more resin
How to push the plant for bigger yields
none of which is advanced or difficult to do
and all you wanna do is slam?
this is very perplexing to me
I didnt slam you at all IMO just suggesting possible ways not to get slammed actually. Sorry you took offence
I don't really know what to ask. I'm hoping to learn through others and your loving display of knowledge. 8-) I keep thinking about the sulfur. I think I need to go back and read about it again.
I didnt slam you at all IMO just suggesting possible ways not to get slammed actually. Sorry you took offence
did not accuse you of anything, did not take offense, said I was perplexed, not angry. perhaps I should have said confusing ?
I don't really know what to ask. I'm hoping to learn through others and your loving display of knowledge. 8-) I keep thinking about the sulfur. I think I need to go back and read about it again.
I am still experimenting with sulfur, don't have all the answers yet
are we done pickin my brain?
I could do a little picking still lol...

Thoughts on Autos vs. strains requiring a specific photoperiod to induce flowering? This one is pretty noobish, but what are traditional strains referred to besides like "non-auto" lol? "Regular" seeds seems to be in reference to whether they're fem or not, so not so much related to auto or not...
How do you feel about fems vs. regular seeds?
Just curious about your preference on those questions ^^ but if you can provide reasoning behind why you prefer one or the other that'd be great. I know these have been discussed over and over, but I'd like to hear your take...

I noticed you make several comments about the distance of your lights from the plants, while still retaining dense buds...do you run them at a set height throughout the whole grow or are you moving them further away throughout the grow? And if I recall correctly, you're running those T5's exclusively throughout the entire life cycle?

If you don't mind, what would be the top 5 tips you'd offer to a novice? I really have little to no understanding of nutes and/or plant ailments so I'm anticipating this is where I'll be running into trouble at some point...

Most of the real basic things regarding growing marijuana have loads of information available out there and don't need much more discussion, but what are some of the odd / un-ordinary problems you've run in to? What kinds of things still trouble even experienced growers?
I am not done picking your brain .... lol .... You keep mentioning strains, do you this with a few strains that you know well or would you do something different if you were to pop a seed from a strain you have no experience with?
did not accuse you of anything, did not take offense, said I was perplexed, not angry. perhaps I should have said confusing ?
Ok, never-mind lol, carry on! Your doin great! I'll fuck off now lol. Guess I've been cranky lately perhaps a more amber trich will settle me down. Letting some lower buds go as we speak :).
I could do a little picking still lol...

Thoughts on Autos vs. strains requiring a specific photoperiod to induce flowering? This one is pretty noobish, but what are traditional strains referred to besides like "non-auto" lol? "Regular" seeds seems to be in reference to whether they're fem or not, so not so much related to auto or not...
How do you feel about fems vs. regular seeds?
Just curious about your preference on those questions ^^ but if you can provide reasoning behind why you prefer one or the other that'd be great. I know these have been discussed over and over, but I'd like to hear your take...

I noticed you make several comments about the distance of your lights from the plants, while still retaining dense buds...do you run them at a set height throughout the whole grow or are you moving them further away throughout the grow? And if I recall correctly, you're running those T5's exclusively throughout the entire life cycle?

If you don't mind, what would be the top 5 tips you'd offer to a novice? I really have little to no understanding of nutes and/or plant ailments so I'm anticipating this is where I'll be running into trouble at some point...

Most of the real basic things regarding growing marijuana have loads of information available out there and don't need much more discussion, but what are some of the odd / un-ordinary problems you've run in to? What kinds of things still trouble even experienced growers?
lots of good questions here, will have to answer after work
I am not done picking your brain .... lol .... You keep mentioning strains, do you this with a few strains that you know well or would you do something different if you were to pop a seed from a strain you have no experience with?
I pop new seeds every other grow, cause I am makin new seeds all the time. currently there are two new never before grown strains in my garden, one I named wonderland and the other I named Colorado Thunderfuck (it is the one showing the 50% amber in week 5) and I just like the name LOL I have clones from them going in veg so the next round I will let them express themselves
Cool. What do you look for when selecting males? Do you do anything different when growing males vs females?
I could do a little picking still lol...

Thoughts on Autos vs. strains requiring a specific photoperiod to induce flowering? This one is pretty noobish, but what are traditional strains referred to besides like "non-auto" lol? "Regular" seeds seems to be in reference to whether they're fem or not, so not so much related to auto or not...
How do you feel about fems vs. regular seeds?
Just curious about your preference on those questions ^^ but if you can provide reasoning behind why you prefer one or the other that'd be great. I know these have been discussed over and over, but I'd like to hear your take...

I don't do auto's and honestly don't understand those that do? but to be fair my reason is control, in my garden I want total control of everything so everything I do is based on that. Other than Auto's (rudi's) ya got Sativa's and Indica's which are both photoperiod. They give different kinds of highs, they grow differently and have different flowering times, got a friend currently growing Dalat's (original landrace seeds) that will take 20 weeks to flower and yes the smoke is worth it but it takes a good grower to keep em healthy that long. Most of what you see/smoke today is some kind of hybrid.

As for fem seeds I hate em, but do understand why folks like em. I enjoy breeding, I like the process if that makes sense, it is much like being a parent, you decide to cross two strains and every so often you get a killer plant and yeah you get plants that ride the short bus as well but the joy of tending to a plant that no one has ever smoked and then being able to share it is just awesome. I guess my take on fem seeds is like the organic thing, I know folks that are pure tree huggers, it's a choice and it doesn't bother me but I find it ironic that they absolutely will not do chem nothing except those fem seeds that were made using chemicals. I am never sad when I get males, this last run I got 5 and chose 2.

I noticed you make several comments about the distance of your lights from the plants, while still retaining dense buds...do you run them at a set height throughout the whole grow or are you moving them further away throughout the grow? And if I recall correctly, you're running those T5's exclusively throughout the entire life cycle?

Lights is a pet peeve of mine, very few folks truly understand how to properly use light as a tool in their gardens, so it is one of the things I try to teach the most. Before the T5's I ran 400 watt CMH bulbs (had 2 of em) but then Phillips decided to discontinue them so I looked for alternatives. That little 50 watt LED was bad ass but I would have to have bought 5 of em to cover my space so I tried the T5's and was very happy with how they performed. They are stationary, I do not move em, instead I grow my plants to fit in there and not to long ago I had one grow up above the lights, which I just let it do, burnt a few leaves but was otherwise ok. there are several folks that see what I do with lights and claim I could dank with a picture of the sun LOL

If you don't mind, what would be the top 5 tips you'd offer to a novice? I really have little to no understanding of nutes and/or plant ailments so I'm anticipating this is where I'll be running into trouble at some point...

# 1 is K.I.S.S Keep it Stupid Simple with everything you do

# 2 is learn as fast as you can HOW and WHEN to water em, it is the single biggest NooB mistake there is. I tell folks to let it droop so you can see what it looks like, the whole finger in the dirt, heft the pot thing is tedious at best. Your goal is to learn how to read their needs and what you need to do to take care of em. Like you said the growing techniques are covered from here to hell and back and that info is easy to find. I spend most of my time teaching folks how to read the plants, how to understand what they want/need

# 3 Patience !!! don't fiddle with em, more plants are killed by kindness than any other thing.

#4 Buy the book Marijuana Garden Saver it is the best $14 you'll invest in your growing hobby !!!

#5 Read and experiment, you will learn more by doing than any other way and reading will give you ideas of things to try. The result of this is you settling into things that work and perform for you

Most of the real basic things regarding growing marijuana have loads of information available out there and don't need much more discussion, but what are some of the odd / un-ordinary problems you've run in to? What kinds of things still trouble even experienced growers?

There is actually not alot, there will always be that plant that stretches further than you want, There will be bugs and plants that die for no apparent reason. But once you get over the worry /fret stage everything is pretty easy [/QUOTE]
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