Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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You ever try them greens?
Yes sir!! I posted something about it to you the other day I thought. But yes, they had no fresh turnips and the collards looked bad so I went with cabbage. I am feeling a lot better. Got some squash and broccoli also, cooking the squash right now ;) oh and I'm limiting my seasonings and such. Its really helped a lot, thanks for the advice ;)
Yes sir!! I posted something about it to you the other day I thought. But yes, they had no fresh turnips and the collards looked bad so I went with cabbage. I am feeling a lot better. Got some squash and broccoli also, cooking the squash right now ;) oh and I'm limiting my seasonings and such. Its really helped a lot, thanks for the advice ;)
Glad I could help. :grin:
Pepper? that's wild...o_O
Yea.. Very odd.. Never smelt that one before in there. I mean there is obviously a weed/dank smell, but has a lot of black pepper to it.
Glad I could help. :grin:
Yea.. Very odd.. Never smelt that one before in there. I mean there is obviously a weed/dank smell, but has a lot of black pepper to it.
I'm glad too bro!!! really, you're a lifesaver. I was ready to go back to the damn dr to figure out what was up. Now I know it was that issue we spoke of.

I'm trying to think if I've ever smelled a peppery plant before :confused:
traded real coffee for bull sperm ? WTF

bad kitty!! lmao! golly man, those girls are beauties :)
Funny thing is he loves the leaves, but hates the smell of weed. :lol: Once it gets done and I'm trimming they come and wait for me to give them leaves.. They usually only get the ones that are not very frosty. I'll take the trimmed bud and put in in their face and they will give me a stupid look and run away. :lol:

Girls? That is one plant. :lol:
Funny thing is he loves the leaves, but hates the smell of weed. :lol: Once it gets done and I'm trimming they come and wait for me to give them leaves.. They usually only get the ones that are not very frosty. I'll take the trimmed bud and put in in their face and they will give me a stupid look and run away. :lol:

Girls? That is one plant. :lol:
Maybe you could toss some shake in their food ;) :lol:
Haha I'm seeing double :lol:
id be embarrassed to post my ladies honestly
i have 2 staggered
and have one in a 1 lb folgers plastic coffee can and one in a one gal to hold me over until i get my room going
hoping i can get a oz a piece or so but the coffee can i doubt i will prolly get a 1/2 or so
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