What will happen if I take one bud from plan 4 weeks into flowering?


Well-Known Member
So someone told you that cutting the main cola off your plant would increase the size of the remaining buds?

Of course, that is true, but what idiot would ever cut off their main cola 4 weeks into flowering? Cutting off your main cola in veg to produce multiple top colas? That I can understand. What your friend is proposing is idiotic.


Well-Known Member
I've never Hurd of doing it in flowering. Only in veg (topping) which is where you take the of your plant and cut it off to give you more tops.
but I'm still new so I got alot of learning left
the times I've topped I didn't knowtice a yeild increases .
but it did make it ten times easyier on cannopy controll


Well-Known Member
dammit greenlikemoney I didn't see your post when I posted but yeah man if you wanna mess with that stuff start a new plant. Its alittle late in the game to do that.
but I will tell you seein a big fatty cola 4-6 weeks from now and some good branches . Will be more pleasing. I think you'd just be lossing the best part of your plant. To give alittle more to the part that's already good as is


New Member
So someone told you that cutting the main cola off your plant would increase the size of the remaining buds?

Of course, that is true, but what idiot would ever cut off their main cola 4 weeks into flowering? Cutting off your main cola in veg to produce multiple top colas? That I can understand. What your friend is proposing is idiotic.
I kinda thought so. I'm glad I asked and didn't just do it. Thanx


New Member
I've never Hurd of doing it in flowering. Only in veg (topping) which is where you take the of your plant and cut it off to give you more tops.
but I'm still new so I got alot of learning left
the times I've topped I didn't knowtice a yeild increases .
but it did make it ten times easyier on cannopy controll
It's my first and only plant so I really am trying for a good result.
I'm leaving it alone.


Well-Known Member
I kinda thought so. I'm glad I asked and didn't just do it. Thanx
There is sooo much misinformation out there. The basis of their suggestion IS legit, but not 4 weeks into flower. Personally, I would much rather have a 2' long main cola ( just because that's how I roll ) than 4 12" colas. To each his own, but once flowering starts you just gotta go with the flow.


Well-Known Member
Someone posted that taking top bud at this point would increase bud size through out. Any truth to that?
Ive heard of topping at the beggining of flower like when it first shows sex will increase yield but 4 weeks into flower ur nearly half way hell no...
go chop off all the little popcorn size buds this will increase ur yield as plant wont waste energy trying to grow little buds that yield nothing and will put more energy into the main colas


New Member
I've never Hurd of doing it in flowering. Only in veg (topping) which is where you take the of your plant and cut it off to give you more tops.
but I'm still new so I got alot of learning left
the times I've topped I didn't knowtice a yeild increases .
but it did make it ten times easyier on cannopy controll
I did a lot of topping as well as fimming while in veg. I have 6 main tops I think. Anticipation is killing me.


New Member
There is sooo much misinformation out there. The basis of their suggestion IS legit, but not 4 weeks into flower. Personally, I would much rather have a 2' long main cola ( just because that's how I roll ) than 4 12" colas. To each his own, but once flowering starts you just gotta go with the flow.
It's more difficult than I thought it would be but I'm determined to make it till the end. I'm so proud to have made it this far. I started with 7 plants and only one turned out to be a girl. I named her Lucy. Stupid I know but I feel like a proud mom even though she's not that impressive compared to most I've seen on here.


Well-Known Member
It's more difficult than I thought it would be but I'm determined to make it till the end. I'm so proud to have made it this far. I started with 7 plants and only one turned out to be a girl. I named her Lucy. Stupid I know but I feel like a proud mom even though she's not that impressive compared to most I've seen on here.
Hey, don't get down on yourself, some people try multiple times and never see any rewards. Best advice I can give you is: Don't grow bagseed ( just don't ), use a good soil mix, don't overwater and give them adequate light. Anyone can grow a decent weed doing only that. Hell, if you do it right you don't even need nutes. Are you going to win the Cannabis Cup? No. Are you going to have good smoke? Something you can be proud of to share with your friends who are dropping $400 a zip for their smoke? Hells to the fuckin' yea baby ( in a Dick Vitale voice ). Carry on soldier !!!


Well-Known Member
It's more difficult than I thought it would be but I'm determined to make it till the end. I'm so proud to have made it this far. I started with 7 plants and only one turned out to be a girl. I named her Lucy. Stupid I know but I feel like a proud mom even though she's not that impressive compared to most I've seen on here.
hey if your plant is has made it to flower you did ten times better than I did my vary first grow. Ha
if this is first grow don't worrie about comparing your plant. Only worrie about making it harvest. If you decide to keep going form there then start working on the craft and do some compairing
anticipation was and is the hardest part for me( I'm getting better) once I get to the point of like only two weeks left I start getting really ancy
I hope Lucy dose you good.
and not like she did to slug from atmosphere(fuckyoulucy its a good song) good luck on your grow.
were the Lucy pics


Well-Known Member
my old man would tip his buds wile they were still showing white hairs he would do this till there was 4 weeks left into flower he would always have these smaller but rock soiled buds that were dank lol


Well-Known Member
Doing it in veg is worthwhile. Doing it after bud has begun to form is going to be a waste. All the energy the plant put into creating that main cola is wasted and then it has to convert energy to the next highest bud spots. Unfortunately those will be quite abit behind what the main cola and will never catch up to what the main cola would have been if you had not cut it.