A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911


Well-Known Member
You're kinda late to the Conspiracy, but better late than never.

The problem with the cruise missile is photos of offices immediately adjacent to the hole have unburned papers lying about the floors, desks


Well-Known Member
First result on google images shows AA fuselage. Many more show more parts. Such as:
Landing gear struts
Rims from the tires

This shows fuselage with pentagon behind it:

View attachment 3164709

Edit: second image on google image search.
But no luggage, seats, pillows, blankets, interior casings, or people parts

Many of the items in the pics were discredited long ago. Sure sign of a planned event and not by some muslims


Well-Known Member
But no luggage, seats, pillows, blankets, interior casings, or people parts

Many of the items in the pics were discredited long ago. Sure sign of a planned event and not by some muslims
That's ok. Enjoy your delusions.

Edit: those items are combustible and burned in the fire.

They have only been debunked by people like you who do not want to accept the truth. It's cool if you don't, but you should realize you aren't.
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Well-Known Member
First result on google images shows AA fuselage. Many more show more parts. Such as:
Landing gear struts
Rims from the tires

This shows fuselage with pentagon behind it:

View attachment 3164709

Edit: second image on google image search.
I like how the parts are strewn about IN FRONT of the impact zone, almost as if the plane were actually a bomb that forcefully threw the parts out of the plane instead of doing what would normally be found, all the parts behind the impact area seeing as how they are all traveling at 500MPH ( Impossible by the way, a jetliner cannot attain that speed at that altitude, IMPOSSIBLE). Its weird how physics fails to work in many 911 incidents. I wonder if planes could drop things onto the ground if they made a close pass?

Before anyone says that the fuel in the plane is like a bomb has watched too many movies, when planes crash they spew fuel everywhere, but they certainly don't "explode forcefully" like in a movie or TV.


Well-Known Member
If the plane had swooped down and "buzzed" the Pentagon all those witnesses who said they saw the plane hit the building would have been murdered.