Well-Known Member
Nice! Ur pics made me want to look in my plasma archive.
Couple key notes,
Plasma is def the fastest vegging light i ever used. The gsc litterraly grew right before my eyes.
Plasma gets dirty hot, but thats a good thing when it comes to plasma.
Oh yes i hit .7GPW which was not bad at all!
Fungus nats are very very attractive to the light, bunch crawled in the light and simply cooked to death lol. DONT STEP iNTO THE LIGHT!
My plasma are currently being used in conjuction with hid, seriously beautiful nugs plasma produces.

Couple key notes,
Plasma is def the fastest vegging light i ever used. The gsc litterraly grew right before my eyes.
Plasma gets dirty hot, but thats a good thing when it comes to plasma.
Oh yes i hit .7GPW which was not bad at all!
Fungus nats are very very attractive to the light, bunch crawled in the light and simply cooked to death lol. DONT STEP iNTO THE LIGHT!
My plasma are currently being used in conjuction with hid, seriously beautiful nugs plasma produces.