95 in the veg and 90 in the flower


Active Member

In my 10X10 12/12 room (800 cubic feet) I am (only) running two 430 HPSs. I have a 265 cfm pulling in ambient air temps of 85 degrees and a 465 Vortex pulling from the lights and exhausting out by way of carbon scrubber. I also have a smallish passive intake. No matter what I do i cannot get the 12/12 room under 90.

Is 90 really gonna stretch my plants and/or cause them harm? The glass of the lights is hot but can be touched without being burned.

In my 4 X 3 x 5(h) box I have a 400 mh with a 265 exhausting it. a 150 is bringing the exterior 85 degree temp air in. I also have a 265 sucking air from the top of the box and exhausting outside. I cannot get this room below 95 and it's tearing my guts out. I must have 100 hrs in trying to figure this out. I'd rather not go with AC (consumption reasons) but is AC really my only answer?

Need help. Thanks. Tired.


Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Plants will stop growing at 85 and start protecting themselfs, I would put those lights away until the winter and buy some T-5s for the summer that will cut your temp down below 85. My veg is 10x10 and I had 2 1000 watt MH and the heat came in with the summer and killed 2/3 s of them, I had to use Amino Aid to bring back the other 3rd. Switched to t-5s and wow what a diff everything is Beautiful, see for yourself just go to my link below.


Active Member
Wow. Nice plants and set-up. . Were they all grown under these t5s you mention? What would it cost to replace the 2 430s with t5s (in order to get the same results) ?

Thanks for the reply...stoked with your set-up!


Well-Known Member
Try adding a humidifier to your room. Warm air holds moisture more than cool air. The moisture in the air will bring temps down a little bit.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Jonez I am to ashamed to show you what my veg room looked like under MH lights, but yes what you do see is the results of useing T-5s and keeping temp lower than 85 at all times. I bought 2 T-5 4 bulb 4 foot 6500k cool blue to start WOW in a few short weeks there was a huge turn around (price $130.00 per T-5 and 17. per bulb), so 2 weeks after I saw what my plants where capable of doing I went back and bought 3 more. You can also Flower with them you just switch out the lights to 3000k red lights. If you have the funds its well worth it !! But for the winter I am going back to my MH set up,well maybe not sure as of yet.


Well-Known Member
Plants will stop growing at 85 and start protecting themselfs, I would put those lights away until the winter and buy some T-5s for the summer that will cut your temp down below 85. My veg is 10x10 and I had 2 1000 watt MH and the heat came in with the summer and killed 2/3 s of them, I had to use Amino Aid to bring back the other 3rd. Switched to t-5s and wow what a diff everything is Beautiful, see for yourself just go to my link below.
Sorry but this is complete nonsense. Wherd do most cannabis strains come from? Between the two tropics you will find, where it is damn hot and sometimes intolerably humid, and they thrive. I have just returned from my friends retreat in Thailand wher it was recently well over a 100 and 90% humidity, the Thai stick was immense and very healthy.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with Woomeister, I had very high and humid temps pretty much throughout my whole grow, and it hasn't seen to stunt, slow, or negatively affect my ladies. At least not noticeably. Maybe they would have been even better with ideal temps, and humidity, but nonetheless I am not complaining. I think they can take much higher temps and still thrive, contrary to most beliefs.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I always say the proof is in the Bong. And My Bong runninth over since I switched to T-5s which lowered my temp to 82 at the highest.


Active Member
I appreciate all of the excellent replies. This idea of 80 degrees eing optimal has always perplexed me for the reason (*Thailand) mentioned above.

However, One has to think that those Thai buds might be even better if NOT subjected to such heat. As an aside...I looked at some buds in the Kingdom last year that were absolute shit. The kilo was $500 which was about fair. LOL.. Your friend took good care of you Woomietser. But your point is well taken...Columbia, Vietnam, Cambodia...all hotter than hell and weed capitols.

Golden Ray...I am looking into the T5s...thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
Them damn T 5's is so fuckin expensive tho, why? 300,400 bucks for some flouros? Sounds rediculous. So, I am stickin to my cheap 400 MH.


Active Member
FMJ, thanks for the word. I was able to get the temp in the growroom down below 90...so considering I'm all set up with the 400, I'm gonna chance it for now. I ended up hooking up a 465 vortex to exhaust the box (!). Noisy as hell but cooling things down.

Inreresting that you grew the C99 and the Aopllo both...I grew the exact same combination a few years ago. I knew I was going to be down for a while (not jail) so bred the 2 and harvested the seeds. 3 years later....not ONE seed will grow. Soooo bummed. Wonderful strains. Thanks again.