what drivers i need for 2 vero 29

In most cases it will be a pair of wires. Some drivers need a signal from something like an arduino (PWM). Others will allow you to wire in a potentiomer to control it. I have limited experience with the PWM but I have used a meanwell that used a pot, and it was pretty simple.
This is all coming from memory, so feel free to jimp in if this info is not correct.
thats true some drivers of maenwell have already pot but i can't see any pot in my model but it sais "built in dimming function"i cant uderstand if is talking about an internal dimable pot or the curciut of diimming fuction.
thanks for your reply
check the datashet - it should have a wiring diagram which will let you know if it is already on board, or if you will need to add it yourself. I don't know of any meanwells that use an on board pot, but I have been proven wrong before!
i trying to find a dimmer 1-10v for meawell lpf-90d-42 but is to expensive i did not find anything under 45 e .is it any way to do it cheapper? bying some electronic equipment to make it my self meybe?

The spec sheet tells you that you actually have 3 options for dimming. You can give it a 1-10v power source, you can use a PWM device or you can use a 100KOhm pot. There is a wiring diagram on the last page, that shows you the 2 wires that you will need to use to control the dimming. If this is too complicated for you, then I would advise you to go with the $40 option you listed above because you don't want to damage any of your components by making a mistake in the wiring.
I did do some googleing for you to try and find a guide with pics, but all I found were disussions on reef forums that make a few suggestions. I did not spend too long on this, but if you dig deep I am sure you will find something.

Good luck
my led drivers will be late a bit ....can i use those cheppos led lights for the starting week of vegetative state?5000k or 4000k ?is it worth?i have some 20w and 30w models
in my experience, I use in a lamp 2 x LPF-60D-54 with a 100KOhm pot only without resistence with 20 luxeon rebel ES for each :
one go to 0 = total dark, the other near 0 = you can see a little brighter on the fosfor, but the killamp sign 0watt!
Other lamp have 2 x LPF-40D-42 with 2 pot 100KOhm without resistence,both go to real 0 =total dark.
I don't know why,could be a wiring problem...or run without resistence,what else could it be?
A don't know with Vero but I think they can run perfect,I have test many other different PS, but for me this LFP are realy good,
in my configuration,all LFP, at max power 24/24 run realy cold.
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in my experience, I use in a lamp 2 x LPF-60D-54 with a 100KOhm pot only without resistence with 20 luxeon rebel ES for each :
one go to 0 = total dark, the other near 0 = you can see a little brighter on the fosfor, but the killamp sign 0watt!
Other lamp have 2 x LPF-40D-42 with 2 pot 100KOhm without resistence,both go to real 0 =total dark.
I don't know why,could be a wiring problem...or run without resistence,what else could it be?
A don't know with Vero but I think they can run perfect,I have test many other different PS, but for me this LFP are realy good,
in my configuration,all LFP, at max power 24/24 run realy cold.
very usefull information about lpf because i was wondering if it's better to get the psu's out of the tend or not..i'm waiting for them they will ship them 3 of June dam it!!!!+at least five days for international shipment.....IMO maybe, the killamp cannot mesure so small amounds of wattage
thanks Guod!!!everything is clear now...the only problem i have is the f@cking usps international priority mail my packet with the lpf's is stack in LA for 5 days :wall::wall:
with the 10K your lowest setting is about 10%.
you should not dim to zero... the driver dont like that. (see spezification)
use PWM instead for dim to zero.

basic schematic for Pots....
View attachment 3176086
from... http://sound.westhost.com/pots.htm

variable resistor with two pins connected...
View attachment 3176111

from... http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scots_Guide/first11/part2/Page2.html

Guod!!!please a small help...
i went to a electronic shop to buy the 100k pot and a 10k resistor. but he ask me how many watts i would like my resistor to be.i didn't know so i told him for what reason i need them and he gave me a 5W10KJM resistor is it ok ?