No, your pathology is to take words you don't understand and twist them to your warp.
And then I explain that we don't worry about stupid Europe Touch and Feel.
But, you insist I do. You insist we all should just agree with the Irish and ex-pats child thinkers.
Americans don't think Congress has their best interests in mind, Look at the polls. Now go back, vapor minds. The people of this land HAVE NEVER THOUGHT THAT.
We are in self rule over here. We elect ASSHOLES. That is prime job. You have to be an A+ #1 American ASSHOLE to be in our govt. You have to look them in the eye and plea the 5th, if necessary. You have to say, :"what does it possibly matter at this point?"
So. you can fuck the straw dog and get straw fleas. You can pretend we want something and say we didn't get it. But, you don't get it,
We don't want that. So, it is base stupid to think we do.
Talk among yourself, blind and blind.