A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911


Well-Known Member
Yes but seat cushions, blankets, etc, burn real easy.

There are plenty of pictures of plane debris inside the pentagon.

You just don't want to believe what you are seeing. It's tough to believe. It's shocking. But it happened.

Keep your head down and dont look up, sheep.


Well-Known Member
I looked up a lot that day.

I live in a major city with a high volume of air traffic(DFW International Airport, 9th busiest in the world). You usually hear many planes flying over head. It was eerily silent.


Well-Known Member
I think it was Islamo-Fascist murderers, in revenge for American desecration of their holy place, and a war of aggression for oil in the Middle East. they don't NEED false flags. American policy creates REAL ones.
blow-back, the chickens coming home to roost, whatever you wanna call it.


Well-Known Member
best pilot ever (if you believe official story)
what an ace to be so fast and so low, and not hit the ground before the pentagon.. very very impressive.


Well-Known Member
I've followed al-Quaida since '87. Oliver North warned us, during the Iran-Contra hearings, and I listened. the only thing that surprised me about 911, was how long it took.