Humidity and it's rolls in optimal performance.

Screaming trees

Well-Known Member
Ok so I've been reading a TON on humidity. I've come across some interesting topics on the subject. It's mixed reviews all the way across the board. I was curious if humidity during flowering could be raised in the beginnings of the flowering process as high as 50's and 60's for the Stomata to play it's important a rolls and it be dropped down the further you get in flowering. All theories of course from my readings. Or if the humidity was kept tolerably high in the evenings and low at nights? Anybodies growing procedures on this topic Would be very valuable to hear from. Thanks is in advance.
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Well-Known Member
40% and under is good for flower, the lower the humidity the more resin it will make, when you head up around 60% you are asking for bud rot and mold

Screaming trees

Well-Known Member
40% and under is good for flower, the lower the humidity the more resin it will make, when you head up around 60% you are asking for bud rot and mold
Your totally right and thousands of Cannabis growers can't be wrong either. There's so many little tiny things that can be tweaked and optimized for bigger stickier yields. Everyone on here seems to have their own methods of how they do every little step. I'm a data junkie on anything I do and I love In depth detail and knowledge. What works good for one plant doesn't always work best for another species. The only reason I had even made this post was because this guys thread I was reading stated if you could keep mold and other issues down at certain points of flowering, that it could optimize your yields by 25% by having your humidity higher in the first six weeks of flowering. Granted your resin wouldn't look as sugary I'm thinking but could this be possible? The exchange of gases and other variables I could see being done more Efficiently in his readings but who wants to ruin a huge crop to mold and rot. I guess you'd have to camp out and live beside your grow 24/7 and put the theory to the test.


Well-Known Member
one of the most overlooked aspects of controlling our indoor environments is the heat index, relationship between temp & humidity, I have found a heat index that is 4 points above ambient to be very beneficial :hump:


Well-Known Member
In veg I find that the plants like and seem to take advantage of 55-65%
In flower I try to maintain lights-off (highest humidity) under 50%, 40% ideally, throw more air exchange and movement (fans) at it if you're on the higher range to compensate

Also keep in mind that for the first 2-3 weeks of flowering, there are no buds, the plants are stretching and building bud sites, there is what I consider still significant vegetative growth. So I maintain my veg humidity range for the first 2-3 weeks until the plants stop stretching and begin shooting out flowers

Screaming trees

Well-Known Member
one of the most overlooked aspects of controlling our indoor environments is the heat index, relationship between temp & humidity, I have found a heat index that is 4 points above ambient to be very beneficial :hump:
Day time - temp 75 / humidity 45?
Night time - temp 71 / humidity 40?
Does that sound good around 21 days of flowering?


Well-Known Member
Day time - temp 75 / humidity 45?
Night time - temp 71 / humidity 40?
Does that sound good around 21 days of flowering?
daytime heat index is 77.6 so 2.6 points
night time heat index is 76.9 so 5.9 points

very close to perfect but I prefer a 10 degree temp diff between day and night