Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?


Active Member
Ok so i have a honeywell air purifier and a extra add on pre filter that says it is activated carbon. Should this be enough to filter the smell of 1 northern light's plant or should modify it?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a honeywell air purifier and a extra add on pre filter that says it is activated carbon. Should this be enough to filter the smell of 1 northern light's plant or should modify it?
won't cut it, imo. if you really have to worry about smell, isolate room, and use an in-line carbon filter. the Honeywell won't match the cfm of the room's ventilation, and odor will escape.


Active Member
ok would my alternate idea work i was going to do a DIY with the air purifier and take off the extra filter and just put a nilon with a thin layer of activated carbon like you get for a fish filter and run it like that. Any though on that as a effective odor control? I have seen it done with other fans and i think this one is 100 cmf. Noise is also a concern and i hear the 200 and 400 sound like a plane tacking off.


Well-Known Member
ok would my alternate idea work i was going to do a DIY with the air purifier and take off the extra filter and just put a nilon with a thin layer of activated carbon like you get for a fish filter and run it like that. Any though on that as a effective odor control? I have seen it done with other fans and i think this one is 100 cmf. Noise is also a concern and i hear the 200 and 400 sound like a plane tacking off.
no........invest in the carbon filter, imo. that McGiver shit fails, causes problems. if odor is truly an issue, address it properly.


Active Member
if i get a carbon filter what kind cmf do i need to make it worth while and at the same time be quite enough i wont hear it (i live in an apartment).


Well-Known Member
figure out your cubic space, your ventilation output, and choose accordingly. you need to exhaust, so you're going to have some noise. using rubber bushings, tight fastening, and such, can reduce the noise.


Active Member
I have my stuff in a closet with 64 cubic feet but when it get warm i open the door and let the ac in the room the closet is in take care of the heat. That room is closer to 392 cubic feet. So does that mean i have to vent the hole room or just the closet, or sense i have nature and ac for vent do i just get a small carbon filter to take care of the smell? Also as said before only going to have 1 plant at a time.


Well-Known Member
I have my stuff in a closet with 64 cubic feet but when it get warm i open the door and let the ac in the room the closet is in take care of the heat. That room is closer to 392 cubic feet. So does that mean i have to vent the hole room or just the closet, or sense i have nature and ac for vent do i just get a small carbon filter to take care of the smell? Also as said before only going to have 1 plant at a time.
what kind of lights?