What are your political deal breakers?


Well-Known Member
So I see a lot of talk by mostly left leaning people here that take issue with many of the libertarian leaning Republicans.

I understand why a liberal person would have an aversion towards Republicans. Nothing turns me off more about Republicans than their social conservatism based on the Bible.

I'm a Christian, but I prefer that book be studied and applied at home, not in the capital.

Anyway, both parties have done a good enough job spending us into oblivion after Clinton and Newt balanced the budget.

I firmly think the only way forward with legalization at the federal level is for a libertarian leaning republican to sit in the white house.

Why? Anything one party pushes, the other fights. No republican is going to allow a democratic movement to legalize or medical federally.

It would have to come from a Republican movement, or a super majority I don't think the Democratic party is capable of.

so what are your deal breaking issues with these libertarian republican candidates?
The budget has not been balanced except when Andrew Jackson was President. Clinton balance was accounting tricks, still in use today. I don't care what letter is next to your name, most likely you got there by backstabbing and taking advantage of people. Politicians are just people with huge egos that believe they can tell you the best way to live your life.
Nothing turns me off more about Republicans than their social conservatism based on the Bible....so what are your deal breaking issues with these libertarian republican candidates?

their social conservatism based on the bible.

see: rend pawl


rend pawl said:
I'm a libertarian Republican

brad sherman of solid rock christian church said:
"He made it very clear that he does not support legalization of drugs like marijuana and that he supports traditional marriage"
The budget has not been balanced except when Andrew Jackson was President. Clinton balance was accounting tricks, still in use today. I don't care what letter is next to your name, most likely you got there by backstabbing and taking advantage of people. Politicians are just people with huge egos that believe they can tell you the best way to live your life.
I know it was accounting tricks that would get private business owners prison time. I was trying to avoid arguing over something that happened nearly 20 years ago.
That's hear say.

no, those are actually rend pawl's policy stances.

rend pawl wants a "virtuous" society. he does not want to see gay people with the freedom to marry (like any garden variety bible thumper), but he knows it is a political loser. his stated position is to give it time and let certain states hold out and maybe eventually win the "hearts and minds" of people into once again favoring unequal rights for gay people.

on cannabis, he does not want to see it re-legalized, he just wants to sentence growers to less years in prison than we do now. and he wants more users to have to go to rehab for their cannabis problem instead of prison for smaller offenses like possession or use.

these are his stated views to evangelicals when he talks to them. i'm pretty sure he probably said the same thing when he was pandering to historically black colleges.

but feel free to keep denying reality.
no, those are actually rend pawl's policy stances.

rend pawl wants a "virtuous" society. he does not want to see gay people with the freedom to marry (like any garden variety bible thumper), but he knows it is a political loser. his stated position is to give it time and let certain states hold out and maybe eventually win the "hearts and minds" of people into once again favoring unequal rights for gay people.

on cannabis, he does not want to see it re-legalized, he just wants to sentence growers to less years in prison than we do now. and he wants more users to have to go to rehab for their cannabis problem instead of prison for smaller offenses like possession or use.

these are his stated views to evangelicals when he talks to them. i'm pretty sure he probably said the same thing when he was pandering to historically black colleges.

but feel free to keep denying reality.

You so funny!
Even if all of that is as you say, he wouldn't be the first politician to talk out of both sides of his mouth.

Republicans, and Democrats have a crazy segment in their parties they have to pander to.

The difference is the crazy group for the Democrats is voluntary and they can keep a secret. In the Republican part of the country, try running a small business in a small town if you don't have a church membership. They don't care where you go, but you gotta go. And they do and believe all sorts of crazy, but it is a coerced membership.

So politicians come and pander, the stuff always gets leaked. Because there is always someone there pretending to believe who has very different private views.

And you have to have those crazy fucks come out and vote for you, as a Republican, to have any chance.

But I don't think Rand Paul is even religious. But he can't say that.

Even Obama has to pretend he is a Christian. I think it far more likely he is an atheist, not saying he is a closet muslim.
Even if all of that is as you say, he wouldn't be the first politician to talk out of both sides of his mouth.

it is as i say, and i am happy to cite it all, unlike you. learn to cite your bullshit, cupcake.

and princess, how do you not think he is religious? do you know who his daddy was?

rend pawl doesn't pander to evangelicals, he is one. he panders to wannabe libertarians like you and the rest of the right wing of this forum, and quite effectively. it doesn't go off so well when he arrives at historically black colleges though. they are smart enough to see through the shit he spews, whereas simpletons like you are not.
it is as i say, and i am happy to cite it all, unlike you. learn to cite your bullshit, cupcake.

and princess, how do you not think he is religious? do you know who his daddy was?

rend pawl doesn't pander to evangelicals, he is one. he panders to wannabe libertarians like you and the rest of the right wing of this forum, and quite effectively. it doesn't go off so well when he arrives at historically black colleges though. they are smart enough to see through the shit he spews, whereas simpletons like you are not.
Please do note, I didn't bring him up, you did.

I have never said I was a big fan of his.

I don't know, and am playing devils advocate with you on Paul ' s behalf.

Who in have in mind are people more like Gary Johnson (I think his name is) and former talk show host Neil Boortz.

I don't really know of a prominent Republican politician who holds my views.
it is as i say, and i am happy to cite it all, unlike you. learn to cite your bullshit, cupcake.

and princess, how do you not think he is religious? do you know who his daddy was?

rend pawl doesn't pander to evangelicals, he is one. he panders to wannabe libertarians like you and the rest of the right wing of this forum, and quite effectively. it doesn't go off so well when he arrives at historically black colleges though. they are smart enough to see through the shit he spews, whereas simpletons like you are not.

You're religious too, bro. The only difference is the god you kneel before.
If a system of "governing" human interactions is based in coercion, even a just a little bit of coercion.....all that follows will eventually become tainted.

It's like dropping your food on the floor into a pile of unseen germs.....eventually that tiny turd left in the crevices of a Wendy's bathroom will blossom into a full blown germy gelatinous mess.