What are your political deal breakers?


Well-Known Member
Funny how Buckfuck took a wide open debate and used the most rightwing person on the planet to make his argument. But that's how he rolls.


Well-Known Member
Funny how Buckfuck took a wide open debate and used the most rightwing person on the planet to make his argument. But that's how he rolls.
the OP specifically named "libertarian republicans". sorry for highlighting a self proclaimed "libertarian republican" who loves to cater to evangelicals, another aspect mentioned right in the OP.

seriously, your stalking and ass aches are too much.


Well-Known Member
And you chose to name the farthest right you knew of. Typical.
no, i could have gone with way crazier, racist, and far right wing than rend pawl, endorser of mitt romney over his own daddy.

the limit of your mental faculties is not also the limit of mine, ya know.


Well-Known Member
The only other prominent national Republicans that lean libertarian is Ted Cruz?

He is worse than Paul about pandering to the Christianists.


Well-Known Member
In my view, these national Republicans that talk libertarian are merely trying to co-opt that movement within the Republican camp.

Libertarianism is becoming common among the Republican party. The nationally prominent politicians are not truly there yet.


Well-Known Member
The only other prominent national Republicans that lean libertarian is Ted Cruz?

He is worse than Paul about pandering to the Christianists.
rend pawl doesn't pander to evangelicals, he is one. he panders to wannabe libertarians like you. and historically black colleges.


Well-Known Member
rend pawl doesn't pander to evangelicals, he is one. he panders to wannabe libertarians like you. and historically black colleges.
I know more about his daddy than him.

His daddy don't strike me as an evangelical.

I don't pay much attention to him. Honestly I don't. I'd probably prefer him to Clinton. But I don't think he is a serious presidential candidate.


Well-Known Member
I know more about his daddy than him.

His daddy don't strike me as an evangelical.

I don't pay much attention to him. Honestly I don't. I'd probably prefer him to Clinton. But I don't think he is a serious presidential candidate.
its already been decided, and its really none of our business................

Shillary will dry the tears from our eyes. and assure us that the banks will open back up this coming Monday, and everything is fine, kids..........let Mommy give you a big hug..........


Well-Known Member
Are you failing to consider the difference between a personal opinion and policy?
he said that in a GOP debate in response to a question about hormonal birth control, which he called a "problem" because of the "immorality" (ie, sex for reasons other than procreation). he was articulating his policy position.


Well-Known Member
he said that in a GOP debate in response to a question about hormonal birth control, which he called a "problem" because of the "immorality" (ie, sex for reasons other than procreation). he was articulating his policy position.
I've no doubt he said it was immoral. I've also heard him say we shouldn't legislate morality.