WOS Strawberry Blue CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
So my initial grow, I had bag seed and didn't want to use to much money to grow, so I had 2 plants in a vermiculite, MG organic and ETC mix.. Fail btw growth was stunted brown spots and light green leaves instead of trying to save them I started over.

I decided to go with 1 plant rather then 2, so I started germinating my strawberry blue today, I'm going to have it under 4 26w 1680 lumen cfls till I can upgrade, and I'm going to grow in FFOF and perlite mix 4:1
I originally was going to go with RO but the closest nursery didn't supply it.

I plan on growing the little seedling in my solo cup for about 2 weeks before transplanting into a 3 gallon, and feeding FF big bloom after 3-4 weeks in light dosage, using compost tea every 8-10 days.

It's a personal use grow btw

My box is a old plastic storage container about 6 ft high 2 ft wide and 1 and a half foot deep, I have the inside covered in mylar with a passive air vent at the bottom right and a 240 com 4" inline duct top right, and a oscillating fan right at the lights and plant level, on my first grow the humidistat read a constant 74 degrees with humidity about 45 - 50 % fluctuations with lights on.

I don't think I missed anything if there are any recommendations I'm open to it let me know!

I'll post pics of the box inside and out tomorrow and then the seedling once it pokes his head out.


Active Member
Hey there. Sounds good. I'll keep an eye out on this post, and checkout your grow and give suggestions when you post pics!


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude! Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm still a nub but I try to get my research in.

My seed showed it's root today about a 1/4 inch I just planted it in my solo cup put a couple of drops of water and covered it with a black pot I had in my grow box, hopefully she pokes her head out in a couple days


Well-Known Member
12 days in and i feel like she is so big, this is technically my first grow. I'm waiting for 16 days to transplant into my 3 gallon. The strain is strawberry blue fem'd from world of seed, but received as a freebie at herbies.

Soil is perlite and FFOF mix
No nutes yet
4 cfl 26w 1680 lumen bulbs

I've had a fan blowing on it since birth and the stem and already so thick



Well-Known Member
So my initial grow, I had bag seed and didn't want to use to much money to grow, so I had 2 plants in a vermiculite, MG organic and ETC mix.. Fail btw growth was stunted brown spots and light green leaves instead of trying to save them I started over.

I decided to go with 1 plant rather then 2, so I started germinating my strawberry blue today, I'm going to have it under 4 26w 1680 lumen cfls till I can upgrade, and I'm going to grow in FFOF and perlite mix 4:1
I originally was going to go with RO but the closest nursery didn't supply it.

I plan on growing the little seedling in my solo cup for about 2 weeks before transplanting into a 3 gallon, and feeding FF big bloom after 3-4 weeks in light dosage, using compost tea every 8-10 days.

It's a personal use grow btw

My box is a old plastic storage container about 6 ft high 2 ft wide and 1 and a half foot deep, I have the inside covered in mylar with a passive air vent at the bottom right and a 240 com 4" inline duct top right, and a oscillating fan right at the lights and plant level, on my first grow the humidistat read a constant 74 degrees with humidity about 45 - 50 % fluctuations with lights on.

I don't think I missed anything if there are any recommendations I'm open to it let me know!

I'll post pics of the box inside and out tomorrow and then the seedling once it pokes his head out.
Your soil was probably too hot man. Young seedlings can get nute burn easily. Use some organic soil that isnt loaded with fertilizers until the get established. Then when u repot you can MIX in some MG soil. Otherwise you will keep getting the same stunted burnt results. Happy growing dude!


Well-Known Member
Your soil was probably too hot man. Young seedlings can get nute burn easily. Use some organic soil that isnt loaded with fertilizers until the get established. Then when u repot you can MIX in some MG soil. Otherwise you will keep getting the same stunted burnt results. Happy growing dude!
Yea I figured that was the case, I was just excited to grow so I germd some bag seed and got some shit soil.

I got FFOF now that's what I'm growing my strawberry blue in and it's going fantastic, no nute burn or discoloration all nice green leaves, and it's growing so fast.


Well-Known Member
Yea I figured that was the case, I was just excited to grow so I germd some bag seed and got some shit soil.

I got FFOF now that's what I'm growing my strawberry blue in and it's going fantastic, no nute burn or discoloration all nice green leaves, and it's growing so fast.
I checked it out. Good job dude. Im sure this run will be great. Im interested in the strawberry blue so I will be watching for sure. Plus im always down to help a noob who will listen to some tips and pointers without getting butt sore lol. Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
Update on the strawberry blue grow.

Sorry it took so long for pictures, but here's some pics of my setup and my lady born may 12th 2014.

She's almost 3 weeks old grown in only ffof from germ till now with no burns.. she's growing so nice.. no discoloration drooping or anything. I'm going to start on the next watering with FF grow big at 1/4 strength. I'm vegging for 5 weeks before flowering.

Transplanted on the 28th into dolomite perlite FFOF mix 3 gal nursery pot.

The solo cup pic is only 6 days ago, just to show how fast this little beast is growing.

Any feedback or recommendations on flowering nutes or additions to my mix that would boost yield and taste would be greatly appreciated.. This is my first grow



Well-Known Member
Update on the strawberry blue grow.

Sorry it took so long for pictures, but here's some pics of my setup and my lady born may 12th 2014.

She's almost 3 weeks old grown in only ffof from germ till now with no burns.. she's growing so nice.. no discoloration drooping or anything. I'm going to start on the next watering with FF grow big at 1/4 strength. I'm vegging for 5 weeks before flowering.

Transplanted on the 28th into dolomite perlite FFOF mix 3 gal nursery pot.

The solo cup pic is only 6 days ago, just to show how fast this little beast is growing.

Any feedback or recommendations on flowering nutes or additions to my mix that would boost yield and taste would be greatly appreciated.. This is my first grow
Very tight internodes. Looks healthy. Im thinking she will be vigorous.


Well-Known Member
Any advice?? I'm 3 weeks into veg she's about 6 to 7 inches with huge fan leaves.

No problems yet all the leaves even the lower are still a nice green. But I'm afraid the plant isn't getting enough light.

I want to upgrade the lights but lack of funds, I'll have to wait I'm thinking about 2 more weeks of veg, maybe by then I can afford a 400 system or something for flower.

I attempted to FIM idk how I missed "fuck I missed" I guess I FIMTM'D instead.. haha "fuck I missed the miss"

I have about 4 or 5 feet of space in my room for height and about a foot on each side



Well-Known Member
my suggestion would be to top now, supercrop side branches now, veg for 1 more week, top again, veg for 1 more week and then flower under HPS.


Well-Known Member
my suggestion would be to top now, supercrop side branches now, veg for 1 more week, top again, veg for 1 more week and then flower under HPS.
This is my first grow so I'll try that out! And let you know the end result.

Even after an attempt at FIM topping wouldn't hurt? I know topping stunts growth but I'm not worried to much I wanted to attempt scrog too so I could do that also with your suggestions correct?


Well-Known Member
i veg with cfl's about as long as you have with this plant
if flowered now it will likely stretch to 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall
not saying you should do that, just for a reference point


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow so I'll try that out! And let you know the end result.

Even after an attempt at FIM topping wouldn't hurt? I know topping stunts growth but I'm not worried to much I wanted to attempt scrog too so I could do that also with your suggestions correct?

yeah you can cut the fim off like it never happened and have it just be a top. dont disturb the new shoots at the nodes though


Well-Known Member
I super cropped... I think

I picked some branches, and bent them slightly till I heard a tiny snap.

I haven't watered my plant enough to get run off since she was born. . So I did that today hoping I didn't over water. . I'm leaving her alone for the next week checking on her periodically.

I was confused on the topping, so I left it at FIM.

Here's some pics, I'm sure I failed this plant horribly just now.

The last picture, I didn't hear a snap, so kept bending and I think I hurt her. And I couldn't find my tape to bandage her up :/



Well-Known Member
I'm either 2 or 3 weeks into flowering.. i have a washboard calender and through the move the date I started rubbed off :(

I failed at this grow it being my first, I cut a bunch of fan leaves big fan leaves that were cover bud sites, yet I still have tons of fan leaves everywhere, I understand the faults of trimming to much but I jumped the gun before searching.

She's showing no signs of deficiency, but I'm not sure if she's blooming fully due to lack of light.

I have 4 1600 lumen 200 cfls, and the whole room is lined in mylar.

I probably won't get the best yield but it's my own fault :/

She's being fed bud candy, nirvana bloom enhancer and jungle juice bloom every other watering in in light doses. Ph'd to 6.5



Active Member
Doesn't look like you trimmed too much to me. Removing leaves that cover bud sites is ok. I wouldn't do much more


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like you trimmed too much to me. Removing leaves that cover bud sites is ok. I wouldn't do much more
I agree; I usually try to bend them out of the way first, but if they're stubborn, I just clip em.