Damn this heat!!!


Active Member
I have done everything in my power to lower the temperature of my room. I have intake with a squirrel fan giving my ladies fresh air. I have a can fan cooling the light and exausting to the outside. I also have a 7000 btu portable air conditioner in the closet as well, also vented to the outside. I have a tornado fan in a corner and a humidifier in the other. My temperature has been a steady 95 degrees during the daytime, and 85 at night. How the F*&k do I fix this. my humidity is usually around 40 to 50 percent. My room is 8x5x4, and I'm using an ebb n flo system, with 5 buckets, and hydroton. And I'm using a 1000 watt hps bulb. Please give me a hand, this is driving me bonkers. Thanks -D-


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Well-Known Member
Alright, I need a schematic of how all your venting is hooked up, include ac etc. EVERYTHING!
There is no reason for this heat with the equipment you have mate!



Well-Known Member
Yea let use look at ur venting from what I saw in the pic wih the A/C you venting setup might be the problem. Is the A/C pumping in the room or are u pumping it through the light. I mean you have a geat seup ur temp shouldnt be that high. Hopefully you can get it together just last night I noticed my temp was mid 80's so I am moveing my secret jardin into a larger room instead of my closet.


Well-Known Member
Damn i say this way too much, try freezing a bottle of water or something, an open container filled with frozen water is gonna cool it a little right?

Give it a try i guess, short term fix unless you keep doing it. :)


Well-Known Member
The top fourth pic of the left, it looks like you are tying your light in with your ac, can you explain what you are doing there?

It looks like you are tying the ac into the light, that will not work.
The ac needs to exhaust outside the conditioned space (grow space)

Isolate the light first, make sure the glass is in, (can't tell from the pic) and let me know what fan you are using to vent the light?!

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Active Member
The can fan is blowing through the light, the outpute, "hot air" is connecting to the same output as the can fan, which is vented to the outside. You can't really see the intake which is having fresh air pumped in by a squirrel fan. I also made sure my outtake was a few inches larger than my intake. and as of today i made the fresh air intake longer and pointed it in at the back of the AC as to provide fresh air for it to pump through. that helped a bit. I'm going to try keeping small ice blocks in my humidifier and am already freezing the first of my gallon jugs that i will place in the room on a cycle. -D-


Well-Known Member
Your venting is messed up mate, take care of it!!! Forget the frozen milk jugs etc., you have all it takes to have a great grow space, don't stop now!



Well-Known Member
Well a good idea would be to tell him how it's messed up instead of just saying it's messed up..
We are here to help, not to just point out problems and say 'fix it'

Your venting is messed up mate, take care of it!!! Forget the frozen milk jugs etc., you have all it takes to have a great grow space, don't stop now!



Well-Known Member
take the that 440 cfm vortec fan and put it inn front of your light not behind it,your fan is pulling air to cool your light bro,it should be pushing to cool your light. your problem is the fan is doing nothing . you put that fan right in front of your light I guarentee your temps drop 10 -12 degres espeshially with an A/c unit in there,all your gear is working against itself,not very efficient,.mount the fan as close to the light as you can, you can even mount it to your light with out any vent hose.If you do leave a space between your light and your fann use solid ducting just right were were the fan meets the light and then put elbows on each side of the light and run your vent hose the rest of the way out .with every bend you lose 50% of air you have an easy problem to fix, heres how it should go fan -light-solid elbow vent hose and finally carbon filter,I dont know why people do it this way. look how far your bird cage has to pump before it gets to your light it will never cool it down.you dont even need the squirl cage,fucking boot that thing its loud anyway.yor problem is your fan man.


Well-Known Member
Well a good idea would be to tell him how it's messed up instead of just saying it's messed up..
We are here to help, not to just point out problems and say 'fix it'
Mate, Purple and me are the only ones even attempting to straighten his mess out, the rest of you guys are adding frozen ice. So, I do not know why you are jumping down my throat, I'm just waiting for him to give the info we need to fix his environment. Be kind mate!!!


BTW, I said fix it, because he was giving up, stating that he was going to use frozen ice.
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Active Member
What do you suggest i do with my venting. I have intake, and outtake for the room, and outtake for the a.c. what else short of sawing more holes in my wall. -D-


Active Member
What would you suggest with my venting. also heres some pics of my girls to give you an idea of what they're looking like through all of this.
1+2. Edna :spew:
3+4. Francis :???:
4+5. Alice :cuss:
6+7. Chloe :cool:
8+9. Veronica:eyesmoke:



Active Member
Just figuring out how this site works, sorry for being a dumbass. quick reply, reply, thread.....ughhh. let me read what has been said to my deaf ears and respond properly.


Active Member
You guys rock for helping me with this! let me start with that. Next a better description. there is a 4 inch duct running from my window to the squirrel fan which is being used to pump air into the closet. I extended that duct on the other side so that it would let the fresh outside air out behind my AC unit, which is where it sucks air in. I then have the air conditioner pumping cold air in at a downward angle to cool the plants and kind of blow twords the can fan. the can fan is actually taking the air from the room and blowing it through the light out the other side. the connection that you see is the Hot air output from the ac connected to the output from the fan/light. That whole duct after the connector peice is blowing the air out of my window. In essence, I'm trying to use the squirrel for fresh air. the ac foor cold air, the cold air to cool the light with the fan, and the can to blow all hot air out. and man, purple haze is that squirrel loud as shit. but it's sucking fresh air into the room......