Droopy plant with spotted leaves


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong to make my plant dropy and develop yellow spots on the lower leaves. I'm using 4700 lumen flourescents and water about 200ml once a day.
Far too much water and what is the ph of it? Yellow spotting could be a number of things, depends on all the factors you havent mentioned- more info required for an accurate answer.:joint:


Active Member
i thought it might be too much water. I'm growing in a closet with good ventilation and i'm using miracle grow potting mix. i'm also feeding it with miracle grow all purpose plant food(24-8-16) every two weeks. Could the spots have come from heat? it has been as close as 95 degrees near the plant. Should I hold off on watering for a few days to see if the plant perks up?


Well-Known Member
i thought it might be too much water. I'm growing in a closet with good ventilation and i'm using miracle grow potting mix. i'm also feeding it with miracle grow all purpose plant food(24-8-16) every two weeks. Could the spots have come from heat? it has been as close as 95 degrees near the plant. Should I hold off on watering for a few days to see if the plant perks up?
STOP using miracle gro NOW. The yellow spots are nutrient lock. Flushing is whats necessary but I would advise repotting into a neutral soil quickly and dont water till it looks happier.


Active Member
The plant still seems to be growing quite well though, good pace and very nice looking new leaves...its only one layer of leaves that were affected with the yellow spots...do you think leaving it as is and hold off on watering for a few days will be sufficient for its remaining growth


Well-Known Member
The plant still seems to be growing quite well though, good pace and very nice looking new leaves...its only one layer of leaves that were affected with the yellow spots...do you think leaving it as is and hold off on watering for a few days will be sufficient for its remaining growth
Looking at the size of the pots you will have to repot soonish anyhow, so I would do it now personally, what may only be affecting 'one layer' could become much worse quite quickly if your not careful. Prevention is better than cure my friend!:joint:GLuck


Active Member
Dude. That is way to much h20.
If it isn't dry, then don't apply! (h20 that is)
I water mine about evry 5 days. But if the top few inches of topsoil aren't dry. Then wait.
Weed wants to grow.. you have to let it.

ps. I am not into all this scientific stuff.. my lady lets me know when she needs water... she will droop, and when I water.. the next morning she stands straight up.


Active Member
Also..... Stop giving fert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are in MG soil..
I always let my plants ride throught veg. with just some nutrient rich soil..
I don't fert until flower.... and really, that is only a few times until I start flushing.
Good luck!
Once you get it.. then you have got it! Like riding a bike..