should i bother?


Active Member
hey guys. there is no sunlight outside at the moment where my plant is and im just wondering if it would make any difference sitting my 1 plant under this light or if i just shouldnt bother? thanks


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When you say there's no sunlight do you mean it's night time or just overcast? Even when it's really cloudy the sun rays still shine through, hung out at Santa Cruz for the day, really over cast and I was burnt by bed time. That light would be ok but unless it's almost dark out there (black, night time, ect) I personally would just leave it outside. If possible maybe put the light on it out side. Good luck
When you say there's no sunlight do you mean it's night time or just overcast? Even when it's really cloudy the sun rays still shine through, hung out at Santa Cruz for the day, really over cast and I was burnt by bed time. That light would be ok but unless it's almost dark out there (black, night time, ect) I personally would just leave it outside. If possible maybe put the light on it out side. Good luck
its like complete clouds not overcast, been raining all day which is also a worry. so do u reckon if i had my light on it it would actually do something?
its like complete clouds not overcast, been raining all day which is also a worry. so do u reckon if i had my light on it it would actually do something?
If it's that bad and raining a lot too ya it wouldn't hurt to bring her in. The light isn't very much wattage but it will do any other lamps you could throw on here would make her happier, maybe by a brighter window as well. She is a plant though, she'd make it if you left her.
Is she vegging or flowering?
shes just spouted a couple days ago and its been cloudy those few days so im worried. i am able to get a few of those lights on her aswell. and the sun is basically gone now. its starting to get dark and leaving her on my windowsill wouldnt do too much but hey, may aswell
Oh what she's a sprout yes go get her quick, as little guys direct rain can triple them. Some deal ok with it and perk back up, some don't I don't like to risk it. That light is fine for a sprout, but if it cold on your windowstill just put her some were warm and breathable air flow is always helpful.
Oh what she's a sprout yes go get her quick, as little guys direct rain can triple them. Some deal ok with it and perk back up, some don't I don't like to risk it. That light is fine for a sprout, but if it cold on your windowstill just put her some were warm and breathable air flow is always helpful.
yeah ive got a pic of her


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yeah ive got a pic of her
Get off ur ass go buy a light a decent light hps mh or somthing ur in aus and its the total wrong time to start plants outside
For about 50 bucks u can get a led light system for about 120 u can get a good 400w hps setup u will not regret m8 thats seedling will pump
When you say there's no sunlight do you mean it's night time or just overcast? Even when it's really cloudy the sun rays still shine through, hung out at Santa Cruz for the day, really over cast and I was burnt by bed time. That light would be ok but unless it's almost dark out there (black, night time, ect) I personally would just leave it outside. If possible maybe put the light on it out side. Good luck
Uh oh, santa cruz you say? I'm only a hour or so away.

To OP, is your main goal to keep her in veg? If so, from what you posted, sounds like you got it.
Get off ur ass go buy a light a decent light hps mh or somthing ur in aus and its the total wrong time to start plants outside
For about 50 bucks u can get a led light system for about 120 u can get a good 400w hps setup u will not regret m8 thats seedling will pump
Don't know much about lighting times in ausie but a 400mh/hps is a little over kill for her size. She would like it very much though, I'd say wait till she's about at least 6-8" for a light that big.

Here's a cheap little led for veg if you can afford it,

she needs about 18/6 lighting, I keep it 24/0 until about 6-8" under a 2ft t5 then throw her under a big daddy bulb.
Don't know much about lighting times in ausie but a 400mh/hps is a little over kill for her size. She would like it very much though, I'd say wait till she's about at least 6-8" for a light that big.

Here's a cheap little led for veg if you can afford it,

she needs about 18/6 lighting, I keep it 24/0 until about 6-8" under a 2ft t5 then throw her under a big daddy bulb.
True mader very true I use a 400w dimmable ballast and turn it down to 200w tho I have watched a utube video of a guy growing auto who directly potted the seeds and it was a 1000w mh and his seeds handled that np
Ya she's a little too wet for her size but not much you can do about it other than keep her warm and most needed is air flow on her right now to help with all that moisture. She looks nice though, bag seed or does she have a name?
yeah shes a bag seed
Get off ur ass go buy a light a decent light hps mh or somthing ur in aus and its the total wrong time to start plants outside
For about 50 bucks u can get a led light system for about 120 u can get a good 400w hps setup u will not regret m8 thats seedling will pump
hey man no hate? im just asking for opinions not to be called lazy. i will get a legitimate setup when i move out but for now im stuck with my parents and trying to make the most of a bad situation so deal with it.
420 man make the investment man u will never pay for bud again man and will prob make a few bucks as well and btw stop watering that seedling let the soil dry up makes bettwr roots
True mader very true I use a 400w dimmable ballast and turn it down to 200w tho I have watched a utube video of a guy growing auto who directly potted the seeds and it was a 1000w mh and his seeds handled that np
Ya I've grown a few autos under a 400watt set up right from seed worked out just fine but I figured the MH bulb cost more to run and until she gets enough leafs to really use up a decent amount of light it seemed like a waste.
yeah shes a bag seed

hey man no hate? im just asking for opinions not to be called lazy. i will get a legitimate setup when i move out but for now im stuck with my parents and trying to make the most of a bad situation so deal with it.
Didnt realize u with ur folks the right setup and even they would not know u can do some wicked stealth grows in tiny spaces with leds just saying man it budding season now in aus it would be pointless to plant outside now not trying ruin ur day a few fluro in a fishtank will work do your parents know u smoke? If so explain the law and explain how muh weed costs
420 man make the investment man u will never pay for bud again man and will prob make a few bucks as well and btw stop watering that seedling let the soil dry up makes bettwr roots
I've been seeing a lil to much hate around the threads my self, it gets old when you actually read the threads. Which is why I replyed to you make sure you read the threads, she got hit by rain.