What are your political deal breakers?

If that was an intentional pun then bravo . Agree about pedos though. They are the nut low.

Question though, our most famous pedo in history was Mohamed, does this mean you will never vote for someone of Muslim faith?

you are retarded.
you are retarded.
Dude Mohamed married an 8 year old. She was 6 when he wanted to but she was sickly and not able to consummate for over a year. This isn't a secret. If you worship a pedo, it seemed to me that killing was saying he couldn't vote for them.

Makes you uncomfortable to admit that doesn't it.
All politicians are pedophiles. Another reason not to vote.
That may be too absolute CS.
If that was an intentional pun then bravo . Agree about pedos though. They are the nut low.

Question though, our most famous pedo in history was Mohamed, does this mean you will never vote for someone of Muslim faith?
Never been faced with that. I don't see how a person's religion should bar me from considering them. That would have been like not voting for JFK due to the immorality of many popes. Many politicians profess religion but are insincere. I don't see how a Muslim would be different. Muslims run up here (Canada) and many candidates seem pretty secular.
Dude Mohamed married an 8 year old. She was 6 when he wanted to but she was sickly and not able to consummate for over a year. This isn't a secret. If you worship a pedo, it seemed to me that killing was saying he couldn't vote for them.

Makes you uncomfortable to admit that doesn't it.

it's a fairytale you dipshit.
That may be too absolute CS.

Never been faced with that. I don't see how a person's religion should bar me from considering them. That would have been like not voting for JFK due to the immorality of many popes. Many politicians profess religion but are insincere. I don't see how a Muslim would be different. Muslims run up here (Canada) and many candidates seem pretty secular.
Fair enough. I was just curious about how people justify the Mohamed worship.

Doesn't matter to me either way, I'm not about any religion, but it's not a deal breaker.

I think I can almost justify it by saying all religions are nutty, so I won't hold beliefs against a man as long as he or she doesn't try to force those beliefs on me.
it's a fairytale you dipshit.
I've heard some stuff that Mohammed married a young woman but I have yet to verify that by reading a translation of the Koran. I still don't see how that changes the fact that they are worshipping God-Allah-Jehovah. I think part of the problem is the Arabic language has changed and zealouts have wiggle room to 'interpret' passages. Also, Bin Laden issued Fatwas yet had no learned status to do so.(misuse of Islam)
justify the Mohamed worship.
They worship Allah. No idolatry in Islam.
it's a fairytale you dipshit.
Lol, you think there isn't historic documentation of Mo's existence?

Hell, the Koran still exists in its original (4th rewrite) language and form. The only religious document (other than diabetics) that can make that claim.

Do you really believe Mohamed was a fictional character?
They worship Allah. No idolatry in Islam.
Yet people are killed over cartoon depictions of the man.

I don't remember the names, hopefully a Muslim will fill in the blanks. Mo's best friend and advisor had a 6 year old daughter that he was privileged to promise her hand. She was sick at that time and was 8 before healthy enough to marry. It's been over 20 years since my theology class so the minor details are gone. I'd google it for ya if I wasn't posting from a phone.
Lol, you think there isn't historic documentation of Mo's existence?

Hell, the Koran still exists in its original (4th rewrite) language and form. The only religious document (other than diabetics) that can make that claim.

Do you really believe Mohamed was a fictional character?

do you really believe everything you read in a book of fairy tales?

i'm giving you too much credit. you have never read much of anything beyond divorce papers, i'm sure. amend "read" to "hear about from your other bigoted biddies".
I think I can almost justify it by saying all religions are nutty
Yet people are killed over cartoon depictions of the man.

yet we never hear you make a peep about christians offing abortion doctors or faith healers letting their kids die from easily curable diseases.

the one-sidedness of your bitching and moaning tells the story quite clearly. you belong in the south.
yet we never hear you make a peep about christians offing abortion doctors or faith healers letting their kids die from easily curable diseases.

the one-sidedness of your bitching and moaning tells the story quite clearly. you belong in the south.
Should I bitch about them now to you because you are the arbiter of such things?

What you mentioned is terrible and irrelevant.

Man take a break. You are really off your game .

I've never seen you talk about the Asian sex trade. By your logic it means you support it.

You really are trying too hard for my attention. I'm going back to skimming past your posts until you step up your game . You've brought weak shit all day.

How do you know I haven't btw? Do you go through all of my posts to see? Hell, I don't even know if I've expressed my opinion on those subjects here. The fact you do is really creepy.
To me when I see protesters, about the comic, I see a bunch of angry unemployed guys that can't get a job, aren't being integrated into the West and happen to be Muslims.
In Holland, a satirist made a documentary with a Somali women about clitirodectomies. He got shot by a fanatic muslim. He's doing life. Most muslims find that practice barbaric and it's not common in most muslim countries.
Do they need to evolve. Yes. Is it a war of religions. No. Way too complex in my view.
To me when I see protesters, about the comic, I see a bunch of angry unemployed guys that can't get a job, aren't being integrated into the West and happen to be Muslims.
In Holland, a satirist made a documentary with a Somali women about clitirodectomies. He got shot by a fanatic muslim. He's doing life. Most muslims find that practice barbaric and it's not common in most muslim countries.
Do they need to evolve. Yes. Is it a war of religions. No. Way too complex in my view.
Understood, the Muslims I work with will tell you that all life is precious and killing a spider is a crime against Allah. They don't like to talk about the pedo thing, it was a different time when society was cool with that. I know it's the crazies making a bad name for the rest, like Westboro Church does here for the christians.
Should I bitch about them now to you because you are the arbiter of such things?

What you mentioned is terrible and irrelevant.

Man take a break. You are really off your game .

I've never seen you talk about the Asian sex trade. By your logic it means you support it.

You really are trying too hard for my attention. I'm going back to skimming past your posts until you step up your game . You've brought weak shit all day.

How do you know I haven't btw? Do you go through all of my posts to see? Hell, I don't even know if I've expressed my opinion on those subjects here. The fact you do is really creepy.

He uses a search script that finds things and helps him find amusing pictures to post as a response.
no, just complain about what you want and i will be happy to notice the pattern, which always goes one way.
Which way is that oh so honest one?

Oh hey I know, find a post of mine about 3000 posts ago that says I'm agnostic, then quote me laughing at a Doer post that was pure genius that I jokingly said was divinely inspired and use that as proof that I'm lying about being agnostic. Good times.

Your obsession with me is both flattering and worrisome.
you really need me to tell you?


i suppose ignorance is a pre-requisite for the rhetoric you espouse.

Since you claim to know all of my posts here on RIU, I would say you have that info at your fingertips. Tell me my thoughts on religion please.