Is all the cool new products good with you or not


New Member
I love all the newness around us these days. The gadgets, movies, games, books, science...just about everything looks to be a newer wave of revolution. :)
All the new products is cool as fuck wit me. cept I dont be buying dat chit cause its fuckng spensive as fuck
I can't stand anything with a touch screen. Gaming has become phenomenal. Music is so/so. Movies are a definite plus with a few exceptions. I don't like how everything's trying to go 3D though.

So I guess I'm on the fence. I like traditional over modern in a lot of ways, but there are some awesome technologies out now a days.
All this technology but we're still working just as much as we were 90 years ago so I don't see the point.
All this technology but we're still working just as much as we were 90 years ago so I don't see the point.

you try building a coffee table using only a hand saw and a hammer? With a power saw and drill, you cut the effort down tremendously and improve productivity. And that's just one example.
All this technology but we're still working just as much as we were 90 years ago so I don't see the point.

that's so all of the sheeple can afford the latest, greatest, new iphone.. you know, the one for $700, and the one that has one new feature over the last, latest, greatest iphone..
technology is great and all, so long as you don't make it your life imvho.. so many people who work 60 plus hour weeks just so they can keep up with the joneses.. so many people who think that they need to buy the newest hd 3d, super plasma tv that just dropped, and simply over look what's really important in life..
also, with a lot of modern technology,it makes a lot of people lazy.. and not to mention what it does to interpersonal skills, and socialization.. people used to go over to people's houses to visit for a few hours, now they just chat on facebook..
there are many pluses, but there are also tons of negatives that come from all of this technology, of course, imvho.. look at people today.. come over to visit, and can't even put their cell phones down for 20 minutes in order to have an un-interrupted conversation with you.. this is not right.. and imo, it'll only get worse with age.
so, to sum it up, yes, of course technology is cool and awesome, but it's effect on us as people isn't always the greatest, and i often find myself yearning for the old days, and i'm only 43... or will be shortly..
that's so all of the sheeple can afford the latest, greatest, new iphone.. you know, the one for $700, and the one that has one new feature over the last, latest, greatest iphone..
technology is great and all, so long as you don't make it your life imvho.. so many people who work 60 plus hour weeks just so they can keep up with the joneses.. so many people who think that they need to buy the newest hd 3d, super plasma tv that just dropped, and simply over look what's really important in life..
also, with a lot of modern technology,it makes a lot of people lazy.. and not to mention what it does to interpersonal skills, and socialization.. people used to go over to people's houses to visit for a few hours, now they just chat on facebook..
there are many pluses, but there are also tons of negatives that come from all of this technology, of course, imvho.. look at people today.. come over to visit, and can't even put their cell phones down for 20 minutes in order to have an un-interrupted conversation with you.. this is not right.. and imo, it'll only get worse with age.
so, to sum it up, yes, of course technology is cool and awesome, but it's effect on us as people isn't always the greatest, and i often find myself yearning for the old days, and i'm only 43... or will be shortly..

Yes, as this was my point. I'm not saying we cannot do things easier than before but we still work just as much. We are on a path of mass consumption. I mean people camp out to buy a new iphone as if that is what is really going to fulfill their lives. I think we all would benefit if we slowed down our consumption and enjoy what we already have. Next time a new iphone comes out, don't rush to the store and buy it, use your current phone for another year. The same thing goes for anything. I'm not saying not to buy anything new but just slow it down. By slowing consumption, we can slow down the entire system which is currently madness.
you try building a coffee table using only a hand saw and a hammer? With a power saw and drill, you cut the effort down tremendously and improve productivity. And that's just one example.

You are correct sir but then we will build two tables in the same amount of time that it use to take to build one. We are still working the same amount of time. I think everyone would be happier if we didn't work such stressful jobs and spent more time enjoying life.
You are correct sir but then we will build two tables in the same amount of time that it use to take to build one. We are still working the same amount of time. I think everyone would be happier if we didn't work such stressful jobs and spent more time enjoying life.

I was thinking more for personal use age, not as a job requirement.

As for labor we are more productive in getting product to the consumer. So you can enjoy what you want more immediate. Rather than going to the arcade and spending a years worth of quarters to play 1 game, we can now spend a few hundred dollars and have access to millions of games;
You are correct sir but then we will build two tables in the same amount of time that it use to take to build one. We are still working the same amount of time. I think everyone would be happier if we didn't work such stressful jobs and spent more time enjoying life.

i completely agree.. it seems that so many people here in the states work and work and work, just so they can run out and buy the latest, greatest piece of new tech.. they're spending more and more time away from their families, who imo, are the people we should be trying to spend more time with..
idk, it just seems like a crazy rat race with no real end in site.. it reminds me of that scene on midnight express when everyone is walking around in aimlessly in a circle, and they say, don't walk to the right, but in the real rat race they simply say don't stop walking around in circles...
that's so all of the sheeple can afford the latest, greatest, new iphone.. you know, the one for $700, and the one that has one new feature over the last, latest, greatest iphone..
technology is great and all, so long as you don't make it your life imvho.. so many people who work 60 plus hour weeks just so they can keep up with the joneses.. so many people who think that they need to buy the newest hd 3d, super plasma tv that just dropped, and simply over look what's really important in life..
also, with a lot of modern technology,it makes a lot of people lazy.. and not to mention what it does to interpersonal skills, and socialization.. people used to go over to people's houses to visit for a few hours, now they just chat on facebook..
there are many pluses, but there are also tons of negatives that come from all of this technology, of course, imvho.. look at people today.. come over to visit, and can't even put their cell phones down for 20 minutes in order to have an un-interrupted conversation with you.. this is not right.. and imo, it'll only get worse with age.
so, to sum it up, yes, of course technology is cool and awesome, but it's effect on us as people isn't always the greatest, and i often find myself yearning for the old days, and i'm only 43... or will be shortly..
When I'm out with friends I'm with them. They have my undivided attention. But there are a few who will sit at a table with me and be on their phones the entire friggin time. It burns me up to no end. I don't even own a cell. For two years now I've learned I don't really need one, don't really want the expense and I can make due without just fine thank you. Dam I remember phone plans costing $29 a month. That was before Data usage, but really who needs to know what's going on with their friends and family 24 hours a day? It's too much friggin information. I'm overwhelmed for Christ's sake. I do love my iPad though and take it with me when I'm alone just for fun, but when I'm with people I give them my time, all of it, not bits and pieces. Tech has made monsters out of some people. And just like many things I think a little is fine and too much of it like anything is bad. Rant over.
to me it seems like technology flat lined after the internet. Pagers turned into pocket sized computers but other than that, its all thesame. VHS and blue ray are the same thing, ps2 ps4 same thing. I wont behappy until i have an affordable flying car or a robot slave that i can rent out to my employer for 8 hours a day. The only thing that seems to be evolving besides spying tech amd war toys is the ways to grow and consume MJ.