Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow


Well-Known Member
co2 co2 co2........ Ive gone 5 years without it, annnnd big pots at least 7gal and above (fabric) Each year found a way to do better. 2-4 per then 4-6 per (taken into account strains chosen as well) but I managed to get to the consistent range of 5-8 per plant in the last year with 10.5 being the highest so far. But this run with co2 makes me say wtf was i doing all those years without it lmao
That is basically what AT said too. Pots and co2.
I want to run 6per light again because I think this is going to be more OG like in growth based on the little they have grown so far. Lanky-ish. So many toppings and the usual 25-30day veg I am hoping will get them to where they need to be. I want to do 10gals...they will literally be pot to pot 48". 7gal just doesn't seem like that much more than the 5's now.eeee
Thx GG for the time you put into this. Can't wait for the final analysis.
Say have you used any other LED panels that are comparable to the AT600?
No. Only other led I had was a stealth. That was before I found AT's. And to be totally truthful, I actually bought a 36w panel off ebay before the stealth(laugh away)...made a ufo look like the sun. I hopped on a good horse with AT. But I took it upon myself to get educated about all kinds of lighting and now am just a lighting nerd at heart. There are a few other lights that intrigue me for sure. One day I will have the ultimate show down of all great lights.


Well-Known Member
yep, that and my soil mix are the issues I have fixed from this run. Then lets not forget about co2.
you should try cootz mix. even on a couple plants. I like it far more than super soil. Its cheaper (less nutes) very effective. I'm sure you have seen my posts of it several times..


Well-Known Member
you should try cootz mix. even on a couple plants. I like it far more than super soil. Its cheaper (less nutes) very effective. I'm sure you have seen my posts of it several times..
There was no mix this blue dream run and that was the problem I am referring to. Just bagged soil cut with coco. It's supposed to be like a super soil, but it's not.

For this next buffalo run I have had my soil cooking for a while now. The tags recipe with the next generation addition of coco instead of a shit ton of perlite. It's ready to go now and still has a week or two before I transplant the girls.


Active Member
It's the waiting that's killing me, got my two "grow mentors" telling me the LED needs to be a fair amount MORE than the HPS to prove anything ffs!

I'm really coming to the conclusion that I've been right to ignore most of their advice since week 2 of my last grow, besides both oddly mocking me for bothering to test the ph daily (one thinks nutes do it automatically, the other thinks it's a waste of time and doesn't do it at all, both growing in nft for 10 years+) I've recently realised neither of them believed me that I got 4oz off each auto in a 2.5ft square by 5.5ft tent and somehow secretly bought 2oz of each because apparently it's "impossible to get more than a couple of oz's from a tent shorter than 6ft in less than 6 months!".

Anyway, the point of the above isn't just me ranting, I guess I'm saying thanks for the great thread GG and all the others I've followed and will keep following on RIU to figure out what the hell I'm doing!

Whatever the final score, whatever illogical butthurt the haters come up with it's been brilliant watching an open minded bloke do such a great job of comparing the two mediums in such an unbiased way!


Well-Known Member
It's the waiting that's killing me, got my two "grow mentors" telling me the LED needs to be a fair amount MORE than the HPS to prove anything ffs!

I'm really coming to the conclusion that I've been right to ignore most of their advice since week 2 of my last grow, besides both oddly mocking me for bothering to test the ph daily (one thinks nutes do it automatically, the other thinks it's a waste of time and doesn't do it at all, both growing in nft for 10 years+) I've recently realised neither of them believed me that I got 4oz off each auto in a 2.5ft square by 5.5ft tent and somehow secretly bought 2oz of each because apparently it's "impossible to get more than a couple of oz's from a tent shorter than 6ft in less than 6 months!".

Anyway, the point of the above isn't just me ranting, I guess I'm saying thanks for the great thread GG and all the others I've followed and will keep following on RIU to figure out what the hell I'm doing!

Whatever the final score, whatever illogical butthurt the haters come up with it's been brilliant watching an open minded bloke do such a great job of comparing the two mediums in such an unbiased way!
your mentors sound like the kind of toolbags that should follow an never be followed :lol:

anyone who isnt impressed that under 700 running watts of led can match over 1000 of hps not including inline fan must be out of their minds.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ as the saying goes haters will be haters. I had buddy come by a month ago. Younger than me. But he talks so much shit on led and induction. He is drunk alot. He saw my garden and laughed at my lights. He said they were carnival lights and a joke. Then after he looked at my plants he started to change his mind. I explained long term savings and longevity. He understood. But still not swayed. He even has seen my old par t5 grows. And saw how well they did. Still talked shit on flowering with t5's. Made every excuse and argument he could. Some people won't accept change no matter how much better it is... I just take it as them being jealous.


Well-Known Member


is RIU the leading website for LED grows??
if so, damn crazzyyy
RIU is IMO the best and biggest led community that I have been apart of...and the most knowledgable and impressive in the grow rooms easily.
I would imagine that many companies and what not around the industry are stopping by checking out what everyone here does. A lot of impressive things go on in this forum...stuff you have barely ever seen else's where...and if you do it's the same RIU member on a different site.


Well-Known Member
So the yield is in...

Apache AT600= 656grams...@685w=.96g/w

Since they were vegged under the same light and amount of it, the veg energy is a wash...and basic g/watt of flowering light is actually a great figure to use for comparison purposes.

IMG_0709.jpg IMG_0708.jpg IMG_0710.jpg

IMG_0711.jpg IMG_0712.jpg IMG_0713.jpg

Left: LED Right:HPS
LED(from pic above)
HPS(from pic above)
And last but not least a video
Simply spectacular! How anyone can be a non-believer of quality LED after this run is beyond me.

I also concur with your visual examination; The LED nugs do appear to be slightly denser, darker, and frosty. This is to say the HPS buds are a bit more to the lime side, with a bit more air to them, and slightly less frost.

The lab results will be telling as to the true differences, if any, apart from the mild variation in appearance.
Anyone want to buy a lightly used HID? :fire: I hear GG has some for sale.
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Well-Known Member
The LED trichs look brighter and more prominent. I associate that will more potency and more smell/flavor. I agree the LED nugs look more dense. That said, there is nothing wrong with those HPS nugs they look awesome too!

I am very surprised by the AT's yield. I expected HPS to significantly outyield the LED, very impressed! Thanks again for doing this test GG!
Been waiting to hear the results and see the final vid. Great job there gg.

That bad boy 600 looks to be the winner as far as gpw go. Thanks again for doing a detailed comparison.


Well-Known Member

Thank you for putting this out there. Now that you've should us you can achieve yields on par (pun intended) with HPS, can't wait till do LED side by side comparison. I'm a frugal bastard and though I am sold on LED and currently use Dorm Grow product, I can't help but wonder if same results the Apache AT600 can be achieved using a Dorm Grow 900 Full Spectrum for half the cost of an AT600.



Well-Known Member
Bomb diggity! Thank you GG for your informative grows and showing what proper LED's can do.


Just as I suspected. Thanks GG. I'm looking forward to seeing the test results. I'm hoping to see the AT with at least 2% higher thc. If so, I will be extremely happy. I will be using my AT600 as part of my summer run. I wish I could've picked up more than just the one, but I'll get em when I can. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Simply spectacular! How anyone can be a non-believer of quality LED after this run is beyond me.
I also concur with your visual examination; The LED nugs do appear to be slightly denser, darker, and frosty. This is to say the HPS buds are a bit more to the lime side, with a bit more air to them, and slightly less frost.
The lab results will be telling as to the true differences, if any, apart from the mild variation in appearance.
Anyone want to buy a lightly used HID? I hear GG has some for sale.
I just gave away 3 600hps last week and have 3 more sitting in my attic. And now the 1K needs some space up there.
I can't wait for the results too. I want to know the terpene levels more than anything. Plus just see what it test at in general...it has major potential. I don't know too many testing the end product so will be fun to see what is getting produced.

Awesome. Very detailed and informative. Nothing but facts. I dream in cartoons.
What's up...glad you have been watching. I have a theme song in my dreams.

Wow man just awesome, thank you for doing this so legit.
No problem. It was a blast for me to do. More fun to come.

Been waiting to hear the results and see the final vid. Great job there gg.
That bad boy 600 looks to be the winner as far as gpw go. Thanks again for doing a detailed comparison.
Thank you sir...it definitely did it's job. It will be a permeant fixture for a long time now that know exactly where it stands.
Smoke report and lab results should be in one update when ready, and then that is all she wrote for this project.

3 AT600 threads on the front page, lol
Haha...plus oneshot is doing a run with it too...next to a blackdog.

Bomb diggity! Thank you GG for your informative grows and showing what proper LED's can do.
You're very welcome. Did the pics show you what you wanted to see?