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Have you ever been to the Sundowner in Niagara Falls Canada? Good place to check out if you are visiting. I enjoy stips clubs. :mrgreen::peace:

Ive never been to Canada , But when I do get there ,(and I will) I'll check it out , Niagara Falls Is on my list of "places to go " Just change the "N" to a "V" and they would be "Viagara Falls"
Lacy, I wish we could send sex through the mail, mabey that would help you out. I'ts really shameful when a man refuses to be what he is!
shit me and my wife never hardly have sex anymore we been married only 4 years

its just i mean pizza is good but u get tired of eatin the same thing every night:mrgreen:

so then u need variety, atleast i do, i love my wife more than anything but variety is the spice of life

also i think its true what they say specially for a guy your better off being a virgin before you get married or u can lose focus pretty quik if u done sexed many harlets prior to marrige

plus internet porn will reduce the amount of sex u have with your wife too

cuz internet porn has variety
shit me and my wife never hardly have sex anymore we been married only 4 years

its just i mean pizza is good but u get tired of eatin the same thing every night:mrgreen:

so then u need variety, atleast i do, i love my wife more than anything but variety is the spice of life

also i think its true what they say specially for a guy your better off being a virgin before you get married or u can lose focus pretty quik if u done sexed many harlets prior to marrige

plus internet porn will reduce the amount of sex u have with your wife too

cuz internet porn has variety

Well Pizza comes with different toppings , So if you ate it everyday you could have it different .. I'm sure that if your wife went out and screwed different people all the time that you would not like it at all... You should get divorced and save her the neglect that she is getting from you , After all I'm sure its NOT her sitting in front of a computer and getting off . hell she prob feels like its her fault that your not screwing everyday...
Well Pizza comes with different toppings , So if you ate it everyday you could have it different .. I'm sure that if your wife went out and screwed different people all the time that you would not like it at all... You should get divorced and save her the neglect that she is getting from you , After all I'm sure its NOT her sitting in front of a computer and getting off . hell she prob feels like its her fault that your not screwing everyday...

naw she got toys and stuff, plus in most relationships its the guy who gets neglected and baited with sex,

plus if u have kids u must do whats best for them,

and yes hell no would i allow my wife to cheat on me, i just wish she would let me cheat on her:mrgreen:

u ever seen the show married with children:mrgreen:
this is for all the women who have men who seem like they dont want them yet they want to have sex. i have a theory on that one, i know quite a few guys this way including family members, and this has helped numerous times...

i believe most of our problems stem from the food.
yes the food.

please allow me to explain .

numerous studies have proven that women are intering puberty earlier and earlier.
no one denies that...
there having sex younger, and looking older. maturing faster and faster.
(my older sister was 6-1 by the time she was 13 my 13 yr old sister is 5-7)

and more and more men are showing up with gynocomastia...
most of our food has hormones in it lots of estrogen , which works well for the ladies, but has a reverse affect on men, slowing down and eventually halting testosterone, the very thing that regulates sex drive.

i know i feel better with a well balanced all natural diet. my stamina has jumped 10fold

you really are what you eat.

i loves me some sex, and it would really suck if that came to end because of what i was consuming.

just a theory people

check out ....
.......................:hump:You know I have only had one ONE in my entire life and hubby chucked it out on me.:evil:

Thats the part I don't understand about men.
If a guy cannot fulfill his (womans_) partners sexual needs
then why would he get upset if the woman wanted to please herself?:confused:

Isn't that being a tad selfish?

That sucks! Not all guys are intimidated by toys. Both of mine were bought for me by my boyfriend. He actually loved to find me playing with my rabbit, lol

Yes korvette. You are right...a frustrated woman is not a happy woman and especially the ago I am in now.
Seriously dude. What kind of a sick f*cking joke was GOD thinking when he created this scenerio.
Lets men make the horniest when they are younger and woman the horniest at middle age

I agree that it must be some kind of a threat ...I just don't know how to get past it. I am a totally loyal woman to my man and I believe in being honest and everything. I pride myself in regards to my honesty but how can I be completely honest about this if he doesn't want to even talk about it.
He gets all pissy and storms outta the room if I ever try to approach the subject and in the end I am left feeling like I a slut because I'm horny and he's not.

It just seemed to be a lost cause. :(

and yes it becomes VERY frustrating....VERY!!!!!

Sh*t I need to get laid bad!!! LMAO!!!

No offense Lacy, but I think your husband is the exception, not the rule.

Im so sorry that you are feeling this way. I dont know what to say ..I'm 42 and I want sex just as much now as i did when I was 18. We(my girl and I ) try to get busy EVERYDAY.. it never gets boring , Maybe he is having a "male " issue and is having a hard time with it ..(no pun intended) did you ever think about spiking a drink with viagra ? its kinda hard to say NO when you have a raging hardon

lol, date rape your own husband!

Ok I have had one before. :roll: After being at a bridal shower and listening to all the woman going on about it I decided to get one online. When it came I was REALLY excited. Hubby was pissed. :twisted:

How do I ask this? Ok I really like big and hard & all BUT the one I got was a bit on the rouhg side. I wasn't expecting it to have balls as well. :roll:...and well...I am an very active participant and when it was all said and done:cry: I had a sore you-know-what. :shock:
I mean I wanna ride it and get into it but not regret it later, if you know what I mean.
I loved the vibrating part a LOT but that rotating thing only works for a while ...then like the rest at the bottom becomes a complete waste and ....:roll:..kinda just gets in the way.:oops::cool:

Oh. I also have a couple of sets of rubber balls...that went from bigger......

too biggest :shock:

NOW THEY were really hot..:hump:

don't know what happened to them but I loved those things. I forgot all about those until I say what you typed. oh ...the fun I have been missing out on. :cry:
I have two rabbits, and one is EXACTLY the same as yours! The pink one, lol. Then I have a purple one, that has those pearl beads. The pink one is WAY better
show off...:mrgreen::peace:

You've never had cyber sex? :shock:

I've had plenty of phone sex with my girlfriends. I really like that because I can hear thier voices and can tell when......:roll:
you know.;)
Now THAT is HOT!!!!:hump:
Another thing hubby gets pissed off with.....:twisted:tells me to go in the other room....LMAOO which is ok wif me because I like a bit of privacy and if doesn't wanna be a part of it ....pfft well :roll:
tough......doesn't stop me.:clap: Thats always fun and exciting. :mrgreen:

Get yahoo messenger and I'll pop your cherry :wink: my cherry is easily popped gurl. Don't tease me so..

2nd thought.......tease me more......:hump::clap:
Wikid hon....I would LOVE to have YOU pop my cherry.:mrgreen::!:

So if I get a messenger do I go about getting it?
And if I get one....can I talk on it too:oops:??
And if I get one...what about security and all of that? Can other people see what I are saying?:twisted::confused:
Now that I feel like a total dumbass:wall:

I totally love this chick den idea. :mrgreen:

lol, I'm joking of course. I just couldn't resist

Ok woman, so your first vibe wasn't comfortable huh? Well this one is. Seriously, go back and check it out, read all the features. It's made of silcone so it's easy on you, and when the beads spin it makes the head rotate and the bunny ears work your clit's simply fucktasitc.

Seriously, get yourself one, and work off some of your sexual frustration. When you get it, I'm betting you cum in under 5 minutes. I'll put MONEY on it.

Go to a strip club together , see if that helps , watch a porno together ,.. wake him up by giving him a blowjob then climb aboard once he is "ready"...If your ok with women bring another woman home let him catch you two together .. Im getting hard just thinking about it ... I may have to wake my girl up..

Letting him catch you with another woman is a very bad idea if you don't talk it over with him first. I mean, I know a lot of guys have the fantasy and all, but a lot of the are actually intimidated by the actual prospect of a woman being with their woman.

Or at least it seems that friends, where the guy is dating a girl who's bisexual, me and the girl jokingly flirt A LOT and her boyfriend always gets really bugged by it.

shit me and my wife never hardly have sex anymore we been married only 4 years

its just i mean pizza is good but u get tired of eatin the same thing every night:mrgreen:

so then u need variety, atleast i do, i love my wife more than anything but variety is the spice of life

also i think its true what they say specially for a guy your better off being a virgin before you get married or u can lose focus pretty quik if u done sexed many harlets prior to marrige

plus internet porn will reduce the amount of sex u have with your wife too

cuz internet porn has variety

Can I ask you which is more your complaint, that you're fucking the same WOMAN or that your just doing the same fucking? I mean, are you bored with your wife or are you bored with the sex you and your wife have together?

This is the reason I don't think I'll ever get married.
One night stands that I had were always my decision. If I wanted something to grind on, I walked over and told him I was going to fuck him. Sometimes, though, a guy would really work for it all night, and I felt sorry for him and gave him pity pussy. I always regretted the one night stand in the morning because I never got fulfilled sexually.It takes me a long time to warm up to someone enough to actually come for them.
What about one-night-stands ladies? I need to know what happened so Im prepared in case we meet, this is how I scan my women. Maybe the guy was a real smooth-talker. If this is the case, fantasies and romantic discussions will work on you. Maybe the guy was really bold and extremely sexual with you. You then must like guys who are confident and really go for what they want.
After most of my One Night Stands and frequent first-date sex nights, the explanation I have heard from the girl most often was "You just wanted me so much." LOL... These type of chicks really respond to your passion. If that's what she responds to, I'll keep giving it to her. (This is also one of the most effective tactics to get around the anti-slut-defense -- my "I really want you" passion.)
If possible, I usually find out what your sexual relationship was like with your past boyfriends. In my experience, chicks come in two different sexual flavors with two different types each. They are either "High Drive" or "Low Drive" and then prefer "Run-of-the-Mill Sex" or "Wild Adventurous Sex". So I Find out what type she is and then deliver what she wants.
Of course, low drive women are completely avoided.

Lacy, just get antispy or antivirus programs. And yes, mozilla is better. I use avira antivirus(it's free)avg antispy(free),comodo firewall(free)spybot search and destroy(free) and lavasoft ad aware 2008(free) I also have a ton of other things to get rid of shit, but that's just me, I have 4 gigs of ram.Not all of my stuff runs on startup, a lot is just for scanning.
So I went to a couple of porn sites today.
Am I goping to get advertising on my computer now and if so how do I get rif of it?

Do I just delete history? for cookies?
One night stands that I had were always my decision. If I wanted something to grind on, I walked over and told him I was going to fuck him. Sometimes, though, a guy would really work for it all night, and I felt sorry for him and gave him pity pussy. I always regretted the one night stand in the morning because I never got fulfilled sexually.It takes me a long time to warm up to someone enough to actually come for them.

Stoney, and this has alot to do with the importance of having a female friend. My chick friend is good looking and the relationship I have with her is strictly platonic. No sex, no kissing, no hanky panky. I refuse to cave in to her possible need to have sex with me since I am her good friend. She always talks highly of me to people and especially girls. She is a great wingman and since I am her good friend, she will always do bidding for me naturally. I met a great girl not too long ago because my chick friend met her in the bathroom and she was complaining that all the guys at the club were dorks. My friend introduced me to the girl and talked me up to the point that I was making out with the girl minutes later! All of the opening game was already done for me by her. My chic friend has gotten me layed numerous of times and too many times to mention here but If you really want to know I'll give you all the dirt. A few nights ago me and my current love interest (whom my chick friend introduced me to) were out and about. All three of us hit the dance floor and since my chick friend knows I am not going to touch her or get the wrong idea, she was grinding on me as well as my love interest. All the men came up to me later and wanted to know my secret. I got many free drinks that night from guys wanting advice:hump: and 2 girls' numbers who saw me dancing with them. Because of my chick friend, women warm up to me after I talk to them and I say something like "and this is my best friend Kimberly." Of course the girl wants to know what's up, so we both tell her and then they go to the bathroom (typical of women). This is where my chick friend talks me up and answers all those typical female questions when it comes to guys. Then I end up taking the girl home that night. I have alot of sleezy stories that I would never want my parents to know, I'm not a nice person at all, Im really a nasty bad boy!
I did have one years ago in my single days when I lives with my roomates, it was great. Just come over, do it and leave. No relationship bullshit, lol. Then I met hubby and it all changed, for the better I might add, lol. :mrgreen::peace:
lol, we would hang out a lot, but we always had sex, ALWAYS. I think once or twice I tried to leave before we'd had sex, just cuz i had to be somewhere or something, and yeah, didn't make it out the door.
My previous fiance did the weirdest thing during sex, lol. He would almost cry before climax. Is that wierd or just me?
My previous fiance did the weirdest thing during sex, lol. He would almost cry before climax. Is that wierd or just me?
A friends GF sounds like a soprano when she comes...I've heard it...scared the shit out of me at 1st.. WTF was that..
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