One night stands that I had were always my decision. If I wanted something to grind on, I walked over and told him I was going to fuck him. Sometimes, though, a guy would really work for it all night, and I felt sorry for him and gave him pity pussy. I always regretted the one night stand in the morning because I never got fulfilled sexually.It takes me a long time to warm up to someone enough to actually come for them.
Stoney, and this has alot to do with the importance of having a female friend. My chick friend is good looking and the relationship I have with her is strictly platonic. No sex, no kissing, no hanky panky. I refuse to cave in to her possible need to have sex with me since I am her good friend. She always talks highly of me to people and especially girls. She is a great wingman and since I am her good friend, she will always do bidding for me naturally. I met a great girl not too long ago because my chick friend met her in the bathroom and she was complaining that all the guys at the club were dorks. My friend introduced me to the girl and talked me up to the point that I was making out with the girl minutes later! All of the opening game was already done for me by her. My chic friend has gotten me layed numerous of times and too many times to mention here but If you really want to know I'll give you all the dirt. A few nights ago me and my current love interest (whom my chick friend introduced me to) were out and about. All three of us hit the dance floor and since my chick friend knows I am not going to touch her or get the wrong idea, she was grinding on me as well as my love interest. All the men came up to me later and wanted to know my secret. I got many free drinks that night from guys wanting advice

and 2 girls' numbers who saw me dancing with them. Because of my chick friend, women warm up to me after I talk to them and I say something like "and this is my best friend Kimberly." Of course the girl wants to know what's up, so we both tell her and then they go to the bathroom (typical of women). This is where my chick friend talks me up and answers all those typical female questions when it comes to guys. Then I end up taking the girl home that night. I have alot of sleezy stories that I would never want my parents to know, I'm not a nice person at all, Im really a nasty bad boy!