What are your political deal breakers?

Whatever gets you hard Dav.
you leave the word, "but" out of the sentence, but I still detect it. apologist.
I'm not an expert on Islam. You make a claim. So far, no evidence. Just one select quote. I don't know the context, literal or metaphorical, etc.
I just don't think it's productive to see the issue so starkly. That would mean we, as a species, must be in a permanent state of war with Islam. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Given that the Sunni-Shia rift is escalating, I just don't buy it. Btw, the U.S. funded Sadaam to fight that dirty proxy war against Iran. Remember?
U.S. foreign policy in the middle-east has been self-serving. It's created a lot of ill-will. Pretty simplistic to reduce it to good vs. evil.
Whatever gets you hard Dav.

I'm not an expert on Islam. You make a claim. So far, no evidence. Just one select quote. I don't know the context, literal or metaphorical, etc.
I just don't think it's productive to see the issue so starkly. That would mean we, as a species, must be in a permanent state of war with Islam. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Given that the Sunni-Shia rift is escalating, I just don't buy it. Btw, the U.S. funded Sadaam to fight that dirty proxy war against Iran. Remember?
U.S. foreign policy in the middle-east has been self-serving. It's created a lot of ill-will. Pretty simplistic to reduce it to good vs. evil.
I should sit you on my knee, and read the Suras to you? if you are going to stand in defense of something, BECOME an expert on it, or shut the fuck up. apologist. anything brown is good...........................
Whatever gets you hard Dav.

I'm not an expert on Islam. You make a claim. So far, no evidence. Just one select quote. I don't know the context, literal or metaphorical, etc.
I just don't think it's productive to see the issue so starkly. That would mean we, as a species, must be in a permanent state of war with Islam. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Given that the Sunni-Shia rift is escalating, I just don't buy it. Btw, the U.S. funded Sadaam to fight that dirty proxy war against Iran. Remember?
U.S. foreign policy in the middle-east has been self-serving. It's created a lot of ill-will. Pretty simplistic to reduce it to good vs. evil.

I like this post and your logic is solid. The problem is trying to use logic when discussing religion. The bible tells us when it's ok to beat our slaves and all about God's smite and when it's cool to kill the little woman, the Koran teaches to conquer and kill. Those are unfortunate truths that are glossed over by modern religion and excused away by "we don't think like that anymore" or "that's the old testament, we go by the new".

Yes, the quote is there, no, not every Muslim, in fact I'd say only the most extreme, believe in this. That doesn't change what the Koran or Bible teaches.
I like this post and your logic is solid. Yes, the quote is there, no, not every Muslim, in fact I'd say only the most extreme, believe in this. That doesn't change what the Koran or Bible teaches.
I'm not denying, and never would, that some excerpts from many religious texts are very hard to explain, or explain away. I don't want to do that. It makes no sense.
I guess I'm saying two things: it's pragmatic not to let a dynamic of them vs us become entrenched (whoever them and us may be). It's very dangerous to peace to let that happen. On that note, I'm convinced people want the same fundamentals: jobs, shelter, food, opportunities for their kids. If that approach was taken I think the world could stay more peaceful. Peace is needed for the economy to flourish. This dynamic tends to be reinforcing in a positive way.
That doesn't mean that the world didn't need to stand up to Hitler or other aggressors.
I'm not denying, and never would, that some excerpts from many religious texts are very hard to explain, or explain away. I don't want to do that. It makes no sense.
I guess I'm saying two things: it's pragmatic not to let a dynamic of them vs us become entrenched (whoever them and us may be). It's very dangerous to peace to let that happen. On that note, I'm convinced people want the same fundamentals: jobs, shelter, food, opportunities for their kids. If that approach was taken I think the world could stay more peaceful. Peace is needed for the economy to flourish. This dynamic tends to be reinforcing in a positive way.
That doesn't mean that the world didn't need to stand up to Hitler or other aggressors.

Well said killem.

Distinguishing between us and them is what we accuse religions of doing. So I guess we are just as guilty.
I don't need one. Quit pretending to be inferior and just take responsibility for yourself.

I'm not inferior. My Aspergers makes me realize people like you are the ones fucked in the head, and I shouldn't be kind for kindness' sake. My kindness to you is earned, and that's never happening with you.
I'm around the 97th to 98th percentile with IQ. Of course people like you would think I'm retarded.
Um I'm kinda thinking so now...because uh...I literally just said that you're not retarded and then you said that I think you are while bragging about high IQ, which well nevermind.

Good for you.
Um I'm kinda thinking so now...because uh...I literally just said that you're not retarded and then you said that I think you are while bragging about high IQ, which well nevermind.

Good for you.

Because even though I have Apergers, I know when people are just saying shit. You change your narrative to fit your agenda.