Spider mites!!!


Active Member
I have spider-mites. I have been using this spray that I got at home depot. It's not working. They havn't damaged the plant that bad, I think its because there are a bunch of flowering plants around it. But I need to get rid of them. I know you can use dish soap. and vinager. and neem oil. But what would be a good treatment plan. how many times do you apply? If you could help that would be great!


Well-Known Member
Don't put vinegar on any plant you don't want to risk killing. It's used as a weed killer in organic gardening, etc.
For mites, I use a pyrethrum-based spray product called "Eight" . . . works great. Any pyrethrum-based product should be fine. It's used on food crops up to the day of harvest, and up to 6-8 times a season. I don't know that I'd spray it on buds? Mix according to directions, soak the plant (and surrounding ones?) and let it dry. Non-toxic to animals once dry. Repeat 2-3 weeks later to dispose of eggs.
Be sure to get the undersides well.
It appears that you're outdoors. If so, you can try to spray those suckers off the plants w/water.


Active Member
okay, so no viniger. What about neem oil? and where can I find a product like that? do I have to go to a hydro store, or can I find it at like a home depot, lowes etc. Yeah, Im out side. Ive tried to spray with water. Didn't work. They still keep comming back. I was using Triazicide. Which, worked for a day or so... and then I came back and there were more white spots... I really dont want the plant to die from mites... its looking really nice and I am starting to think its a female.


Well-Known Member
I just started applying neem oil to my plants a few weeks ago. I didn't have spider mites, just something eating on the leaves. It worked, there are no new holes in my plants. You might be able to find it in a nursery or garden section of a big store, but more likely in the hydro shop as it is all fancy and organic :/


Well-Known Member
I'd spray the surrounding vegetation too, like the flowers you mention. I hope this is as effective outside as it has been inside. You may need to re-spray, but if you stay on it, this should work.
Keep an eye out for re-infestation after every couple of weeks? (cuz' you're outside)
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Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Spider mites suck. I use a dish soap, water and vinegar mix and it does kill them. I use a spray bottle, cover bottom with dish soap, fill 3/4 with water then 1/4 white vinegar. Shake gently and spray all over the plant getting under all the leaves and kinda of sudsy looking. Leave this on overnight then spray off entire plant the next day. They should be gone. If you have them really bad, you may have to do this again in a few weeks. This mix also kills aphids. :mrgreen::peace:

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Ya I used triazicide to and this shit is not working anymore. It's really pissing me off. My fan leaves are being torn to pieces!!


Well-Known Member
Damn spider mites suck. A spray tip with pyrethrins: hit the underside of the leaves hard because that's where they're concentrated, do it again it 24 hours and then do it as needed. You want to knock them down hard and fast and then maintain low levels to minimize damage.

Do not ever spray anything beside pyrethrins on your plants, most of the other products contain pesticides which could accumulate in the buds and could be hazardous to smoke.

You'll need to eventual just shut down your garden and deal with them problem which wont be an issue if all of your plants are harvested together. I found out the hard way that spider mite eggs can live in carpet for a few weeks so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
You guys cant just mist the plant and hope they go away....you have to use the pyrethrin to get rid of the eggs...neem oil is a preventative....... you have to soak....and I mean soak both sides of every leaf...and if you are in flower take the nozzle to the buds and spray the fuck out of em.....ITS SAFE and IT WILL KILL THE MITES.....and I mean soak them...and spray the shit out of the top of your soil too...if it doesnt come in direct contact with the bug it will not work....then in a day do an egg check and get all the eggs off that you can.:blsmoke:


Active Member
okay, here is the thing tho. There is a bunch of flowering plants around my plant. They arn't really paying that much attention to my plant, which Im greatful for. But I know when she starts to bed it will be a different story. I am appox 2 weeks untill the flowering stage will begin is my estimated guess. These little fuckers are pissing me off. I havn't been able to run to the store and get anything to really solve this problem, but I did do a major water spray with the hose and I used dis soap, I don't know anymore. And to make things better, I have nute burn now. So now I have to go threw flushing.


Active Member
I have a good friend who is the pest control advisor for the state of ca. Avid is the best miticide you will ever use. The only thing is, you have to go to the ag. dpt. to grt a permit. The stuff also costs about 400.00 a quart. I know that sounds like alot of money, but how much are your girls worth?????????


Well-Known Member
I have a good friend who is the pest control advisor for the state of ca. Avid is the best miticide you will ever use. The only thing is, you have to go to the ag. dpt. to grt a permit. The stuff also costs about 400.00 a quart. I know that sounds like alot of money, but how much are your girls worth?????????
Do not use Avid on your plants. It contains abamectin which is a poison that can affect the central nervous system and is not intended to be used on food crops. Remember, you or someone else is going to be smoking this. Do you really want to be smoking pesticides?

You can, however, buy it without a license:

Avid Miticide, 8 Ounce


Well-Known Member
I had spidermites for years get some hotshots pest control its a vapor that does nothing to your plants and kills spidermites you have to turn off all fans ac/exhaust in your night cycle do this 3 days in a row and you will have no spidermites period