2014 Outdoor first grow PROBLEMS


Active Member
Hey there everyone so first off this is my first Outdoor grow and grow in general. Strain is a mystery as of now, I ordered a random outdoor fem mix from a seed bank in BC. This is a medical grow, only going with one plant for now to learn the ropes as much as possible.

I started this plant indoors 8 weeks ago under four 38 watt t8's just to get a head start. I gradually started introducing her outdoors for around 6 to 8 hours a day for 5 days. On the first day she was fully outside my dogs decided to have their way and basically ate the entire plant!! This is the reasoning behind the 2 1/2 feet of no foliage on the bottom. I quickly transplanted her into the dirt, about a two feet of happy frog is underneath the top soil to give her a nice home. Been feeding her lightly with floragrow and been giving her some CalMag hoping this is going to help her recover. Over the past two weeks she has actually been showing good signs of new growth(thank god). This morning I went outside to water and noticed some browning and yellowing on some of the leaves as well as some VERY light web around the top foliage. I am assuming I have now been hit with spider mites. Going to be spraying with some neem oil hoping to get rid of the infestation before it completely destroys my plant.

Anyways any criticism or advice on how to help my lady out here to get her healthy again would be greatly appreciated and I am glad to finally be posting my own grow here on RIU, been an avid reader for a couple years now.

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Well-Known Member
Hey there everyone so first off this is my first Outdoor grow and grow in general. Strain is a mystery as of now, I ordered a random outdoor fem mix from a seed bank in BC. This is a medical grow, only going with one plant for now to learn the ropes as much as possible.

I started this plant indoors 8 weeks ago under four 38 watt t8's just to get a head start. I gradually started introducing her outdoors for around 6 to 8 hours a day for 5 days. On the first day she was fully outside my dogs decided to have their way and basically ate the entire plant!! This is the reasoning behind the 2 1/2 feet of no foliage on the bottom. I quickly transplanted her into the dirt, about a two feet of happy frog is underneath the top soil to give her a nice home. Been feeding her lightly with floragrow and been giving her some CalMag hoping this is going to help her recover. Over the past two weeks she has actually been showing good signs of new growth(thank god). This morning I went outside to water and noticed some browning and yellowing on some of the leaves as well as some VERY light web around the top foliage. I am assuming I have now been hit with spider mites. Going to be spraying with some neem oil hoping to get rid of the infestation before it completely destroys my plant.

Anyways any criticism or advice on how to help my lady out here to get her healthy again would be greatly appreciated and I am glad to finally be posting my own grow here on RIU, been an avid reader for a couple years now.

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Check the undersides of the leaves for mites. It might just be a plain old insect eating spider's web. You need to put hogwire or chicken wire around your plants so your dogs don't fuck with it. Also they look quite healthy. Check the undersides of the leaves real good though. Spidermites are sometimes red and sometimes black. Keep a look out.


Active Member
Check the undersides of the leaves for mites. It might just be a plain old insect eating spider's web. You need to put hogwire or chicken wire around your plants so your dogs don't fuck with it. Also they look quite healthy. Check the undersides of the leaves real good though. Spidermites are sometimes red and sometimes black. Keep a look out.
Hey thanks for the advice, I just went out and checked her I didn't see anything red or black under the leaves. I also took some neem oil and lightly sprayed the top and unders of the leaves. Put up some chicken wire so the dogs can't access them anymore.
Hoping this lady grows nice and big :)


Also look for caterpillars/worms. They love MJ leaves! Also, don't know how tall your fences are/noisy neighbors, but you might want to think about topping and supercroping your girl!


Active Member
Also look for caterpillars/worms. They love MJ leaves! Also, don't know how tall your fences are/noisy neighbors, but you might want to think about topping and supercroping your girl!
I'm gonna have to look at the topping and supercroping and see what thats all about sounds interesting. Checked for catepillars and worms as well nothing as of now but will keep an eye on her.


Well-Known Member
By only growing one plant you are putting all your eggs in one basket....
So many things can go wrong for new growers...You should grow 3-4 plants...
Do you have white specks on your fan leaves? That is what mite damage look like...


Active Member
By only growing one plant you are putting all your eggs in one basket....
So many things can go wrong for new growers...You should grow 3-4 plants...
Do you have white specks on your fan leaves? That is what mite damage look like...
I do not have any white specks on my fan leaves that I have noticed after thoroughly. I had three plants originally but the dogs ate them completely expect the stem so there wasn't anything I could do to save them :/


Well-Known Member
I do not have any white specks on my fan leaves that I have noticed after thoroughly. I had three plants originally but the dogs ate them completely expect the stem so there wasn't anything I could do to save them :/
Oh, sorry that sucks....But you see what I mean....

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
By only growing one plant you are putting all your eggs in one basket....
So many things can go wrong for new growers...You should grow 3-4 plants...
Do you have white specks on your fan leaves? That is what mite damage look like...
yea I was going to say the same thing about how many plants you have. you've done good so far, but if it didn't make it you would have to start over. And if your have others you can sort of compare/experiment with stronger feedings and see what works better.
But you are doing good so far. Goodluck


Well-Known Member
Sucks about your dawg brah. But for now just keep checking your leaves upper/under and check your soil with a test kit if you can. Your problem may be there