To nute or not to nute?

Total newbie here although have read this forum for months and months. I have decided this is the forum to join as everyone seems so helpful. I am planning my first grow journal but want to finish this first practice in about Mmmmmm 12 years. I used to grow full size now I'm scaling it down a bit (a lot). I have two autos in just now. Sitting at 1 week old today :) I'm in no rush but eager to pick up some new skills. I'm trying to grow as organic as possible which obviously means they are no too big at this point.

I am using MG and distilled tap water at the moment - I am happy my babies are finally on the up however noticed a slight changed this morning on one of the seedlings. It seems to be turning a light green almost lime colour. I have researched and researched and keep coming back to the MG possibly being too strong at the moment. OR there is not enough of what's needed in the MG and maybe a wee heavy diluted feed might be in order. I honestly don't want to feed them for another couple of weeks so here goes...
:confused::dunce: Here is an enlarged image so you can see exactly what I'm moaning about. As you can see the vains look hefty ill :cry:

Here is the other one ( Only two in a small space )

From reading this forum I'm going to bag myself some perlite - can anyone please offer advice on how to mix up the perlite into potted pots? Again might be a total no go but though I would ask. Don't want to be moving them into other containers. I planto keep the plants quite small hence keeping them in the small pots.

Like i said, complete newbie to small spaces and forums but very excited. Sick of paying for scrawny weed...

I will defo be updating and showing results. Let me know what you think...

If I am doing this in the wrong area of the forum please point me in the right direction. Thank you!

Any advice appreciated


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Generally Perlite at a rate of around 30 % always worked well for me. You want the soil to be able to breathe and drain well. Without it, you end up with a bucket of mud.
Speaking of which in my opinion you've started out with the wrong soil and now you'll be fighting it all the way. MG has an unstable mix of time-released nutes not especially well suited to growing the MJ.
Also you mentioned nothing of the type of lighting you're using.
Total newbie here... I'm trying to grow as organic as possible which obviously means they are no too big at this point.

Welcome! I'm no expert, but MG is kind of the antithesis of "organic." As for trying to mix in perlite into the existing pot, probably not a good idea. Your best bet may be to very carefully repot your seedlings into something other than MG with the perlite already mixed in. As DonAlejandroVega said, I'm not sure you have anything to lose by trying. If they croak, just get a better start with your soil mix next time.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

They are under 2 125w 6400k cfls. Was planning on putting more in later inc 2700k...
I had read MG was good for small soil grows in more than one post and thought It was a shout...

Has anyone on here used it before?

Back to the drawing board :arrow:
Im by far more noob than you and I use steves hyponex potting soil as is and use mg plant food for nutes. Im sure its not the end for your grow.
Haha! This is true. :lol:

I won't give up just because of a few mistakes.

I'm going to repot in a bigger pot with some Perlite and other soil mix. Any more tips? Do you think the size of the seedlings are ok for 6 days?
Actually, Hyponex might be even worse than the Miracle Grow "Organic Choice" and I've read only terrible reviews about it in non-Cannabis related gardening forums.

A quality mix has other materials in it that provide aeration and good structure; earthworm castings, fine screened sphagnum, coco coir. Perlite has a place in potting mix, but you should keep some things in mind, for instance it doesn't hold moisture or nutrients (no cation exchange capacity). Too much perlite in your media can create dry spots, where clumps of perlite collects in an air space within the container, and roots wont want to grow there. You'll also need to water more frequently.

Other potting mixes like Sunshine Adv., Ocean Forest, typically have plenty of perlite already.
Hey so my opinion is just give it bottle water and lots of light have them on regular hours plants are like humans, they function like us they need food sleep to continue to grow the way I did mine was clean bottle water and good fertilizer for about a month after that once the stem becomes nice and thick start feeding it. I think you're thinking too much into you're seedlings it's called "weed" for a reason they are strong plants have some faith keep watering but don't overwater and good luck buddy.

Due to reasons outwith my control I only got perlite today. Another thing is... its not MG they are in (don't ask me why I typed that probably because it's what I nearly did buy). The plants are in West Land Gro Sure. Ha! The bags are a wee bit identical too :eyesmoke:

So...I'm all ready to go in the morning - transplantation will be ok at 11 days right?

They are looking ok... I have watered them once since Tuesday however one is a little battered looking with the first leaves having not formed properly. This is also the same plant that looked ill in the first pictures...20140608_210842.jpg 20140608_210417.jpg

Still looks rough eh?

The other one is looking slightly better. Remember I'm in a really small space so I'm happy the have not stretched much.

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So.... All in all I'm quite relieved and happy to have made progress.

Thoughts really appreciated.
Anyone? Should I move this thread to another site? I felt this was the friendliest and most helpful, so joined up. Looking for advice people? ?

pics are fine and what is the help you need ? IMO it is a bit early for a transplant but it won't hurt unless you overwater it in the bigger pot
I say they look good enough for now... its called weed and it grows like a weed... they can be very strong plants, give it 2 weeks, and pot up to a better soil. Going semi organic is easy! there are lots of good threads about making your own soil. For the future, a good starting soil for the first week or so of life is equal parts peat moss, worm poo, and pearlite. From there you can add some lime(dolomite powder), kelp meal, alfalfa meal, bat or chicken poo, blood meal, bone meal, all sorts of stuff... and yes there are arguments for and against different additives... Make up some soil let it sit for a few weeks before you plan use it,