first time cloning,need experienced opinions


Well-Known Member
I'd leave em alone, if they are growing

that's a sign they have rooted
Agreed, they look good, and if there's been growth your roots have started, don't mess with success as they say... Now that you have that sorted out, it's time to plan your cloner ;)


Active Member
Alright you guys I know you're probably tired of hearing about this little fella but I like keeping track of things since im very new to this still and it helps get a little feed back.

its day six as of today,I haven't really paid it any attention today or even looked at it untill now,I moved it out of its 32oz cup because I was nervous that It might get stem rot since the soil was quite wet,but on the plus side,I did notice small white bumps forming when I transplanted.

I think she dried out a little yesterday because I left the dome off for close to 4 hours.she was REALLY droopy this morning at 6am even after all night in the dome.but at 138 hours since cut shes still looking good :) as far as I can tell anyway



Active Member
Looking good bamaboy, no worries, it's just hurry up and wait time now ;)
Thanks GroErr for the speedy reply!,one of the main reasons I get caught up in my own threads is because I really like the feel of this forum community,alot of nice,well educated bama its hard to find a grower that willingly gives pointers,let alone someone who grows indoors or clones.


Active Member
Alright its day 8 today,she's looking a tad bit droopy but im sure she will perk up sometime soon,and my timer malfunctioned so i missed lights on by two hours.I started noticing more growth so im hoping by day 12-14 days to be able to put her under the big lights



Active Member
Day 10,got new timer so don't have to worry about that.ive been pulling the dome off for longer and longer each day,she doesn't really start to droop untill about 6 or 7 hours out of the dome then I'll put the dome back on for 2 or 3 hours then back off until lights off.i think its starting to look good for this lil feller :) im hoping i get good root formation by day 14.given the fact that its showing new growth and is still looking healthy,i think that shouldn't be too unreasonable right?



Well-Known Member
Looking great brother, as soon as you can visibly see new growth, you're off to the races, it has started a root system, just keep it healthy now and you have yourself a real live plant :)


Active Member
Looking great brother, as soon as you can visibly see new growth, you're off to the races, it has started a root system, just keep it healthy now and you have yourself a real live plant :)
Im excited to get it going,I talked to the guy I got it from yesterday,he was worried that his plant was going to turn out male so now we got a bet going on,if its female I get half his harvest and if its male he gets half my next.before I took the clone I inspected all his preflowers and all I seen were fat female preflowers.he doesn't have any growing experience at all so he wont know what it is untill his plant flowers or until I decide that the clone is big enough to flower


Well-Known Member
Always cool to see something you created grow into a nice plant. I've been going this for a long time and still get excited when I grow a seed, clone, or breed a new plant. here's hoping you win your bet ;)


Active Member
Always cool to see something you created grow into a nice plant. I've been going this for a long time and still get excited when I grow a seed, clone, or breed a new plant. here's hoping you win your bet ;)
Whats up man,I don't know if you're still up at these hours but I decided I'd water my clones soil (half a liter of tap water) to see if the watering would affect the clone in any way.after an hour I didn't see any changes so I put it back in the humidity dome before I left to go do some work for a home a few hours later to find her a little wilted which has me under the assumption that what ever amount of roots she has must have took in the water she needed and the dome didn't allow the leaves to get rid of the water as it properly should which caused her to show signs of over watering.this is just my educated guess and the only logical conclusion I could come up with that wouldn't cause me to over react to anything.what do you think?



Well-Known Member
Whats up man,I don't know if you're still up at these hours but I decided I'd water my clones soil (half a liter of tap water) to see if the watering would affect the clone in any way.after an hour I didn't see any changes so I put it back in the humidity dome before I left to go do some work for a home a few hours later to find her a little wilted which has me under the assumption that what ever amount of roots she has must have took in the water she needed and the dome didn't allow the leaves to get rid of the water as it properly should which caused her to show signs of over watering.this is just my educated guess and the only logical conclusion I could come up with that wouldn't cause me to over react to anything.what do you think?
Pretty much. That looks like over water.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much. That looks like over water.
Agreed, it's healthy otherwise, just looks like a little too much water, your soil looked about right in yesterday's pic, they don't need much at this point as the roots are just kicking in, she'll drink but let the soil dry out for the first 1-2", stick your finger in the soil to check it, if the soil doesn't stick to your fingers you can water, if it does no water. Dome is not really necessary at this point either, keep some air/circulation on it to strengthen up the roots. Still looks good other than the dropping :)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully I'm not hijacking the thread here, but I'm curious why people cut the tips of the fan leaves off when they take a clone? Yeah, I'm a cloning newb.


Active Member
Agreed, it's healthy otherwise, just looks like a little too much water, your soil looked about right in yesterday's pic, they don't need much at this point as the roots are just kicking in, she'll drink but let the soil dry out for the first 1-2", stick your finger in the soil to check it, if the soil doesn't stick to your fingers you can water, if it does no water. Dome is not really necessary at this point either, keep some air/circulation on it to strengthen up the roots. Still looks good other than the dropping :)
Thanks bro!,in comparison to the amount of soil I didn't put alot of water and she didn't show signs of over watering untill she had spent a few hours in the dome,as of right now I have no clue how she looks,but she spent all night out of the dome,and she was uncovered when I left for work this hopefully by the time i get off she'll be nice and perky,I really appreciate all the help and info you and everyone else has given me,without it she probably would've been dead haha


Active Member
Hopefully I'm not hijacking the thread here, but I'm curious why people cut the tips of the fan leaves off when they take a clone? Yeah, I'm a cloning newb.
No worries about thread jacking,im still a newb too,and any question you could ask could also benefit me :)


Well-Known Member
The idea is that the plant will focus attention on growing roots vs. leaves, not sure if there's any science to it, sounds right, but never bothered to look into it. I've done it both ways and really haven't been able to see any difference one way or another. The huge difference to me was switching to an aero cloner, 90% + success rate every time, DIY cost ~$60 including the pump, will never go back unless it's convenient or don't have the room/cabinet available to clone. Funny thing is I'd have all kinds of issues with gels, rooters and all the crap they sell to make it "easier/better". A few weeks ago I didn't have the room to run the cloner, so I cut 4 clones from a flowering plant at about 3 weeks, stuck them straight into a cool soil mix and my veg cabinet, 3 of them rooted within 10 days, go figure...


Active Member
The idea is that the plant will focus attention on growing roots vs. leaves, not sure if there's any science to it, sounds right, but never bothered to look into it. I've done it both ways and really haven't been able to see any difference one way or another. The huge difference to me was switching to an aero cloner, 90% + success rate every time, DIY cost ~$60 including the pump, will never go back unless it's convenient or don't have the room/cabinet available to clone. Funny thing is I'd have all kinds of issues with gels, rooters and all the crap they sell to make it "easier/better". A few weeks ago I didn't have the room to run the cloner, so I cut 4 clones from a flowering plant at about 3 weeks, stuck them straight into a cool soil mix and my veg cabinet, 3 of them rooted within 10 days, go figure...
are you referring to taking the dome off so she doesn't get so used to absorbing water through the leaves that she doesn't focus on root formation? Ive been trying to keep the dome of as much as possible for that reason and the fact that my clone starting to outgrow its causing the leaves to get a little misshapen.i really want to do alot of upgrades but I don't really have alot of room at the moment but next on my list is an aero cloner to see if they're really as good as everyone makes the out to be