You know you're high when :forum game:


Well-Known Member
It's when you creep towards them when they're not looking, and when they look at you, you hold perfectly still. The point is to reach them without getting caught moving.
I think my old cat might find that one funny. I usally play hide and seek sort of with him. Go ito different parts of the gaff run away and have him find me or call him he likes it.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
You know you're high when your throat gets dry and everything is fine and dandy.

Truck it down to the candy store and bust your conk on peppermint candy.



Well-Known Member
My bane is lost cocktails. For the life I me I cannot locate my cocktails when I'm high so I just make another, then the next morning I find them all over the place. Luckily its Scotch and water with no ice so, aside from a little dust, it's still the same cocktail I made and then lost.


Well-Known Member
My bane is lost cocktails. For the life I me I cannot locate my cocktails when I'm high so I just make another, then the next morning I find them all over the place. Luckily its Scotch and water with no ice so, aside from a little dust, it's still the same cocktail I made and then lost.
I got a friend that's like that but with joints, lights one up, misplaces after a few tokes, rolls another, rinse and repeat
Finding half burned joints in his house has become a nice little game at times:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
When you try and turn the TV on with the xbox controllor

When u put cereal box in the fridge

When you fall up the stairs andback down

When you walk into family dinner with a joint behind your ear

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
YKYH when you forget how tie your shoelaces, so you come up with your own extravagant knot.

You find the knot in the morning when you're putting your shoes on, and facepalm because you realize you were actually high enough to forget to tie a knot, and that you were also so high that you thought you could come up with your own knot.

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