it was a hot summers day i was at the petrol station (gas station) purchasing some petrol (gas)
over the fumes of the petrol i could smell an odour that i would describe as unsettling and extremely unpleasant
it reminded me of the time i had smelt a dead rotting horse left near the local gypo camp
when i looked round to see where the smell was coming from i could see a minibus with about 10 black people in it
this was during a world cup football year (soccer) the black people were wearing Cameroon t-shirts (Africa)
i thought to myself if it had been a van (truck) full of pakis could it smell any worse
why do pakis smell like curry even when they have not eaten any curry recently
if it was a van (truck) full of white people and i was Chinese (yellow person) would it smell like lots of sweaty chicken and sour milk
ever since this occurred i have come to impulsively/subconsciously associate this dead horse smell with black people squashed into small vans on hot summers days (flashback)
is it racist for yellow people to say white people smell like sour milk ?
what do Mexicans smell like ?
i have been personally informed that, according to blacks, white people smell like wet dogs. (and it's totally not racist!)
blacks dont really wanna know what they smell like to whites (cuz that would be totally racist)
without the modern affectation of "deodorants", and layers of perfumes from various scented products, most people find the natural aroma of other racial groups unappealing
differing racial groups have different skin and hair oils, it's not just diet and personal hygiene habits , or the lack thereof.
as to why pakis (and indians) smell like curry, that is because curry soaks into the body and the aroma exudes from the flesh for a very long time
anyone who has ever accidentally overdosed on garlic's deliciousness can attest to the long staying power of the garlic stench.
even weeks after the Gilroy Garlic Festival, i still reeked like a frenchman