Got strangled and beaten today


Well-Known Member
We'll a fun day today some dude grabbed my thought and started two handed strangling me he let's go and starts punching me in the face a fall down busting open my arm and as I get up he hits me a few more times. He outweighed me by over 50lbs so I try to wrap both my arms around his leg and pull him down to stop him from beating me senseless then a few people pulled us apart.
Now I'm worried as I don't really remember the end of the attack clearly and I have both a brain Timor And my spinal fluid doesn't drain properly from my skull after a bad snowboard accident.
The idiot In me wants revenge but I don't want to perpetuate violence, I would normally shake it off but unfortunately my seven year old daughter seen the whole thing. Fuckin shitty days guys and gals
I don't think me hitting him would have been very effective and he said something about his wife but I don't know the guy. I should have added the carnival is in town so the streets are absolutely packed in town
Dude was probly mangled on something. Honestly someone should of called the cops and citizens arrested him until then, but should coulda woulda.

I too have been randomly beat down by slayer fans iknow how ufeel
Justice isn't revenge, get that dude locked up if at all possible. Let bubba and the jail sistas be your revenge. Also, your case would be exceptionally strong considering your health probs

but no, respect to you. Violence is a terrible thing to perpetuate.
Nah he said you did such a good job last time it would be a shame to get a first timer
That's more like it.

I actually just went through something similar. Some crusty outside the grocery store was yelling at his friend, I told him to shut the fuck up in front of my kid, and he came at me. I laid him out, but my kid seen the whole show, and was super bummed. Took me a while to calm her down.
wait, why did he go after you?
He said something about his wife we were on a fairly packed street, he came up from the side of me my daughter wasn't on and I didn't see any women. Idk I've never had someone attack me without me knowing it was coming dude looked over 200lbs and I'm 155 after work I believe I'll talk to the police tomorrow my bruises turn green and purple quick should help this is the massive swelling on my arm the gash is swollen up about an inch higher than bone or muscle


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He said something about his wife we were on a fairly packed street, he came up from the side of me my daughter wasn't on and I didn't see any women. Idk I've never had someone attack me without me knowing it was coming dude looked over 200lbs and I'm 155 after work I believe I'll talk to the police tomorrow my bruises turn green and purple quick should help this is the massive swelling on my arm the gash is swollen up about an inch higher than bone or muscle

well that sucks to be blind sided like that in front of your daughter no less.

on the plus side, filing assault charges can be quite lucrative and the last laugh is always the best one.
sorry that happened..little advice here.hopefully youll never need to use it..
if ever attacked again,and you dont know how to fight well,or in a justified fight,know that your opponent has threatened your life..go primal..there is no such thing as a fair fight.kick him in the balls,poke eyes,bite,scratch, whatever it takes to inflict as much pain as to maime/disfigure forever,but if it happens,it was their own fault..99percent of the time,people realized youre really trying to hurg them in a more than average way,and back down after a few good injuries..if they dont,at least you tried,you had to anyways,and most likely,theyll have something to remember you by in days,weeks to come...