BHO from culled, vegging plants?


Active Member
Does anyone know if it is worth trying to make BHO from a vegging plant that has been culled? It has vegged for a month and is pretty damn big, but it's a runt compared to others in my tent and I am culling to make room for the monsters to grow even bigger before flowering.

I have no idea if the plant has any THC content pre-flowering. If it does I imagine it is very little, but if there is any I might as well use it rather than compost it!


Well-Known Member
Dude there is little to no resin on a vegged plant. so you will pull nothing. dont waste your time or money.


Active Member
Thanks guys, that's what I thought the answer would be. I'll compost her then. Seems such a shame to kill off an otherwise healthy looking plant, but it's the weakest strain and the smallest plant so que sera sera


Active Member
Haha yeah I know I should be more distanced, like a doctor treating a dying patient! What can I say, I'm as emotionally invested as I am financially :)