DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

Hello Marcus, the XPE, XPE2 and XTE whites have been outmaneuvered by the XML2 whites and the Vero 10s in terms of efficiency and price. As far the Oslons go, only the deep reds are competitive but the Luxeon ES 660 can match it. The best blues are Luxeon ES royal blue M4R. The best 630nm reds are the Cree XPE and XPE2 P3 bin. Are you in EU? If so the Oslons may be easier to source.

All that said, building RWB modules is a lot of work, more expensive and less efficient than COB all-white setups, so that would be my best recommendation for a 4X4 flowering tent. Good luck!
thanks my friend.
Yessir you got it, black will be hot. Normally the smaller slot in the outlet is hot. If there is voltage between the small slot and the ground hole, then that is your hot side.

There should be no voltage between the large slot and the ground hole, that is the normally the neutral side.
Here's a tip, If you ever use those cheap two prong black , white or brown cords for something and want to keep an end to plug in you can trace it to the fat prong that is on the - side or the easy way is to look for the small print that is on the outside of the insulation and know that is the hot side. I use them sometimes because they are cheap and light. Just look at the volts,amps and wattage in the small print and don't over load.
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This driver can dive a CXA3070 at 700mA ...Let alone a 3050 ....
Yes.It can drive a CXA 3050...

Dimming it though...
To where ?
To 350mA ?
In such the case ,yes.
No problem,at all .


thank you for help SDS, yes I want to drive from 0>700mA the 3070, i want to use 4x3070 in my little box,
i'm searching somethig to drive near 36v@1Amp but i'm restricted with internal dimension and nothing real little at quality level with dimming function.
i'm searching but nothing
thank you for help SDS, yes I want to drive from 0>700mA the 3070, i want to use 4x3070 in my little box,
i'm searching somethig to drive near 36v@1Amp but i'm restricted with internal dimension and nothing real little at quality level with dimming function.
i'm searching but nothing

If you're dealing with case space restrictions ,then another option would be ,to have
a 40 VDC constant voltage PSU ( remote from case ) and use DC/DC ( " BUCK " ) Constant Current drivers.

I've used this,in the three little pigs of mine ...
(The Osram Oslon 80 Guod-SDS led panels ,the previous DIY project of mine.
With lots of aid from Guod. Therefore his name ,as a 'tribune' to him and his valuable help and assistance.
Let alone ,that the design ,was based on his DIY projects.)

I've used Recom DC/DC CC buck drivers.
Actually Recom offers a wide range of them ....
thank SUPRA,I have see this and the other you post in the past,the problem in space and 4x3070.
the space: i have only 165x48x31mm in 2 separate space > right now in one lamp I have 2 meanwell one for 40w chanell and the other for 60w chanell.
the drive:SDS suggest non to drive in series for voltage problem, ideal would be 4 driver for the 4 cob>2 driver in 165x48x31mm.
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Or you can use the Recom RACD-1050A .(Also very expensive solution )
1050mA mx ,33-48 VDC .

Although ,I would not dim the CXA3070 less than 400-350 mA ,with those drivers
Fig 2.JPG

Lower than 33 V ,driver will enter into hic-up mode ...

At 350mA and with a CXA3070 Tc higher than 55C ,CXA array will have a Vf ,close to hic-up limit of the driver ..
(~33 VDC ) ...

Check here for rest of AC/DC & DC/DC CC drivers from Recom .

(AC/DC drivers are of high quality ,MeanWell Level ,but as expensive as MeanWell ...
DC/DC drivers from Recom is of the best,if not the best, buck drivers in the whole world.)

Supra ,the driver you're suggesting has a lower CC regulating voltage of 38V ....

A) Either it will supply a max of 48 Vdc into the CXA3070,frying it ....
(Driver will try to adjust it's voltage to supply the 1050mA ...
At 38VDC ,CXA will "demand" 1620mA ..
Driver can't supply more than 1050mA ...
Driver will increase it's output voltage till reaching it's Vo max (48 VDC ) ,
trying 'meet' the current 'demand' ...)

or (most probably ,if there's a hic-up feature/protection present )

B) As the CXA initially will drop the Vf ~35.2 in order for the 1050 mA (max load )
of the driver 's current to pass ..
35.2 V is a way lower value than the 38 VDC hic-up limit of the driver ...
The CXA will start blinking ...(Driver's Hic -up mode ... )
And go on like that ,without ever be able to switch on and operate properly ...

EDit: I'm not 100% sure ,of the above.
Guod,might offer his help and knowledge ,on the issue ..
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SDS I bought the 1.7A version to test. It has a labeled range of 30-36vF. I was hoping it was a "loose" vf range and it was but only on the low side. It puts out the correct output anywhere from 20-36v. Based on that I expect the driver I linked will operate just fine at a much lower vF than 36 but there is only one way to find out unfortunately.
Ok ...Then most probably it has a lower hic-up voltage than indicated ...
Anyway 20-36 V constant current regulating Vo range ,is much more realistic than 30-36 V ..
Same probably goes for the other one too..
28-46 volts sound as a more realistic Vo range ...
Then it should operate without any trouble,indeed ..

I would just like to say, "please pay attention to what is said" SupraSPL's words are solid on "power them up" and some does and dont's. Not that I thought he was full of it, but some things I thought best and on order already came in and I used them, not the answer. I found Supra's list was more ideal. Just a heads up to those that are new and looking for answers.
I would just like to say, "please pay attention to what is said" SupraSPL's words are solid on "power them up" and some does and dont's. Not that I thought he was full of it, but some things I thought best and on order already came in and I used them, not the answer. I found Supra's list was more ideal. Just a heads up to those that are new and looking for answers.
Supra is a top dog when it comes to this stuff, Probably everything. All of his experiments benefit the rest of us. Hat's off for Supra and some others. Oh yeah, just starting 2 vegging lights using 3070 Z4 5000K's on Supra's advice.
hi everyone,
I am looking for a cheap way to power cxa3070.
They are rated at 37,42V at 1400mA. => 149,68V if all in series.
Would a HGL 185-1400 do the job? it is suppose to output 1400mA and 143V so I guess it will suffer a bit ?!