bodhi seeds

Saw a lab report on some of Calicat's herb and it was scary strong, like 24 percent on bud... Trying like hell to remember which type but my memory goes to crap when not toking. One more week...
That tis meh question, can you expect something similar to the description of what he gives or are you going in balls to the walls and you come out with something wild.

I have hardly ever, aside from structure, had any breeder deliver something that matches the description perfectly. I try for finding something roughly up my alley these days. Makes for less disappointment.

Odds of you having a plant exactly like any other from a Bodhi pack are very slim mate. What you are guaranteed is insane vigor, insane potency, and insane bag appeal. That is all I can guarantee from B's gear mate. If you are hunting a specific pheno and will settle for nothing else, then maybe not the guy for you.
I don't think it's impossible to find something similar. As I've stated, the four superstitious girls I had were extremely similar with little variation. Small sample size I know, but also had two of the three SSDD I popped be extremely similar and two blueberry hill girls be very similar. But I've got two white lotus gals that are very different so far in flower, excited to try those. All three of the ancient og males were very similar in height and structure. I think perhaps his studs are far enough different from the females he breeds with that the F1 show some variation but I'm not seeing all over the map crazy different, but again this is simply my limited experience. Surely others on here can weigh in with more bodhi experience
It is obviously going to vary from type to type, but to me personally the most exciting ones are where phenos are all over the place. He does seem to cater to us pheno-hunters that want that something different every time. Different, but always top-notch.
I find the descriptions are a good indication, like I won't go expecting sweet flavors from a Dirty Hippy cross, and if I want something chemmy I will pop 10 Appy cross beans, but when it comes to the fine details like 'strawberries and motor oil with a hint of mustard'... well don't get your hopes up too high.
As long as you go within your taste, a keeper a pack is pretty much a guarantee. Might not be what you were specifically looking for, but you ARE guaranteed insane dankness.

I always advise an open mind with B's gear. Surprises are fun!
Super Snow Lotus that was topped is really taking off.
Under a T-5 for right now.
Goji is really turning out fun to grow.. Lots of frost.. The first RKU I put into flower was a little droopy but as soon as I put into flower it really got going and reached for the sky.. My second doesn't appear to be stretching as much.. I was almost starting to doubt all of this Bodhi talk as hype, but they all appear to be strong plants (the 1 male Goji I had to cut was probably the best looking plant I've grown so far with HUGE fan leaves.)
Goji is really turning out fun to grow.. Lots of frost.. The first RKU I put into flower was a little droopy but as soon as I put into flower it really got going and reached for the sky.. My second doesn't appear to be stretching as much.. I was almost starting to doubt all of this Bodhi talk as hype, but they all appear to be strong plants (the 1 male Goji I had to cut was probably the best looking plant I've grown so far with HUGE fan leaves.)

^^ THAT. Exactly that. Those are the reasons to choose B's gear. Because there is always a PLEASANT surprise in store. Insane health and vigor. Even if you started out hunting a particular flavor, you will end up enjoying the experience of growing the plants so much that smoking becomes secondary. THEN when you get to the toke, it ends up being fantastic too on top of everything.

I can think of some grumpy-ass exceptions that will show you their wang because they didn't like it but hey, that has only happened once and it was really funny.

I think the whole point of growing the medicine is to use it :P. After starting my first run I have been addicted and I can't stop. I understand how you can grow to love the experience but when one starts out it is usually for the selfish reason of gettin stoned :P.

I try to treat my babies like family, they are like pets. When they get chopped down I do a little ceremony thanking them for all they have given me and apologizing for their next journey to a jar and then into the great smoke that leaves my house.
I don't think it's impossible to find something similar. As I've stated, the four superstitious girls I had were extremely similar with little variation. Small sample size I know, but also had two of the three SSDD I popped be extremely similar and two blueberry hill girls be very similar. But I've got two white lotus gals that are very different so far in flower, excited to try those. All three of the ancient og males were very similar in height and structure. I think perhaps his studs are far enough different from the females he breeds with that the F1 show some variation but I'm not seeing all over the map crazy different, but again this is simply my limited experience. Surely others on here can weigh in with more bodhi experience
Similar just statistically a rarity to be identical. We all have different environments we are creating.

Well you don't enjoy anything so good luck to you my friend. Me, I quite like gardening. A healthy plant is a great reward for those inclined to care enough about the well-being of an organism they share this planet with.

Health is beauty Amos. Smoking is a fool's pleasure. You like to get high, fair enough. Growing weed is my religion.

EDIT: I am now in week 3 of NOT SMOKING WEED and I am enjoying my cannabis as much as ever before. I feel exactly as satisfied simply taking care of them as I do smoking a good bud.

I pity you. You are missing so many beautiful things. You and your huge wong take care now lol...
I think the whole point of growing the medicine is to use it :P. After starting my first run I have been addicted and I can't stop. I understand how you can grow to love the experience but when one starts out it is usually for the selfish reason of gettin stoned :P.

I try to treat my babies like family, they are like pets. When they get chopped down I do a little ceremony thanking them for all they have given me and apologizing for their next journey to a jar and then into the great smoke that leaves my house.

Oh yeah for sure. But if at this point in the game you don't have your favorites backed up, well, that is just silly. And also, if we are talking medicine, then TASTE is not an issue at all. The best medicine I have is a tincture made from Lemon Thai x Freedom Baby. Trust me, a few drops and nothing ails you, smoking can't do that.

My point was this: You WILL have something dank from any B gear, whether you expected that exact flavor or not, it is all DANK. Just that if you grow it out, you will enjoy growing it so much you will not care if the flavor is dominantly strawberry or mango or whatever particular flavor you wanted. IT WILL BE DANK.

If you are going to be picky about flavor, keep a nice selection of mums. It is all about the keepers if you have a particular palette. If you can not enjoy finding those keepers, well, that just sucks for you man.
Mad Hamish: Well you don't enjoy anything..............
That's not true...I enjoy a good laugh, and you've provided plenty ! Like this one:

Mad Hamish: I feel exactly as satisfied simply taking care of them as I do smoking a good bud. The only way that is not TOTAL bullsh/t is if you quit smoking/ingesting 'good buds'. Not happening...or you wouldn't be updating the days of your 'cleansing'.

Mad Hamish: Growing weed is my religion. Spread the word, holy one - but try not to be revealed as a fake [again], as you were so thoroughly in your Gage Green Group 'sales' thread.
I do enjoy growing weed. No doubt about it. BUT, if it didn't get me high and provide some pain relief...... and was the equivalent of say taking an aspirin then I would not be growing it. I would probably focus 100% of my gardening time on my veggie garden instead.

There is a reason that marijuana is so expensive, and has surpassed corn as the #1 cash crop in the United States ..... it gets you high and makes you feel good.
Yea I love growing and all that, but I am so much more happy when the girls are chopped down and in jars... ready to enter my lungs (or stomach). It's a plant, and I do adore it, but it's the end goal I'm after. And yes to whoever said my girls weren't identical, there were nuances, I simply meant there wasn't any extremes or large degrees of variance.
Though growing is a hobby of mine, it can be tedious and have it's down sides.

I don't treat my plants like family members or pets. I treat them like plants. I give them light and food.

What I do enjoy is trying to be a better grower. Experimenting with organics and new ideas that I am in constant mode to grow a better plant.

Ultimately the hard work pays off at harvest time.

Hamish, I have to say with constructive critisism that we all have a right to our opinion. You voice yours which is great.

The abrasive part is how you seem to push your views on to everyone. Almost putting your views above others. It's cool that you like bodhi and ggg. But not everyone might feel the same. Some people might not find pleasure in getting many different tastes when searching for something particular.

Does this make them wrong? Of coarse not.

And wether you get high or medicate. Flavor terpenoids can produce different highs. After trying many different types and flavors people can tell which ones they enjoy.

I don't want another beef with you or anyone so please don't take my post as picking a fight or trolling. Only contributing to the conversation at hand. Your a genuine good guy who cares and likes to educate. I can dig that.
Back to Bodhi.

I got the complete opposite of luck than I did with my aspirare which was 9 of 10 females.

I got 1 out of 10 bodhi seeds I cracked. 5 larry lotus = zero females, 5 golden triangle 1 female.

It doesn't smell like green crack, chem, or OG one bit. But at least its not sweet. I hate sweet tasting weed.

She looks like she might be a yielder when done. Producing 2 - 12 inch donkey dick colas.

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