Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
sorry, had a phone call to take care of. Got my Moto X today, Fedex woke me up at 1pm knocking on my door :D man..last night was a doozy...


Well-Known Member
which one? :p

gotta love all nighters, huh?
the last two!!! Haha :lol:
Lunch was good!!! Anyone got a napkin?

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damnnnnn you like it rare eh?? :lol:
now THAT is what i call rare steak! :D

i love the look i get after i answer the waitress' question of, 'how would you like that?'...

knock his horns off, wipe his hairy ass and throw that bastard on a plate. if it ain't still moo'in, it's burnt.

The Cowboy Way :D god I love that movie!!!

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
I hear that!! :D
I love my steak medium rare..any more cooked and its nasty to me.
i'm friends with one of the local butchers, so i get tenderloin dirt cheap. i don't let him trim it or chop it, just get a 1-2' hunk. i usually chop that into hearty, super thick steaks instead of grilling the whole thing. take a steak and sear it on each side and throw it on a plate. you can cut it with a fork.... mmmm


Well-Known Member
i'm friends with one of the local butchers, so i get tenderloin dirt cheap. i don't let him trim it or chop it, just get a 1-2' hunk. i usually chop that into hearty, super thick steaks instead of grilling the whole thing. take a steak and sear it on each side and throw it on a plate. you can cut it with a fork.... mmmm
Oh lord...hush up!! :lol: I can't eat steak yet...:(
mmhmm you know you want to introduce me to that butcher!!


Well-Known Member
I will try to pop in daily with a useless bit of information for you all that has absolutely nothing to do with any conversation here.

Day 1:
The new SLUSH PUPPiE pouches you can buy in the freezer section of you grocery store taste so much better than the convenience store bought fountain kind.
Gonna have to look for them here8-) they good for cotton mouth lol
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