Ding Ding...round 3

Having said that, I *much* prefer using actual flower, than Sativex. It had a somewhat sickly-minty taste to it...but was cool to be able to medicate anywhere, discreetly.

But my doctor refused to "participate in HC's scheme/scam called the MMAR" in principle, and wouldnt sign my papers...but was more than happy to prescribe me Sativex, and write me a recco for accessing dispensary product, to try and find CBD-rich flower.
That shouldn't matter as your local MP is your local MP, it would be the same as if you were asking for help against the fed govt
It will help if your MP is Liberal. As a matter of policy conservative MP's (at least on the federal level) do not want to touch or have anything to do with MMJ/MMPR/MMAR or anything of that sort. Speaking from first hand experience.
I agree tho that Sativex (1 spray's worth, anyway) isnt a lot of mg of cannabinoids being ingested at a time.

But if you take 1-2 sprays every XX amount of time, the idea is you're keeping levels of active cannabinoids in your bloodstream, especially (in my case) CBD, which made all the difference, for me.
I am one person that Sativex has worked for, who also uses flower.

I was prescribed Sativex for 5 weeks, and it was responsible for taking me out of a severe flare-up with my auto-immune disease, better for me, than Methotrexate/Prednisone combo. I was taking upwards of 10 sprays a day at the height of things.

It was my first experience using any cannabis product with 1:1 THC:CBD ratio, and it opened my eyes to the potential power of CBD.

I only stopped using Sativex after 5 weeks, as it wasn't covered by my insurer and I had to pay out of pocket...$$$. I started sourcing CBD-rich strains after this (this was in 2011)...and had to grow out a bunch of strains to find CBD-rich phenos.

Havent looked back since...and havent had a major flare-up since...

Glad to hear it had worked for you. I've heard it can be rather costly so I'm happy to hear you have since found flower. I don't think it would work for my auto immune disease given my size and metabolic rate being so damned fast. I have a close family member who has been prescribed both Sativex and Marinol and she didn't find that they worked for her. She's a non MMj user too which is odd and very small in stature. Opiates weren't cutting it anymore so they decided to give this a try.

Unfortunately no two people are alike and the "one size fits all" approach of Marinol and Sativex is where they fail. So it makes it even harder when only given 2 options to prescribe anything MMJ related(her Dr. was willing to try those two cannabis derivatives but not sign her to the program.)
Glad to hear it had worked for you. I've heard it can be rather costly so I'm happy to hear you have since found flower. I don't think it would work for my auto immune disease given my size and metabolic rate being so damned fast. I have a close family member who has been prescribed both Sativex and Marinol and she didn't find that they worked for her. She's a non MMj user too which is odd and very small in stature. Opiates weren't cutting it anymore so they decided to give this a try.

Unfortunately no two people are alike and the "one size fits all" approach of Marinol and Sativex is where they fail. So it makes it even harder when only given 2 options to prescribe anything MMJ related(her Dr. was willing to try those two cannabis derivatives but not sign her to the program.)

Agreed. No two are alike. Gotta find what works for each individual/disease. But Sativex was only a part of the journey.

Without my experience with Sativex, I wouldn't have been tuned onto CBD the way I was, and through heavily researching CBD, I turned onto the work of Dr. William Courtney and his juicing of raw cbd-rich cannabis flower/leaf program, which coincidentally turned me onto raw juicing of non-cannabinoids in conjunction with cannabinoids...blah blah...long story...blah blah... its been a large amount of time dedicated to finding what works for my auto-immune disease, in not only keeping flare-ups suppressed, but basically making the disease a non-entity in my life anymore, after decades of dealing with it. The transformation has been remarkable, really. But cannabinoids did, and still do play a prominent role in my health management.
I am one person that Sativex has worked for, who also uses flower.

I was prescribed Sativex for 5 weeks, and it was responsible for taking me out of a severe flare-up with my auto-immune disease, better for me, than Methotrexate/Prednisone combo. I was taking upwards of 10 sprays a day at the height of things.

It was my first experience using any cannabis product with 1:1 THC:CBD ratio, and it opened my eyes to the potential power of CBD.

I only stopped using Sativex after 5 weeks, as it wasn't covered by my insurer and I had to pay out of pocket...$$$. I started sourcing CBD-rich strains after this (this was in 2011)...and had to grow out a bunch of strains to find CBD-rich phenos.

Havent looked back since...and havent had a major flare-up since...

Thank you for sharing this.
It was around $150 per vial back in 2011. A vial would last me 4-5 days. And the pharmacist wouldnt allow me to buy only one vial - I had to buy the box...which if I recall had 4-5 vials in it - as I was the first person they'd ever seen Sativex prescribed for, so they didnt want to have Sativex sitting around.
It was around $150 per vial back in 2011. A vial would last me 4-5 days. And the pharmacist wouldnt allow me to buy only one vial - I had to buy the box...which if I recall had 4-5 vials in it - as I was the first person they'd ever seen Sativex prescribed for, so they didnt want to have Sativex sitting around.

Jeebus $600+ for 20 days worth of Sativex.
Just a little added info.

Did you know that Marinol has KILLED people?
Not to mention all it does do is make you EAT and EAT and EAT! Stuff shhhhhit!
Pharmas excuse for synthetics.

Sativex....couple hundred bucks for a few grams of weed oil.
ONLY because it's PHARMA grade ...
"What a joke.
Just a little added info.
Sativex....couple hundred bucks for a few grams of weed oil.
ONLY because it's PHARMA grade ...
"What a joke.

Sativex serves a purpose, and I give it that. It was the only product at the time that I could get, that gave me consistent doses of CBD, and really was a difference maker in dealing with my disease. I had access to the best dispensaries Vancouver had to offer, and they were pretty useless at providing anything that wasn't THC-dom. Nobody knew anything about CBD.

Now, the cost is crazy, especially when you dose as I was, every day. Thats why I never continued on with it after 5 weeks.

But, for example, if one was covered under insurance, and one was not precluded to growing their own, or cooking, er, extracting their own cannabinoids...Sativex serves a purpose.
That said, I'd always prefer to be self-sufficient, over buying into something like that long term. I've learned so much since then, and have gotten to try some rare strains with much more interesting cannabinoids and terpenes, and am doing so for pennies, compared to buying anything retail could offer.
I tried to be somewhat civil when I wrote the appeal in that I indicated that overwhelm them with info but instead chose thee based not only on their support for my position but also for the overall quality of the document. All were CDN, all published. Fir gods sake when the center for disease control con get behind this,it's simply an excuse to not do something. Hey Magenta...I did refer them to that document but I know they didn't really read what I already gave them just based on what they replied with. Maybe I should print it out and submit it. Hey VI I was going to submit that CMCR doc. I think what I may o now though is because they are such large docs that I reference the website for them to peruse. It is only up to me to find supporting docs...up to everyone else to argue it.

Upon a second read...their are pulling the "unknown long term effect" to which I argued that drugs that have passed the snuff test get yanked all the time so that argument doesn't hold water. The other funny thing was that I didn't show a cohort. I mean people that are in chronic pain or whatever...it shouldn't matter why you have it. So I can't find people that have the same problem as me for the same reason. So even though I may have neuropathic pain, referencing a study that covers diabetic neuropathic pain is unacceptable. Isn't that the stingiest pile of shit?

So since they don't want to play nice....I'm throwing the gauntlet down. Going to look at the Herbal Pharmacopeia, and some of these reference studies from the US. Thanks all!

Marijuana has had more safety studies done on it, long and short term, than just about any other drug that exists.
Sativex serves a purpose, and I give it that. It was the only product at the time that I could get, that gave me consistent doses of CBD, and really was a difference maker in dealing with my disease. I had access to the best dispensaries Vancouver had to offer, and they were pretty useless at providing anything that wasn't THC-dom. Nobody knew anything about CBD.

Now, the cost is crazy, especially when you dose as I was, every day. Thats why I never continued on with it after 5 weeks.

But, for example, if one was covered under insurance, and one was not precluded to growing their own, or cooking, er, extracting their own cannabinoids...Sativex serves a purpose.

my point is.
..what they make can be made by anyone for pennies on the dollar.
It's being done all around the world. You can make your own meds. 1/100th the cost. Only cannaboids in what you make.
Not synthetic shit plus additives.
Im sure it helps....how could they sell something like that if it didn't?

The true joke is!!!
..IT's NOT MEDICINE in Health Canada's eyes after all.

The amount of CBD you can find in strains here now, would work BETTER for you at 1/100th the price.

I guess being pharma meds they are covered by ohip?

If so....what a FUCKING TRUE JOKE!