The French Cannoli` Hash Thread


Well-Known Member
Dooood!!! That is supah-fly editing bro, dayum.

You mind sharing what program/software you're using?as a video editor?
Thanks, and sure I don't mind, it's more or less my day job.

I use primarily After Effects (all the editing), Cinema 4D (for the 3D), Photoshop for the water color effect, and then it gets broken down into plug-ins inside of AE for some of the editing. 3D Camera tracks and matte's your shot/video. In the new AE you can open this into C4D and add/animate your effects, 3D text, etc, and either have it open simultaneously in AE for live previews or just render it out straight from C4D and back into AE. Mojo for some color. Frischluft for some depth of field using a zdepth render from C4D. RSMB for some motion blur on the C4D render. Audio is spliced/timed in AE. The source video/audio was all from the Hunters of The Dank episode. I just found the perfect spots to cut and splice together to add things into. And that is all probably way too much info haha.


Well-Known Member
Nice dabs...

Scope lens on a phone
View attachment 3171029
This is bad as dangledo!

Is this "scope" something that is a phone accessory ?
Or did you rig a scope to your phone?

My next purchase is gonna be one of those USB cam scopes.
Gonna get it with a set of sift screens.
# stokedasfuk!

Considering doing a quick run of sift, gathering the most ripe,and pure heads.
Then running the same material through water sieving.

Then add the previously gathered dry sift when I press the water sieved.
(Of course I'll keep some straight heads for my head stash jar)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, and sure I don't mind, it's more or less my day job.

I use primarily After Effects (all the editing), Cinema 4D (for the 3D), Photoshop for the water color effect, and then it gets broken down into plug-ins inside of AE for some of the editing. 3D Camera tracks and matte's your shot/video. In the new AE you can open this into C4D and add/animate your effects, 3D text, etc, and either have it open simultaneously in AE for live previews or just render it out straight from C4D and back into AE. Mojo for some color. Frischluft for some depth of field using a zdepth render from C4D. RSMB for some motion blur on the C4D render. Audio is spliced/timed in AE. The source video/audio was all from the Hunters of The Dank episode. I just found the perfect spots to cut and splice together to add things into. And that is all probably way too much info haha.
Wow bro,
You got some serious talent man.

You ever consider doing this professionally?
Considering how well it was done, leads me to believe your ARE doing it professionally though.haha

Again, WOW!
Edit: just saw that this IS your day job. Rock on bro!


Well-Known Member
Hey Frenchy,

Is there a time limit as to when you should press? I left my IWE as beach sand and it has a waxy texture. Been opening every day to make sure there isn't any moisture.

Can I press whenever or is it to late?

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
If it has a waxy texture you will not be able to press it, humidity has changed the texture of the resin. You may have jar it to early but it may have happened before you had the trims in your hand.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Once it is waxy it stays waxy but you should not have any loss of quality as far as I have seen, you cannot press it and you will not be able to age


Well-Known Member
Looking OUH LA LA beuffer, Bravo!
I just wanted to let you know that the collection of JaYRz with my design is finally available online.
The two new sizes will be available the last week of July and you will be able to see them at the High Times Cup. New colors as well.
Wouldn't have been possible without your knowledge frenchy, I also watch matts feed on Instagram as well as bubbleman and with the three of you together I'm starting to get a better visual aspect as to the process you guys deploy. It's true art what you guys produce, I have the utmost respect for you:) without a doubt all about the trichomes, they tell quite the story!

Thanks for the info on the jaYRz as well you know I'm down to support!


Well-Known Member
I will buying plenty of Frenchy gear, very happy for you Frenchy.

@yktind that's happened to me too,

I was doing some experimenting, I was curious to see if others were correct in saying
"Pressing will ruin the cure"

I tried it , it sucked, as I could not press it after it cured... Just crumbled into a wax.
Still super flavorful,and melted,bubbled nice...

I'm glad I did the experiment though, learning from first hand experience is great with the guidance from others.

Now, as soon as it's dry enough, it gets pressed.

Very tricky in Colorado, the hash can be bone dry in less than 12 hours here.

Another note; I keep my pressed hash in glass jars, lined with parchment(lots of parch, packed like a gift) locked up in a dark cool place.

And break off a gram or so at a time to put into a smaller air tight jar for easier access to my hash stash.
Accidentally forgot to screw the lid back on my small piece..
The Hashish lost all humidity, and turned to crumbly wax in a matter of hours.
It is still nice, when I get that texture, I massage it into the weed and roll a big joint...

Off to space!
Anybody else love hash laced joints??
Soooo good for insomnia, or go a little lighter on the hash, great for watching a good movie, the joint lasts for a good while.


Well-Known Member
Wow bro,
You got some serious talent man.

You ever consider doing this professionally?
Considering how well it was done, leads me to believe your ARE doing it professionally though.haha

Again, WOW!
Edit: just saw that this IS your day job. Rock on bro!
Thanks again. Hopefully I'll see some of you guys at the SF Cup in a few weeks!

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
So what your saying is I should smoke it as quickly as possible. Got it, lol. Thanks Frenchy.

Next time will press as soon as it is dry-ish.
No you need to press when it is absolutely dry except if you are looking for the waxy texture like I do, it makes it easy to mix with flowers.
You do not have to smoke it as fast as possible, it most certainly needs to finish a cure but I can't say for sure about aging, never tried.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
The waxy texture is something that you can avoid easy if you dry long enough and Colo may be dry Sirdab but you have to let it go longer if you want to keep a sticky texture once pressed. The cause may happen and often does before the actual sieving, re-humidifying before trimming, trims left in plastic bag in full sun or in the trunk of a car on a hot day, etc. As long as I can say by trusting my taste bud and big nose there is no apparent loss but it would be interesting to lab test for details on terpenes profiles and if the resin act the same on whatever is left in its mass.


Well-Known Member
The waxy texture is something that you can avoid easy if you dry long enough and Colo may be dry Sirdab but you have to let it go longer if you want to keep a sticky texture once pressed. The cause may happen and often does before the actual sieving, re-humidifying before trimming, trims left in plastic bag in full sun or in the trunk of a car on a hot day, etc. As long as I can say by trusting my taste bud and big nose there is no apparent loss but it would be interesting to lab test for details on terpenes profiles and if the resin act the same on whatever is left in its mass.
Yes, I want to retain a sticky texture, when you say..
"Let it go longer"

Press more thoroughly, and cure / age longer?