desert dude
Well-Known Member
yeah, i think the taliban is not considered terrorists these days..
Oh, sweetie, don't get all dizzy trying to participate in the conversation with men. Go moisture your glowing skin.

yeah, i think the taliban is not considered terrorists these days..
Yep, Google is just awful. I get all googly eyed every time I look at their web site.
I'll listen the men who spent their days with him.
You know all the coolest websites, you irascible hobo.
His Commanding Officer probably has never once talked to him before. Probably didn't even know who he was before this all happened. Commanding officers do not fraternize with enlisted pukes.then why not tell everyone what his commanding officer said?
being a coward again?
then why not tell everyone what his commanding officer said?
being a coward again?
i was unaware of its existence until you posted their image and i traced it back to its source.
how is "taking back post at a time" going for you? are they helping you to defeat the anti-white, ant-christian persecution you face constantly?
His Commanding Officer probably has never once talked to him before. Probably didn't even know who he was before this all happened. Commanding officers do not fraternize with enlisted pukes.
Bergdahl maybe saw his commanding officer for 10 minutes a day. Period. Maybe you should learn something about our military before you makle stupid comments based solely on your time at What-A-Burger.
you guys should coordinate your lies before making them viewable to the public.
You have no clue about the military pecking order. You probably think Patton had breakfast with every man under his charge. Thank you for showing us exactly how fucking stupid you really are.
apparently, you and nodrama both have no idea how it works either, otherwise your stories wouldn't be so divergent.
go keep track of hispanic grocery purchases and urban welfare porch sitters, you cowardly racist.
Maybe you don't understand the word "maybe". What a fucking loser.
Seeing someone doesn't mean you talk to them does it?"maybe 10 minutes a day" and "never once talked to him" are pretty wildly divergent claims.
"maybe" you should coordinate your lies before making fools of yourselves.
Not only has buck admitted that he has never handled a firearm, he has also admitted he has absolutely no military experience whatsoever, not even a GI Joe Doll growing up. My Little Pony was all mommy would get him.Both are possible scenarios, but of course not one you would encounter at What-A-Burger. Some soldiers never meet their commamnding officer, othesr have sporadic contact, some monthly, some weekly. Just depends on the theater. But of course you have no idea about any of that. Before you comment on any post that involves the military, you should remember you have no clue about any of that. You've probably never even handled a firearm before. Loser. Liar.
Both are possible scenarios, but of course not one you would encounter at What-A-Burger. Some soldiers never meet their commamnding officer, othesr have sporadic contact, some monthly, some weekly. Just depends on the theater. But of course you have no idea about any of that. Before you comment on any post that involves the military, you should remember you have no clue about any of that. You've probably never even handled a firearm before. Loser. Liar.
So, basically '''WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"why are you such a cowardly pussy that you refuse to list what his CO said?