Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
As do I.. ;) I use Google only for research & getting certain places. I have recently been going incognito. ;) haha
okay you little shitass! ;) its on now brotha!!! ;) I learn best from pictures..just can't remember to google sometimes..I thought about it after I asked you. Stinker!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Easy version.. lol self explanatory ;) remeber when we use to learn how to read by looking at the pictures? ;) well here ya go... haha View attachment 3172138 View attachment 3172140 View attachment 3172142
Dont forget to try it with Cannabis cuttings on your old roots from harvested plants ;) . This is kind of what they do in the apple industry : grow a type of apple tree that grows strong fast and strong roots, then cut the stem and hijack entire rootsystem with appletree-type of your choice - BAM more yield from smaller trees. :) . Why they do this? Because the apples we like are not the bestgrowing apples in every place that man has decided to grow apples :) . works grat for cannabis too :) .


Well-Known Member
I have a shit ton of old strains saved up in the freezer to start splicing soon. cant WAIT!! Got the Pop's old Hubba Bubba in there. Now I would say that shit has the original BK in it somewhere along the lines (NO BS). Ive already made me up a (HOOD) cardboard box to have an area that's free of any contaminants. Hopefully I will be able to get a few to take. :) WISH me luck bro..
Dont forget to try it with Cannabis cuttings on your old roots from harvested plants ;) . This is kind of what they do in the apple industry : grow a type of apple tree that grows strong fast and strong roots, then cut the stem and hijack entire rootsystem with appletree-type of your choice - BAM more yield from smaller trees. :) . Why they do this? Because the apples we like are not the bestgrowing apples in every place that man has decided to grow apples :) . works grat for cannabis too :) .


Well-Known Member
I have the Marie's Sapphire (root system) still soaking in H20 right now.. I may just do this very thing ;)
epic niceness! :D

Still waiting for my Nepalma F2 and My Nepalma x Caramel Cough crosses to finish. It will be epic :) .
Grafting apples onto peaches huh? i heard it works, but never tried it myself :D . cool stuff ;;. Did you ever try to graft a cutting onto a rootstock to hijack it? its fun and works great ;) try it out :D .


Well-Known Member
sorry had stepped away to get some tea and found ants again. I just put out the Torro, they are coming in a crack of the window on the inside wall. Nice. Some caulk should fix that right up. ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok.. I understand all this. NOW.. Lets get down to the facts of things... One: Wonder if the (new strain( that's made from the grafting will have the same qualities that the Mother had being yield,structure,potency,node spacing,etc". However it turns out I plan on dusting whatever I come up with x's some (fem) pollen & work that out.. :)
Dont forget to try it with Cannabis cuttings on your old roots from harvested plants ;) . This is kind of what they do in the apple industry : grow a type of apple tree that grows strong fast and strong roots, then cut the stem and hijack entire rootsystem with appletree-type of your choice - BAM more yield from smaller trees. :) . Why they do this? Because the apples we like are not the bestgrowing apples in every place that man has decided to grow apples :) . works grat for cannabis too :) .


Well-Known Member
I have a shit ton of old strains saved up in the freezer to start splicing soon. cant WAIT!! Got the Pop's old Hubba Bubba in there. Now I would say that shit has the original BK in it somewhere along the lines (NO BS). Ive already made me up a (HOOD) cardboard box to have an area that's free of any contaminants. Hopefully I will be able to get a few to take. :) WISH me luck bro..


Well-Known Member
Bubba Kush.. Pop's told me back in the mid to early 90's that his Hubba Bubba (which went nameless 4 a good while), he also mentioned this strain. Malawi Gold mg.jpg

I was thinking about working with it further. Being I have a Bubba Kush going now, I was pondering the notion of crossing it back to the BK. The HBB that is.

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