Tied down a little too far :(


Well-Known Member
So I went to tie one I my girls down right now and the stem snapped clean in two right in the middle.. I taped the two pieces and tied it up with some hemp string to help the tape, you guys think the top half will be okay? And by clean in two, I could literally hold the plant in both hands lol


Depends on how clean your taping skills were and how fast you got that piece put back together.


Well-Known Member
Oh dude I had it back together in less than a minute, and I used electrical tape cause I'm skilled with it haha, it's a clean tape job with extra support from string


Well-Known Member
Depends on how clean your taping skills were and how fast you got that piece put back together.
exactly, i tossed plants out because i did similar things. but i think it will heal in time, growth rate will be slow until it recovers, i think the biggest problem here would be infestations and disease that kinda thing, just keep tape around it, keep it clean and everything should work out.


Well-Known Member
Alright, that's why I thought.. If I notice it start to die and look as if it won't recover I'll just treat it like I topped it 4 fat nodes deep and see what happens,
I guess only time will tell eh. Thanks for some encouragement guys!!


Well-Known Member
Alright, that's why I thought.. If I notice it start to die and look as if it won't recover I'll just treat it like I topped it 4 fat nodes deep and see what happens,
I guess only time will tell eh. Thanks for some encouragement guys!!
X3 best of luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
Okay so It was wilted to all hell so I decide to just pull the top half off and let her continue growing from there and hopefully it won't do too much stunting since it doesn't really have to heal