alright, if you insist on dragging this dumb shit over here, let's do it.
first of all, you are lying once again. please cite for me where i said that water vapor is not a greenhouse gas. if you can do this, i will quit RIU forever.
if you can't, you must put in your sig that you are a LYING asshole who lies.
secondly, you can't accept that CO2 stays around for long times and is only removed over hundreds and thousands of years through finite CO2 sinks, unlike water vapor which has no such property.
third, you have not even cited the study that red1966 got his claim from. the last time i had to track down one of his claims for him, turn out it came from a political blog (heritage foundation) that cited an easily debunked study funded by exxonmobil and the kock brothers.
please cite your study or shut the fuck up.