Are these mites?


Well-Known Member
So fellas! I noticed the concrete my pots are sitting on is crawling with these tiny red bugs! I even found them on my plants making what looks like tiny webs. They are even on my tiny new sprouts, along with my 12 day old sprouts. I'm kinda freaking out over here! What should I do? Will Neem kill these fuckers off if infact they are mites? I was considering getting some Purespray Green or Neem, maybe some Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew. Please help my friends!!! Also will this stuff be safe to spray on baby plants?006.JPG007.JPG 008.JPG 009.JPG 011.JPG 012.JPG 019.JPG
Yes they appear to be red spider mites, neem oil will work but be aware it is a contact spray meaning you have to make contact with the insect to kill it advantage is that it won't be absorbed by the plant just make sure you get a good coverage
Also if they are outdoors try not to spray on a hot day or at the hottest part of the day early morning or late afternoon is best, you can use a systematic spray to nuke them but your plant will asorbe it so wouldent recommend it
Also if they are outdoors try not to spray on a hot day or at the hottest part of the day early morning or late afternoon is best, you can use a systematic spray to nuke them but your plant will asorbe it so wouldent recommend it

Will do man! I plan on soaking them down tonight when the sun goes down. These bastards even bite me! leaving little red marks on my skin when I was picking them up..I never seen them in such abundance! They are literally all over the concrete and bricks around my pots....ugh!!!
Really? They look suspiciously like red spider mite especially if they are making small webs may be a similar insect?
Little shits well I'm sure either way your oil will work as long as contact is made hope it clears up and they leave your plants alone!!
Really? They look suspiciously like red spider mite especially if they are making small webs may be a similar insect?

I could be paranoid about the bites bc I was itching the shit out of my skin when I had my hand down on the brick trying to get a pic, they were crawling all on my hand so I was kind of vigorously itching away! Heres the damage they have caused so far. Also the holes were previously little white/yellow marks before actually forming a hole. I thought maybe they were some sort of Caterpillar or fly until I noticed all these little red chiggers around the ground and bricks. When I say they are EVERYWHERE I mean EVERYWHERE...just out of control on the ground. I may have to spray the concrete aswell. 027.JPG
Yeah they are sap sucking insects so they will suck all the chlorophyll and sugers out of the leaf then the effected area will yellow or grey and die it shouldn't kill the leaf enless extremely severe, leaf won't recover but will continue to collect light for you once you get some newer growth just remove damaged leaves if unsightly, yeah just nuke the little shits they spread like wildfire, once they are smothered by the oil it stops them from being able to break down food and they starve to death :-)
Yeah they are sap sucking insects so they will suck all the chlorophyll and sugers out of the leaf then the effected area will yellow or grey and die it shouldn't kill the leaf enless extremely severe, leaf won't recover but will continue to collect light for you once you get some newer growth just remove damaged leaves if unsightly, yeah just nuke the little shits they spread like wildfire, once they are smothered by the oil it stops them from being able to break down food and they starve to death :-)

Awesome! WIll the neem also kill the eggs? I put the leaves under my microscope and I see colony of eggs. These damn things are relenetless! However I am brewing up some ghost pepper juice to spray on the concrete, we'll see how they like that!
They do look like Chiggers for sure. I am not aware that they eat plants. They do eat my azz up for sure. I would say mites. Then again Chiggers might like the moisture.
Eggs are generally impenetrable you will have to wait till they hatch to kill them, if they arnt on your plant you can burn about the only thing that will kill an egg
Eggs are generally impenetrable you will have to wait till they hatch to kill them, if they arnt on your plant you can burn about the only thing that will kill an egg

Okay, damn so hopefully they hatch while the coating of neem is on and it kills them. I assume neem is safe for even small sprouts? Literally day old sprouts? I just moved the pots from the concrete to the deck and the damn deck even has these tiny red bugs! Ughhhh! They are all over the surfaces outside lol. No worries! I am sure pure ghost pepper juice will take care of them. Think about it! If they are extremely hot for us to eat, one would assume a bug would get fucked up by it...muahahaha! I just cant spray pure ghost pepper juice on my plants...or can I?
Neem oil is a naturally derived pesticide its from the seed of the neem tree its completly safe to use on your plants just not on a hot day as it can possibly burn, haha no don't go spraying chilli on your plants lol!! Is your ghost chill the Bhut jolika?? Iv grown them before and Trinidad scorpion, farrrkn hot chillis man you can burn your hands from just touching them apparently they have a new hybrid which is even hotter like 1.8million on the Scoville unit
Neem oil is a naturally derived pesticide its from the seed of the neem tree its completly safe to use on your plants just not on a hot day as it can possibly burn, haha no don't go spraying chilli on your plants lol!! Is your ghost chill the Bhut jolika?? Iv grown them before and Trinidad scorpion, farrrkn hot chillis man you can burn your hands from just touching them apparently they have a new hybrid which is even hotter like 1.8million on the Scoville unit

Yep the Bhut Jolika are the ghost peppers I have. I also have Carolina Reapers and Trinidad Moruga Reds :) I literally juiced a bunch of fresh Ghost peppers in my juicer. Of course I wore a respirator and eye protection. I then took the juice and put it in a spray bottle and WENT TO TOWN on the concrete and deck. I bet them damn chiggers and mites dont take too kind to that :) I am going to grab some neem today and apply tonight upon sun down. These damn things better not come inside and mess with my mushrooms, then wed have some serious problems!
Yep the Bhut Jolika are the ghost peppers I have. I also have Carolina Reapers and Trinidad Moruga Reds :) I literally juiced a bunch of fresh Ghost peppers in my juicer. Of course I wore a respirator and eye protection. I then took the juice and put it in a spray bottle and WENT TO TOWN on the concrete and deck. I bet them damn chiggers and mites dont take too kind to that :) I am going to grab some neem today and apply tonight upon sun down. These damn things better not come inside and mess with my mushrooms, then wed have some serious problems!
Haha hell yeah its some nasty shit I tried to make some capisum out of it doesn't turn out quite pure tho I don't think but even still farrrrrrk me!! Haha that will defiantly take care of em!! Sounds like you got it all going on dude!! Bit of a green thumb :-)
They look like mites but they look very big or you camera takes good pictures . If they web your plant they are surley mites.. Neem oil IMHO does not work very well. Keeps them at bay but the aventually take over. Nuke them bastards. Spray your yard with Malathion. Get some good mite spray. SNS or avid or floramite and been done fucking with them.
They look like mites but they look very big or you camera takes good pictures . If they web your plant they are surley mites.. Neem oil IMHO does not work very well. Keeps them at bay but the aventually take over. Nuke them bastards. Spray your yard with Malathion. Get some good mite spray. SNS or avid or floramite and been done fucking with them.
Malathion!! Jebus fkn Christ is that shit still legal!! Been banned where I live lol, any systematic spray like that works awesome but I wouldent be spraying anything like that anywhere near anything I'm smoking or eating, oils usually only won't work if not applied correctly a lot of people are under the conception that they will kill them if just sprayed on plant but u have to actually make contact with each insect to kill them. But keep on keeping on dude just be careful with the malathion haha ;-)
They look like mites but they look very big or you camera takes good pictures . If they web your plant they are surley mites.. Neem oil IMHO does not work very well. Keeps them at bay but the aventually take over. Nuke them bastards. Spray your yard with Malathion. Get some good mite spray. SNS or avid or floramite and been done fucking with them.
My neem and azamax does work....all season....
If they are mites they are some huge fucking supermites....I would just give them my plants as I don't want the to beat my ass...(they are not mites....mites look like

also "hey fellas" reminded me of's a really good show!