The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
mate its lemony, the mrs is picking the 4 week early chopprd stuff over the cured psycho exo and green crack, I rec at 9 weeks she will be ready but needs living organics not hydro to bring out her best.......imfo


Well-Known Member
what physco? oh the one i have and u havent? yeeeeh shes fine, in 11L pot now and under the MH directly, strangest shaping physco i ever seen but yeh shel do ust fine, and now i know my bubble works :)

sound slike u may hav stumbled on a ghs pheno of the slh, i refuse to belive its the same LAS cunt, sorry but the dude was so full of shit..................
if gary named the cut would have to be summert befitting a scot like, err the "commoners cut"

or sum shit
Ur just fuckin jealous cos chedz might have been honest with some folk and not with u lol, dry ur tears m8 lol. So what even if it was ghs, could be a good one, ur just dissin it cos it came of chedz.......get the fuckin psycho out!!



Well-Known Member
mate its lemony, the mrs is picking the 4 week early chopprd stuff over the cured psycho exo and green crack, I rec at 9 weeks she will be ready but needs living organics not hydro to bring out her best.......imfo
Fuck ur opinion lol, u ever tried hydro anyway zeddd?


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't care where its from which is why we renamed it, and are slightly fukin enamoured with it


Well-Known Member
I have never smoked anything like it for intensity of lemonene and its the only one I can smell in the flower room out smellin psycho exo and livers at week 4 and I ll be sendin hg a bud to compare when its done


Well-Known Member
I have never smoked anything like it for intensity of lemonene and its the only one I can smell in the flower room out smellin psycho exo and livers at week 4 and I ll be sendin hg a bud to compare when its done
Look forward to it, I'll send u a bit of mine if ye want....what about these psycho cuts? I'm I go in a have to wait on ic3 or what?


Well-Known Member
ok my belief (cba to reference anything) is that for cannabis to fully express its flavour it needs lots of trace elements, hydro nutes have about 15 ish? whereas my soil has over 80


Well-Known Member
no mate I like the organics idea and no what im doin, im not knockin hydro for the money side tho lol
M8 if I had time I'd love to fuck about with other shit, but hydro works for me, can produce good bud too not just all about the money, psychosis works in my setup, good bud and good yield that's why i want it back, no time does fuck


Well-Known Member
ok my belief (cba to reference anything) is that for cannabis to fully express its flavour it needs lots of trace elements, hydro nutes have about 15 ish? whereas my soil has over 80
Doesn't matter about belief or fuckin science, I see my hydro produce good bud so I'm happy.....folk round here droooll for my stuff when its about......fuck ur trace elements lol