what could cause so much stunted growth?


Active Member
Been battling with various problems on my larger plant, that i completely forgot about my little baby. The stretch you see is due to light distance, this was sorted within the first 2 days and the stretch stopped. Soil is just plain potting soil, organic, and obviously no nutes added. DSC_0851.JPG

Plant seemed to look good so far until i checked my grow log just now, and realised its 23 days old!

I cant see how it could be root bound, as its still very small.


Well-Known Member
Looks healthy to me. Probably just a late starter. Bigger pot now maybe...? Good luck!


Active Member
You only have a 20w cfl. Might want to add at least one more. Or ten more haha. Check PH. I had a few plants that didnt grow for a month because my ph was too low. When in doubt check PH.


Active Member
cant see the pic for some inexplicable reason but probably overwatering
I honestly dont think overwatering, if anything i am thinking i have not watered enough, i only watered it 3 times since sprouted.

Looks healthy to me. Probably just a late starter. Bigger pot now maybe...? Good luck!
Will repot in the morning, thx!
You only have a 20w cfl. Might want to add at least one more. Or ten more haha. Check PH. I had a few plants that didnt grow for a month because my ph was too low. When in doubt check PH.
I have more than 1 cfl in there, that was just the close up. Have 5 in total, which is probably still not enough. Soil PH is testing at 6.9, which i gather is fine?

Joe Buddens

Well-Known Member
I have a sprout that's two months old and its not even an inch tall, but it looks green and healthy! Soil, Ph, Temps, all good! All the other seedlings are growing Into massive plants. From what I've read it could be unluckily bad genetics. If it's that old and only that small, I would start over. I wouldn't risk all that time with a stunt plant.

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