I had posted a few pix a while back ago around week 3 - 4 I think. Been just busy. Thought I would throw in some new photos though. I am about flush them with the advanced nutrients final phase (which is now being discontinued and replaced with a better product....Final Finish is what I think he said the new one is called). Any how, I am pretty proud of my babies! I've helped a lot of family with their grow, but in dirt. This is my first grow and i'm doing it in hydro. Kinda exciting!!! lol, I have gotten to know that customer service guy at advanced nutrients pretty well! What a great help, btw! Love that place. Any how, in photo's you can kinda see my sativa (I only have 3 of those) - tsunami cannatonic, in the front and then all the indica plants in the back. I just wanted to state that because all the others in the back you can see they are defiantly indica and then I have a stringy in in the front - not the same type of plant as the others. It does look a bit more crowded than it really is but there is room
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