almost forgot to provide citation about the sydney institute, which again is a right wing political front group funded by phillip morris and shell.
it is not a scientific organization in any way whatsoever. it is a right wing political group.
so, giving a talk at the sydney institute makes Dr Salby a right wing shill?
who else are we not allowed to talk to, in order to maintain our ethical purity?
does being funded by lefty groups spoil our purity?
what about ties to radical eco-terror organizations like Earth First?
you love to "discredit" every contrary position based on specious assumptions, and vague accusations of ethical misconduct, but on your side, anything goes cuz their hearts are pure.
what "discredits" a scientist 9and by extension his research) in bucklefuckle land?
funding from other than leftist sources
disagreeing with bucky
making an argument bucky cant understand (ASU dropouts are now the arbiters of science)
any accusation, no matter how far fetched, of ethical lapse (provided you are not on bucky's side)
being hard to find when bucky uses his AOL search program from 1992
having a name bucky thinks is funny
being fat
being bald
not being wealthy (unless you agree with bucky)
being wealthy (if you disagree with bucky)
having ever read any of the books bucky has determined to be Heresy (including ayn rand, any "conservative author, ayn rand, any author who disagrees with bucky, ayn rand, anything on mathematics, chemistry, history, astronomy, physics or any other subject bucky is ignorant of)
so, now we must cite onoly data from Doctor Seuss, Harry Potter, Twilight and MSNBC.