(I'm kinda tired so I might put more details tomorrow)
My brother's friend stopped havingMDMA as soon as he found Sass.He went on and on about how the stuff was totally different than MDMA or MDA and how "natural" it was for quite a while.
The Sass looked like a light/brown powder with a kinda pink hue and it smells like Sassafras and a tad licorice'y
My brother claims that the effects are way smoother and quite a bit different than MDMA and more natural feeling too, his friend claims the same.
I was very skeptical about this "Sass" and after snorting some actual MDMA (for the first time ever, ugh) a couple days before I knew the taste well.
My brother and I ... borrowed some from him and after it was all measured there was a residue of the "sass" on the tray and I asked if I could lick it off and then I did.
Suddenly I stopped. Concentrated on the taste and then I really really got skeptical.
I stated my skepticism and a guy who was over who claimed to have made LSD in the past told me the process which I beleive until I saw the MDMA synthesis guide and it was almost exactly the same as what he told me.
Funny side note: He mentioned that he perfected extracting DMT and I held back but calmly told him that I was better at it than him and seeing my tek he agreed and asked me a bunch of questions. it was funny
Anyway, the effects I got from the Sass were the same as I get from MDMA or at least very close
I then went on a searching rampage and found some strong evidence that makes Sass being organic and simple-extracted from sassafras oil to produce this stuff seem unlikely if not impossible.
Sassafras oil contains mainly safrole and and also notable, cinnamolaurine plus a bunch of other junk
Safrole is hepatoxic and though debated, it's effects have been said to be mild MDMA-like to nothing at all.
Cinnamolaurine is suspected to be toxic and it's psychoactivity is unknown. More important to point out is that all of the alkaloids contained in the oil are a petty 0.2% cinnamolaurine being one nearly a dozen alkaloids.
(I am not describing the synthesis, only the chemicals that are produced during the quite complicated procedure using lots of reagents and junk)
During the synthesis to MDMA or MDA the safrole is isolated
It is then turned into isosafrole
isosafrole is not psychedelic and quite toxic
The isosafrole is turned into MDP2P
MDP2P which can cause a tan to brown color in MDMA or MDA with just 1% impurity (pure MDMA is white)
MDP2P is not psychedelic but it does smell like sassafras and a little licorice-y. Also no one would sell it as MDMA because it is worth much more than MDMA.
From there the MDP2P is turned into either MDA or MDMA. The only chemicals mentioned that have empathic psychedelic effects.
Some of the forum posts I read say "Sass" is more than likely just MDA with some MDP2P impurity
I suppose it could just as likely be MDMA with the same MDP2P impurity
I am a little tired so some of the info might be a little off but the whole point that it is total bullshit to state that "Sass" is a much more natural organic ecstasy
Cheers, Night night.
\ no chicken, i'm pretty sure sass is a nick name given to mda, which is what bugs the crap out of me about it.. sure, you can make mdma, and i'd imagine mda, from safroil, but it's hardly sass..Sasafrass is what your talking about ? ? ?
If so that stuff is tasty , but in my experiance totaly inactive , I have heard their are ways to activate it like DMT but have never tryed
If your on the east coast it grows wild all over
\ no chicken, i'm pretty sure sass is a nick name given to mda, which is what bugs the crap out of me about it.. sure, you can make mdma, and i'd imagine mda, from safroil, but it's hardly sass..
idk, imo calling mda sass is like calling meth batteries, since, well, you can use lithium batteries to make meth and all..
i too like md better ... i love how social and lovey mdma is vs mda, which ime, seems a bit on the trippier side of things, a bit more visual...Kids and their stupid names
In my opinion MDMA is far better than MDA, the mdma is much smover , less up's and downs and lasts slightly longer , Years ago most of the pills avaible were combo's of bolth thow
This ^idk, but something about that term, sass, omfg, it's like finger nails on a chalk board for me, ,kind of like calling weed dro, or crippy..
sorry, end of rant, that's all i got..
I realize this.umm,they call meth gack,weed dope,shrooms boomers..its just another term..and it was produced in the language far before the recent/current r.c. craze,most likely to give it an identity on the market(i got that Mda doesnt sound nice and marketable). ive heard of sass for over 20 years now....
idk, it just bugs the crap out of me for no reason at all, kinda like the terms krippy and dro, or kush if it's not really a kush..I don't know why people are so sensitive about what you call a drug....for instance I now call dmt jojobroham, just cause of this thread ..
sass..or mda.No offense but can somebody enlighten me on WTF we are even talking about?Besides that a dealer will always lie or give a boost to his own product for self gain....sorry im so retarded on this one![]()
Mellow drug of America always had a nice ring to meumm,they call meth gack,weed dope,shrooms boomers..its just another term..and it was produced in the language far before the recent/current r.c. craze,most likely to give it an identity on the market(i got that Mda doesnt sound nice and marketable). ive heard of sass for over 20 years now....